Author Archives: Herman Båtelsson

Long post including artifact.

This post will be both my log of yesterday and today as well as my artifact post for this week so please excuse me if it’s a bit long.
First of all, the log. 
Tuesday i started by altering the interaction method slightly by making it run it’s own method including a relevant object and performing the necessary things depending on the object type.
I then started work on items for the game which is what I’ve been doing for most of these […]

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Program: Programming

Long post including artifact.

This post will be both my log of yesterday and today as well as my artifact post for this week so please excuse me if it’s a bit long.
First of all, the log. 
Tuesday i started by altering the interaction method slightly by making it run it’s own method including a relevant object and performing the necessary things depending on the object type.
I then started work on items for the game which is what I’ve been doing for most of these […]

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Program: Programming

Today was a good day.

Now that we’re through the alpha(to the surprise of some) and Olvier(and Leonard) have returned to active work we were able to get a good day’s work today. In the morning we had ourselves a look at the deadlines on the Backlog in the scrum document. there was some adjustment but we should be able to get a lot of stuff done before the pre-Beta on May 6(Thursday next week!).
After the morning meeting us programmers was able to work almost undisturbed […]

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Program: Programming

Today was a good day.

Now that we’re through the alpha(to the surprise of some) and Olvier(and Leonard) have returned to active work we were able to get a good day’s work today. In the morning we had ourselves a look at the deadlines on the Backlog in the scrum document. there was some adjustment but we should be able to get a lot of stuff done before the pre-Beta on May 6(Thursday next week!).
After the morning meeting us programmers was able to work almost undisturbed […]

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Program: Programming


Okay her’es the rundown of the last 20 hours or so.
Thursday i worked most of the day on the CollisionManager and we planned to work all night with finishing the alpha. Oliver came back around 5 or so and took charge or the coding. During the night i did some more collision work as well as adding the noise circles for the player. Before i left i also created an attack functionality for the player and made it functional by […]

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Program: Programming


Okay her’es the rundown of the last 20 hours or so.
Thursday i worked most of the day on the CollisionManager and we planned to work all night with finishing the alpha. Oliver came back around 5 or so and took charge or the coding. During the night i did some more collision work as well as adding the noise circles for the player. Before i left i also created an attack functionality for the player and made it functional by […]

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Program: Programming

Artifact post 2: CollisionManager

This week i have added a collision manager class to the game, it has been the largest artifact I’ve done and is therefore the subject of this week’s Artifact post.
This Collision manager alters slightly from the original one which had to be replaced as the implementation and function was changed after Oliver’s advice. The original manager (mentioned in the previous post) was to be used in the Level.update method and handled not only the detection of collisions but also the […]

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Program: Programming

Artifact post 2: CollisionManager

This week i have added a collision manager class to the game, it has been the largest artifact I’ve done and is therefore the subject of this week’s Artifact post.
This Collision manager alters slightly from the original one which had to be replaced as the implementation and function was changed after Oliver’s advice. The original manager (mentioned in the previous post) was to be used in the Level.update method and handled not only the detection of collisions but also the […]

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Program: Programming

Bad day(sort of)

It got a bit late last night so i decided to write the blog post today instead. 
Yesterday i worked alone adding an attack method for the player which depended which weapon the player had equipped at the current time, i had limited success and decided i should wait until the collisions and items had been implemented before doing it. 
During the afternoon i worked on re-implementing the collision between player-Guard and player-Exit, i did this by moving them from the Engine […]

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Program: Programming

Bad day(sort of)

It got a bit late last night so i decided to write the blog post today instead. 
Yesterday i worked alone adding an attack method for the player which depended which weapon the player had equipped at the current time, i had limited success and decided i should wait until the collisions and items had been implemented before doing it. 
During the afternoon i worked on re-implementing the collision between player-Guard and player-Exit, i did this by moving them from the Engine […]

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Program: Programming

The Lonely Programmer

Leonard was still sick today and i haven’t heard from Oliver all day so I’ve been working alone.
In the morning i went to to the classroom early even though i knew the class wasn’t until the afternoon(totally) and worked on the collision. I was writhing the logical parts needed to fill up the code template Leonard found during the weekend but never managed to finish. The parts that take the player’s position plus/minus height/2 and compares it to the other […]

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Program: Programming

The Lonely Programmer

Leonard was still sick today and i haven’t heard from Oliver all day so I’ve been working alone.
In the morning i went to to the classroom early even though i knew the class wasn’t until the afternoon(totally) and worked on the collision. I was writhing the logical parts needed to fill up the code template Leonard found during the weekend but never managed to finish. The parts that take the player’s position plus/minus height/2 and compares it to the other […]

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Program: Programming

Everything went better than expected

This weekend was annoying, not being able to contact Oliver or Leo most of the time really bottlenecked my work and i didn’t get nearly everything i wanted done. During the weekend i worked on getting the right sprites into the game, making the hiding function working again and i also made the guards return to their initial position(almost) when losing sight of the player. During the Sunday evening Leo placed out objects and guards in order to make a […]

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Program: Programming

Everything went better than expected

This weekend was annoying, not being able to contact Oliver or Leo most of the time really bottlenecked my work and i didn’t get nearly everything i wanted done. During the weekend i worked on getting the right sprites into the game, making the hiding function working again and i also made the guards return to their initial position(almost) when losing sight of the player. During the Sunday evening Leo placed out objects and guards in order to make a […]

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Program: Programming

Not much progress today, with Olvier gone I had a hard time understanding his code properly while also making me reluctant to make any big changes as i don’t know what he is planning to do. I added a guard into the level loader and set it to update the same way the normally added guards was but i just could not get it to work. I also don’t quite understand the objects he have set to load from the […]

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Program: Programming

Not much progress today, with Olvier gone I had a hard time understanding his code properly while also making me reluctant to make any big changes as i don’t know what he is planning to do. I added a guard into the level loader and set it to update the same way the normally added guards was but i just could not get it to work. I also don’t quite understand the objects he have set to load from the […]

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Program: Programming


I would have done a blog post when i got home last night but it was past eleven so i figured i’d do it today.
Yesterday we had a seminar about genus through history on which i did coding and wrote my weekly blog post, during the afternoon i has second thoughts about going to the worskshop but in the end i did it anyways, might as well as Leo couldn’t make it to school until right after it ended. We spent […]

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Program: Programming


I would have done a blog post when i got home last night but it was past eleven so i figured i’d do it today.
Yesterday we had a seminar about genus through history on which i did coding and wrote my weekly blog post, during the afternoon i has second thoughts about going to the worskshop but in the end i did it anyways, might as well as Leo couldn’t make it to school until right after it ended. We spent […]

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Program: Programming

Artifact Blogpost

I will be talking about an artifact I’ve worked on this week. I’ve been working on a functionality for hiding, it has been delayed by several things. At first i was starting work on the guards until i checked my phone and saw that Oliver had already started doing that so that’s two hours down the drain. Then Git stopped working and delayed me for another three hours. Eventually i was able to do actual work on it however. First […]

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Program: Programming

Artifact Blogpost

I will be talking about an artifact I’ve worked on this week. I’ve been working on a functionality for hiding, it has been delayed by several things. At first i was starting work on the guards until i checked my phone and saw that Oliver had already started doing that so that’s two hours down the drain. Then Git stopped working and delayed me for another three hours. Eventually i was able to do actual work on it however. First […]

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Program: Programming

Everything sucks.

Today we had a meeting with Andreas for supervision on our coding, we discussed the different things we would need to do before our pre-alpha presentation this Thursday. He gave us some ideas on what we could cut before it and some pointers on easier ways of doing things.
After that it turned out that the class wasn’t until 1PM so we got down to F15 almost an hour delayed. When we got there i decided to sync up my project […]

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Program: Programming

Everything sucks.

Today we had a meeting with Andreas for supervision on our coding, we discussed the different things we would need to do before our pre-alpha presentation this Thursday. He gave us some ideas on what we could cut before it and some pointers on easier ways of doing things.
After that it turned out that the class wasn’t until 1PM so we got down to F15 almost an hour delayed. When we got there i decided to sync up my project […]

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Program: Programming

How am i supposed to get any work done with all this planning?!

Not much about Friday since i forgot and don’t really remember much other than that we had Andreas Miko stop by since we missed our meeting last Tuesday, i also finished the player’s rotation by mouse. I was also told that i should place the renderwindow pointer in the input manager rather than the player in case i needed something else to rotate by mouse. I’ll do that before the end of the project.
Today we worked on our sprint planning […]

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Program: Programming

How am i supposed to get any work done with all this planning?!

Not much about Friday since i forgot and don’t really remember much other than that we had Andreas Miko stop by since we missed our meeting last Tuesday, i also finished the player’s rotation by mouse. I was also told that i should place the renderwindow pointer in the input manager rather than the player in case i needed something else to rotate by mouse. I’ll do that before the end of the project.
Today we worked on our sprint planning […]

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Program: Programming