Author Archives: Jad El Masri
Blog Comment 6
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My comment:
Your blog was enjoyable to read although a bit lacking in details. You talk about why you and your team are happy with the results and reference the last playtest and the positive feedback that you got, but I would like to know if there was anything you guys were not satisfied about and if there is something that the testers did not like because you only mentioned the good feedback you got, and that […]
Blog Comment 6
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My comment:
Your blog was enjoyable to read although a bit lacking in details. You talk about why you and your team are happy with the results and reference the last playtest and the positive feedback that you got, but I would like to know if there was anything you guys were not satisfied about and if there is something that the testers did not like because you only mentioned the good feedback you got, and that […]

After 8 weeks of production, we have finally reached our goal. What started of as a design concept by team Bugbear is now reality. We chose their concept “Behemoth” because it was simple to make and left enough room for us to be creative and our own touch to it.
The end result of the game includes a Behemoth avatar with 4 shields that can be activated separately, and a cannon that can rotate over an angle as well as move […]

After 8 weeks of production, we have finally reached our goal. What started of as a design concept by team Bugbear is now reality. We chose their concept “Behemoth” because it was simple to make and left enough room for us to be creative and our own touch to it.
The end result of the game includes a Behemoth avatar with 4 shields that can be activated separately, and a cannon that can rotate over an angle as well as move […]
Blog Comment 5
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My comment:
The blog was very well written which made it fun to read. I liked that you explained what playtesting is and some of the different ways developers do playtesting, although you did not mention “alpha” playtesting which was something we went through and many different studios run for their games.
You explained why playtesting was important to developers and the development process in general really well, and in a way that main of us relate […]
Blog Comment 5
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My comment:
The blog was very well written which made it fun to read. I liked that you explained what playtesting is and some of the different ways developers do playtesting, although you did not mention “alpha” playtesting which was something we went through and many different studios run for their games.
You explained why playtesting was important to developers and the development process in general really well, and in a way that main of us relate […]

Play Testing
We got the chance to have our game play tested twice by our colleagues, once during the alpha phase of production and again during the beta phase, and during these play tests we had a survey for our testers to fill out where we asked them about the different aspects in our game like the different mechanics and controls, as well as the overall feel of the game.
Alpha play test:
During the alpha play test, we had our testers try out […]

Play Testing
We got the chance to have our game play tested twice by our colleagues, once during the alpha phase of production and again during the beta phase, and during these play tests we had a survey for our testers to fill out where we asked them about the different aspects in our game like the different mechanics and controls, as well as the overall feel of the game.
Alpha play test:
During the alpha play test, we had our testers try out […]
Blog 4 comment
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My comment:
The blog was really enjoyable to read, your writing style complemented the context really well in my opinion and makes me want to go read your previous entries. You do a good job at explaining what you worked on and the reason you made these design decisions referring back to the original concept document.
The technical explanation was also well put, it gave me a clear idea of what you did and how you did […]
Blog 4 comment
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My comment:
The blog was really enjoyable to read, your writing style complemented the context really well in my opinion and makes me want to go read your previous entries. You do a good job at explaining what you worked on and the reason you made these design decisions referring back to the original concept document.
The technical explanation was also well put, it gave me a clear idea of what you did and how you did […]

Adding Animations
This week most of my time was spent on adding animations to the different enemy types as well as the Behemoth Cannon to give the game more life and to also give some visual feedback to the player when he does certain actions or when certain things happen on screen.
In order to add an animation, I first get a sprite sheet from my artists that has each frame of that animation in an equally sized cell, I then […]

Adding Animations
This week most of my time was spent on adding animations to the different enemy types as well as the Behemoth Cannon to give the game more life and to also give some visual feedback to the player when he does certain actions or when certain things happen on screen.
In order to add an animation, I first get a sprite sheet from my artists that has each frame of that animation in an equally sized cell, I then […]
Blog 3 Comment
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My comment:
You do a very good job at explaining what scrum is and why it is used. You go into some very useful details about the scrum document and explain how it is divided and what each section is used for and why it is useful to the team members, and I like how you describe the different stages of a sprint. But seeing as how you go so much into explaining scrum, I would have […]
Blog 3 Comment
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My comment:
You do a very good job at explaining what scrum is and why it is used. You go into some very useful details about the scrum document and explain how it is divided and what each section is used for and why it is useful to the team members, and I like how you describe the different stages of a sprint. But seeing as how you go so much into explaining scrum, I would have […]
Blog 2 Comment
Blog Link:
My comment:
You clearly explain why you decided to work on the bee movement relating it to the feedback you got during the play testing and that the movement you had was just a placeholder. What and how the movement was changed was also explained pretty well, but I would have liked a more technical description of the movement system you made and a more detailed explanation of how it worked. Also I would have liked to know […]
Blog 2 Comment
Blog Link:
My comment:
You clearly explain why you decided to work on the bee movement relating it to the feedback you got during the play testing and that the movement you had was just a placeholder. What and how the movement was changed was also explained pretty well, but I would have liked a more technical description of the movement system you made and a more detailed explanation of how it worked. Also I would have liked to know […]

Working with Scrum
This week I am going to talk about how the scrum development framework has affected the development process of our game. Scrum is a development framework that is based on the agile manifesto which has a few core values and principles such as adjusting to change rather than following a concrete plan, and valuing the individual team members and the interaction between them over the working processes or the tools used as mentioned in the course book “Agile Game Development […]

Working with Scrum
This week I am going to talk about how the scrum development framework has affected the development process of our game. Scrum is a development framework that is based on the agile manifesto which has a few core values and principles such as adjusting to change rather than following a concrete plan, and valuing the individual team members and the interaction between them over the working processes or the tools used as mentioned in the course book “Agile Game Development […]

Enemy Spawn Controller
This week I worked on making an enemy spawn controller object which allows me to implement the different levels we want to have in our game, the levels being waves of enemies varying in size and in the types of enemies that spawn. Using this object I can spawn as many of each type of enemy as I want at different locations on the screen, but for the purpose of our game I only needed to make them spawn from the […]

Enemy Spawn Controller
This week I worked on making an enemy spawn controller object which allows me to implement the different levels we want to have in our game, the levels being waves of enemies varying in size and in the types of enemies that spawn. Using this object I can spawn as many of each type of enemy as I want at different locations on the screen, but for the purpose of our game I only needed to make them spawn from the […]

Working on Enemy type: Shooter
This week I worked on creating one of the enemy types we have in our game which is a shooter enemy. Some of the aesthetic goal successes for our game are feeling massive and mechanical while also not feeling invincible, so these enemies had to be agile, while also being easy to kill if it is hit.
The shooter spawns from the right side of the screen, then moves to a certain point on the screen towards the player, stops, shoots […]

Working on Enemy type: Shooter
This week I worked on creating one of the enemy types we have in our game which is a shooter enemy. Some of the aesthetic goal successes for our game are feeling massive and mechanical while also not feeling invincible, so these enemies had to be agile, while also being easy to kill if it is hit.
The shooter spawns from the right side of the screen, then moves to a certain point on the screen towards the player, stops, shoots […]