Author Archives: Jan Plähn
Comment #6: Clement
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Hej Clement!
You provided a very informative and structured blog post describing the game you created, design decisions behind it and obstacles you came across. I also really like that you provided an introduction describing the game concept itself and a small conclusion. This creates a great framework for the reader to follow.I especially enjoyed that you showed a table with the initial Aesthetics described in the concept, to show which of these goals you achieved […]
Comment #6: Clement
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Hej Clement!
You provided a very informative and structured blog post describing the game you created, design decisions behind it and obstacles you came across. I also really like that you provided an introduction describing the game concept itself and a small conclusion. This creates a great framework for the reader to follow.I especially enjoyed that you showed a table with the initial Aesthetics described in the concept, to show which of these goals you achieved […]

Beelonging: A Postmortem
This post has been updated 21/05/2018
So we just finished our first Game called “Beelonging” (If you want, you can play it here). 10 Weeks ago
we picked a concept for a shoot em up game about a bee swarm saving its hive from the evil bear, fighting various insect enemies and now we are finally done making this vision come true and additionally changing a few design decisions and releasing our game.
Beelonging now […]

Beelonging: A Postmortem
This post has been updated 21/05/2018
So we just finished our first Game called “Beelonging” (If you want, you can play it here). 10 Weeks ago
we picked a concept for a shoot em up game about a bee swarm saving its hive from the evil bear, fighting various insect enemies and now we are finally done making this vision come true and additionally changing a few design decisions and releasing our game.
Beelonging now […]
Comment #5: Erik
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Hej Erik!
I think you provided a very structured and informative blog post, that describes how you conducted playtesting in your own group, not only during the playtesting workshops, but also within your group and online on a constant basis. (By the way, how the heck did you get the Unity web player working? I completely failed when attempting that.)I additionally like the introduction and the conclusion you give to your post, as it creates a […]
Comment #5: Erik
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Hej Erik!
I think you provided a very structured and informative blog post, that describes how you conducted playtesting in your own group, not only during the playtesting workshops, but also within your group and online on a constant basis. (By the way, how the heck did you get the Unity web player working? I completely failed when attempting that.)I additionally like the introduction and the conclusion you give to your post, as it creates a […]

Being prepared
As this is my second blog post on the topic of play testing, I will rather focus on preparing for playtesting, than the value of playtesting itself. If you want to read about that instead, check out this post. When working on a game it is very important to be prepared for things as Alpha and Beta presentations, but also for events like playtesting sessions.
This was unfortunately not the case when we had our […]

Being prepared
As this is my second blog post on the topic of play testing, I will rather focus on preparing for playtesting, than the value of playtesting itself. If you want to read about that instead, check out this post. When working on a game it is very important to be prepared for things as Alpha and Beta presentations, but also for events like playtesting sessions.
This was unfortunately not the case when we had our […]
Comment #4: Oscar
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Hej Oscar!
I like that you provided a quite structured blog post describing not only the process of getting feedback and taking valuable information from it, but also how you personally felt about it and the obstacles you came across. With your introduction and conclusion you also create a good framework for your blog post, that the reader can easily follow.I also like, that your blog post takes on the issue on a design level, rather […]
Comment #4: Oscar
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Hej Oscar!
I like that you provided a quite structured blog post describing not only the process of getting feedback and taking valuable information from it, but also how you personally felt about it and the obstacles you came across. With your introduction and conclusion you also create a good framework for your blog post, that the reader can easily follow.I also like, that your blog post takes on the issue on a design level, rather […]

More Bees, Less Bugs
Even though we are creating a game about bees, wasps and beetles, I only want bugs to appear on screen and not in my code. Unfortunately, fixing bugs is a major part of your work as a programmer and can get extremely frustrating when you can not seem to find out what is wrong.Especially after the last playtesting session there were a lot of things that needed to be fixed. For some reason, our main character or his companions occasionally […]

More Bees, Less Bugs
Even though we are creating a game about bees, wasps and beetles, I only want bugs to appear on screen and not in my code. Unfortunately, fixing bugs is a major part of your work as a programmer and can get extremely frustrating when you can not seem to find out what is wrong.Especially after the last playtesting session there were a lot of things that needed to be fixed. For some reason, our main character or his companions occasionally […]
Comment #3: Karel
Link to Karel’s Blogpost!
“Hej hej!
You provided a structured and very informative blog post explaining scrum and handling priorities with MoSCoW. I really like that you describe both principles in great detail and connect them to your work on the shoot em up game. The introduction and conclusion you give also create a good framework for the reader to follow.
However, there are a lot of technical terms in your post that could be hard to understand for someone who […]
Comment #3: Karel
Link to Karel’s Blogpost!
“Hej hej!
You provided a structured and very informative blog post explaining scrum and handling priorities with MoSCoW. I really like that you describe both principles in great detail and connect them to your work on the shoot em up game. The introduction and conclusion you give also create a good framework for the reader to follow.
However, there are a lot of technical terms in your post that could be hard to understand for someone who […]

Mastering big projects with Scrum
Whenever you’re working on a big project with a group, you need some kind of plan to follow along. Wether you are working on an extensive homework, a garden project or as in our case a game, starting off without any plan will lead to nothing.
This is where Scrum comes into place. Scrum is an agile way of managing work and is widely used in software development and the games industry. The idea behind Scrum is that everybody knows what […]

Mastering big projects with Scrum
Whenever you’re working on a big project with a group, you need some kind of plan to follow along. Wether you are working on an extensive homework, a garden project or as in our case a game, starting off without any plan will lead to nothing.
This is where Scrum comes into place. Scrum is an agile way of managing work and is widely used in software development and the games industry. The idea behind Scrum is that everybody knows what […]

The importance of playtesting
Testing game play in the Unity editor
Recently I realized how important it is to play test your game. I always thought of play testing as a thing a developer has to do every once in a while, but did not take play testing and all of its facets too serious. However, a play testing session that we had at university on Monday proved me wrong.
I didn’t expect a lot from the play testing. We prepared a […]

The importance of playtesting
Testing game play in the Unity editor
Recently I realized how important it is to play test your game. I always thought of play testing as a thing a developer has to do every once in a while, but did not take play testing and all of its facets too serious. However, a play testing session that we had at university on Monday proved me wrong.
I didn’t expect a lot from the play testing. We prepared a […]

Programming a centered bee swarm
Finished version of the centered bee swarm following the player
The bee swarm in “Game of Beelonging” is one of the main parts of the game concept. Whilst playing the game, there is a bee swarm constantly chasing the player, helping you out when enemies come to close and assigning a new player on death of the main bee. The swarm is supposed to always be vertically centered in a compact swarm, even if one of the […]

Programming a centered bee swarm
Finished version of the centered bee swarm following the player
The bee swarm in “Game of Beelonging” is one of the main parts of the game concept. Whilst playing the game, there is a bee swarm constantly chasing the player, helping you out when enemies come to close and assigning a new player on death of the main bee. The swarm is supposed to always be vertically centered in a compact swarm, even if one of the […]