Author Archives: Jasmina Softic

A lot of things have happened
Hey long time no see, a lot has happened since the last time I worte here, I managed to UV and texture all of the assets, this includes the accessories for the critter, the background objects and the interactive objects.
Because we are aiming to build our game for the android device we had to keep the file texture sizes in mind and try to minimize them as much as possible, one way we did this was to put several objects […]

A lot of things have happened
Hey long time no see, a lot has happened since the last time I worte here, I managed to UV and texture all of the assets, this includes the accessories for the critter, the background objects and the interactive objects.
Because we are aiming to build our game for the android device we had to keep the file texture sizes in mind and try to minimize them as much as possible, one way we did this was to put several objects […]

Eye of the Critters
The eyes are one of the most important things used for communication. If our game is going to be about bonding with a cute little animals, the eyes are a must have in order to establish a connection.
While we know that this is a fact I will not lie, our original concept we did not want to add eyes as we wanted to be a bit more experimental and play around with the body language a bit more, but as […]

Eye of the Critters
The eyes are one of the most important things used for communication. If our game is going to be about bonding with a cute little animals, the eyes are a must have in order to establish a connection.
While we know that this is a fact I will not lie, our original concept we did not want to add eyes as we wanted to be a bit more experimental and play around with the body language a bit more, but as […]

UV;ing and Texturing the critters
Due to time constraints we had to downscale our original scope quite a bit, as of now we currently have one evolution line going from Egg → Baby → Juvenile → Adult. I have also added a few bones on the Adult version for things which the play may be able to add on the character later, but as of right now it is uncertain whether or not it will make it in to the GGC version as it is […]

UV;ing and Texturing the critters
Due to time constraints we had to downscale our original scope quite a bit, as of now we currently have one evolution line going from Egg → Baby → Juvenile → Adult. I have also added a few bones on the Adult version for things which the play may be able to add on the character later, but as of right now it is uncertain whether or not it will make it in to the GGC version as it is […]

Rigging and Skinning the Second Critter
Been a while!
Well this time I’m going to talk a bit about the second critter which I’ve ”lovingly” nicknamed Jabba the Hutt due to it’s uncanny resemblance… (not really but in my head they were)
This larvae state is the so called juvenile stage, the middle ground between a baby and the Adult version (the Adult version is the first one)
The general process was the same as the previous critter, used a cat rig, modified a preset to match our needs, […]

Rigging and Skinning the Second Critter
Been a while!
Well this time I’m going to talk a bit about the second critter which I’ve ”lovingly” nicknamed Jabba the Hutt due to it’s uncanny resemblance… (not really but in my head they were)
This larvae state is the so called juvenile stage, the middle ground between a baby and the Adult version (the Adult version is the first one)
The general process was the same as the previous critter, used a cat rig, modified a preset to match our needs, […]
Rigging the first critter
Hello again! This time I’ve mainly been working on the rig as well as clearing up some things with the styleguide.
For this project we decided to use 3ds max to create our 3d models as it is the software both of us in the graphics team have previously used. I am in charge of rigging and skinning the models and while this normally hasn’t been that big of an issue before there were some things I was cautious about, this […]
Rigging the first critter
Hello again! This time I’ve mainly been working on the rig as well as clearing up some things with the styleguide.
For this project we decided to use 3ds max to create our 3d models as it is the software both of us in the graphics team have previously used. I am in charge of rigging and skinning the models and while this normally hasn’t been that big of an issue before there were some things I was cautious about, this […]
Planning and Styleguide
Hi, my name is Jasmina Softic and I’m the lead artistfor the android game Crittercal Care (Working title). In the game you raise a small animal a critter so to say and you take care of it and watch it evolve, the game is also .
Me role as the lead artist means that I have to lead the other artists in our team, unfortunately we’re only two graphics students including me which means that we are quite understaffed. Well for […]
Planning and Styleguide
Hi, my name is Jasmina Softic and I’m the lead artistfor the android game Crittercal Care (Working title). In the game you raise a small animal a critter so to say and you take care of it and watch it evolve, the game is also .
Me role as the lead artist means that I have to lead the other artists in our team, unfortunately we’re only two graphics students including me which means that we are quite understaffed. Well for […]

Blog week 6: The Cutscenes
It’s getting real close now, finally time for the big finale tomorrow! Time to start crunching for real. This sprint we have mainly been cleaning up and fixing what’s left for the game as this is the last week. For me personally that means fixing the ending cutscene, or well cutscenes as we have two different variations.
In our game the player isn’t the one who dies when the timer runs out, it’s the younger brother who you’re trying to save. […]

Blog week 6: The Cutscenes
It’s getting real close now, finally time for the big finale tomorrow! Time to start crunching for real. This sprint we have mainly been cleaning up and fixing what’s left for the game as this is the last week. For me personally that means fixing the ending cutscene, or well cutscenes as we have two different variations.
In our game the player isn’t the one who dies when the timer runs out, it’s the younger brother who you’re trying to save. […]

Blog Week 5: Power Shot
Another week has flown past and it is now Thursday, that means a new blog post. The day of the final is closing in so fast! This week I have been working on the power shot arrow.
The power shot arrow is the sprite that our regular arrow (see the ”blog week 3: The arrow for more information about it) changes into when you pick up the power up aptly named ”power shot”. What the power shot does is fairly simple, […]

Blog Week 5: Power Shot
Another week has flown past and it is now Thursday, that means a new blog post. The day of the final is closing in so fast! This week I have been working on the power shot arrow.
The power shot arrow is the sprite that our regular arrow (see the ”blog week 3: The arrow for more information about it) changes into when you pick up the power up aptly named ”power shot”. What the power shot does is fairly simple, […]

Blog Week 4: Boss falls and arms
This sprint I’ve been working on the last of three attacks for the boss, three is always one of those perfect numbers. This artifact I guess is actually two different parts, but they’re a part of the same set so I’m going to count them as one.
The animation starts with the boss jumping up a bit and then bluntly put, falls on his bum. This indicates the attack is about to commence. The animation itself was actually pretty simple, I […]

Blog Week 4: Boss falls and arms
This sprint I’ve been working on the last of three attacks for the boss, three is always one of those perfect numbers. This artifact I guess is actually two different parts, but they’re a part of the same set so I’m going to count them as one.
The animation starts with the boss jumping up a bit and then bluntly put, falls on his bum. This indicates the attack is about to commence. The animation itself was actually pretty simple, I […]

Blog week 3: The Arrow
This week I’ve ben working on the projectile for our main character Camaron, this piece has gone through several iterations throughout the project.
We got feedback about the arrow during the Alpha testing, there Marcus told us that we needed to make the arrow more visible, he recommended that we just made it bigger. As we based most of ur sprites on ”the power of two” making it bigger would lead it to become a lot bigger, more so than we […]

Blog week 3: The Arrow
This week I’ve ben working on the projectile for our main character Camaron, this piece has gone through several iterations throughout the project.
We got feedback about the arrow during the Alpha testing, there Marcus told us that we needed to make the arrow more visible, he recommended that we just made it bigger. As we based most of ur sprites on ”the power of two” making it bigger would lead it to become a lot bigger, more so than we […]

Blog Week 2: Attack Animation
Recently I’ve been working on the boss’s attack animation, this proved to have quite a few challenges.
But first it might be better to give a brief explanation why the appearance of the boss has changed slightly compared to the one on last week’s post. It was pointed out that the styles clashed when comparing the sprites next to each other, this needed to be fixed so some time was lost when doing that as I had to remake the sprite […]

Blog Week 2: Attack Animation
Recently I’ve been working on the boss’s attack animation, this proved to have quite a few challenges.
But first it might be better to give a brief explanation why the appearance of the boss has changed slightly compared to the one on last week’s post. It was pointed out that the styles clashed when comparing the sprites next to each other, this needed to be fixed so some time was lost when doing that as I had to remake the sprite […]

Blog week 1 – Idle animation (Re-upload)
The artifact I’ve done is the idle animation for the boss. This animation was necessary because the player needed some sort of input that the game is still active and that the sprite has some sort of purpose other than just decoration. The game is typically an autoscroller until you reach the boss area, then the map will stop and you’ll see the boss there and it would feel awkward if the sprite was completely still which would disrupt the […]

Blog week 1 – Idle animation (Re-upload)
The artifact I’ve done is the idle animation for the boss. This animation was necessary because the player needed some sort of input that the game is still active and that the sprite has some sort of purpose other than just decoration. The game is typically an autoscroller until you reach the boss area, then the map will stop and you’ll see the boss there and it would feel awkward if the sprite was completely still which would disrupt the […]