Author Archives: Herman Båtelsson

Slow but good day

Today i continued work on my sprint, i now have player movement, sneaking and almost a working rotation by mouse. It was a slow day, i definetley think i could have worked better. 
I was delayed by having to re install Visual studio 2013 as my previous version was just a trial version. Wierd. 
Also there were only three of us in school today, and only one giving a reason for absence. We’re gonna have to talk abut this tomorrow.

February 06, 2014 / Comments Off on Slow but good day
Program: Programming

Slow but good day

Today i continued work on my sprint, i now have player movement, sneaking and almost a working rotation by mouse. It was a slow day, i definetley think i could have worked better. 
I was delayed by having to re install Visual studio 2013 as my previous version was just a trial version. Wierd. 
Also there were only three of us in school today, and only one giving a reason for absence. We’re gonna have to talk abut this tomorrow.

February 06, 2014 / Comments Off on Slow but good day
Program: Programming

Production and re-do.

We have started our first sprint and are now in production, this Monday we set up our sprint planning and started writing on our individual parts of the code. I remade the Hiding prototype and then went on to work with player movement for our alpha. I really should start writing each day because i can barley remember the lectures we had since this Monday. I feel like days are starting to float together. We missed our meeting with our […]

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Program: Programming

Production and re-do.

We have started our first sprint and are now in production, this Monday we set up our sprint planning and started writing on our individual parts of the code. I remade the Hiding prototype and then went on to work with player movement for our alpha. I really should start writing each day because i can barley remember the lectures we had since this Monday. I feel like days are starting to float together. We missed our meeting with our […]

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Program: Programming

Morning post to make up for Thu -Fre.

Forgot to make a blog post about Thursday and Friday so here’s a short summary.
Thursday we had two lectures and then went to F15 to work on our Scrum, Friday we had a short lecture in the morning and then went to finish our scrum planning, we had forgot to add deadlines to our backlog so we had to get that done before we could send it in. During the afternoon i was going to work with some SFML practice […]

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Program: Programming

Morning post to make up for Thu -Fre.

Forgot to make a blog post about Thursday and Friday so here’s a short summary.
Thursday we had two lectures and then went to F15 to work on our Scrum, Friday we had a short lecture in the morning and then went to finish our scrum planning, we had forgot to add deadlines to our backlog so we had to get that done before we could send it in. During the afternoon i was going to work with some SFML practice […]

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Program: Programming

Better work today

After it turned out that Everyone mysteriously forgot that Tommi obviously told us yesterday that there would be no seminar today and we went to work in F15. During the day we worked on our Scrum document and had a few design discussions regarding some unclear elements of the game not in the GDC yet. Partially because we had some complaints about the group dynamics and we’ll try to make sure everyone in the group has a voice in decisions […]

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Program: Programming

Better work today

After it turned out that Everyone mysteriously forgot that Tommi obviously told us yesterday that there would be no seminar today and we went to work in F15. During the day we worked on our Scrum document and had a few design discussions regarding some unclear elements of the game not in the GDC yet. Partially because we had some complaints about the group dynamics and we’ll try to make sure everyone in the group has a voice in decisions […]

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Program: Programming

SDL reintroduction

*one thousand words* There, now the rest is gravy.
Today we had an introduction to SDL with Tommi and learned how to implement SFML for a Visual Studio project, our group had already used it a bit for the prototype(Thanks Bolt) but i think Tommi’s method was slightly different. I saved a copy of the project at one point with the intention to use it as a starting point whenever i make a new project.
During the afternoon the group was separated […]

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Program: Programming

SDL reintroduction

*one thousand words* There, now the rest is gravy.
Today we had an introduction to SDL with Tommi and learned how to implement SFML for a Visual Studio project, our group had already used it a bit for the prototype(Thanks Bolt) but i think Tommi’s method was slightly different. I saved a copy of the project at one point with the intention to use it as a starting point whenever i make a new project.
During the afternoon the group was separated […]

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Program: Programming

Scrum day

I didn’t write anything about Thursday and Friday, worked on the hiding function prototype and the GDC those days, we also went through out GDC and synced up our work and made sure there weren’t any differences in our versions.
Today we had help by Lee to write our Scrum document and we spent most of the day writing on it albeit it didn’t quite get finished. I see the use of having everything that needs to be done for the […]

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Program: Programming

Scrum day

I didn’t write anything about Thursday and Friday, worked on the hiding function prototype and the GDC those days, we also went through out GDC and synced up our work and made sure there weren’t any differences in our versions.
Today we had help by Lee to write our Scrum document and we spent most of the day writing on it albeit it didn’t quite get finished. I see the use of having everything that needs to be done for the […]

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Program: Programming

Back to bi-daily posts

Had a few eventful couple of days since the last post.
First of all we turned in the Frogger project on Sunday evening and i was satisfied with it. I will stand to that even if i read this again in the future after realizing it was all crap. Later that night i also barley managed to sign up for the next couple of classes before the proper registration time was up. Not a huge deal but it’s always good to […]

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Program: Programming

Back to bi-daily posts

Had a few eventful couple of days since the last post.
First of all we turned in the Frogger project on Sunday evening and i was satisfied with it. I will stand to that even if i read this again in the future after realizing it was all crap. Later that night i also barley managed to sign up for the next couple of classes before the proper registration time was up. Not a huge deal but it’s always good to […]

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Program: Programming

Unexpected help

Today was a…productive day, more that i would have thought when rolling out of bet at 10AM.
Me and Martin met up in the Game room where we both worked on the last things we wanted to put in the game. I worked on getting the sprites in the game and as it turned out the sprites were drawing but at the top left corner due to me making the collider of the Particle’s Gameobject a nullpointer when declaring it.  Once […]

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Program: Programming

Unexpected help

Today was a…productive day, more that i would have thought when rolling out of bet at 10AM.
Me and Martin met up in the Game room where we both worked on the last things we wanted to put in the game. I worked on getting the sprites in the game and as it turned out the sprites were drawing but at the top left corner due to me making the collider of the Particle’s Gameobject a nullpointer when declaring it.  Once […]

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Program: Programming

Stupid blood sprites

Worked at home today during the entire afternoon and into the evening. I had a call with Martin during the last part of it which i really feel was helpful for productivity. 
Today’s work was to make five sprites appear around the player and move outwards in a random direction whenever the player died. Through much errors i found out that the objects are created but the sprites are not drawn for some reason. Even after i changed the spritesheet to […]

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Program: Programming

Stupid blood sprites

Worked at home today during the entire afternoon and into the evening. I had a call with Martin during the last part of it which i really feel was helpful for productivity. 
Today’s work was to make five sprites appear around the player and move outwards in a random direction whenever the player died. Through much errors i found out that the objects are created but the sprites are not drawn for some reason. Even after i changed the spritesheet to […]

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Program: Programming

Yes post today

So, to recapitulate on yestrurday’s work, I fixed the issue of not being able to switch between animations.  Now, i won’t say that i am fully able to differentiate all the different variables with “animation” and “current” in them but when creating the animation the first time i use this piece of code
void TurtleObject::AddAnimation(const std::string &name, AnimatedSprite *Sprite) { m_animations.insert(std::pair(name, Sprite));   if (m_sprite == nullptr) {     m_sprite = Sprite;     m_current_animation = Sprite;  }}
And when changing animations i used this […]

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Program: Programming

Yes post today

So, to recapitulate on yestrurday’s work, I fixed the issue of not being able to switch between animations.  Now, i won’t say that i am fully able to differentiate all the different variables with “animation” and “current” in them but when creating the animation the first time i use this piece of code
void TurtleObject::AddAnimation(const std::string &name, AnimatedSprite *Sprite) { m_animations.insert(std::pair(name, Sprite));   if (m_sprite == nullptr) {     m_sprite = Sprite;     m_current_animation = Sprite;  }}
And when changing animations i used this […]

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Program: Programming

No post today

I didn’t manage to make a post today due to a minor family emergency.
I’ll expand more on what i did today tomorrow but i did fix the issue i was having.

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Program: Programming

No post today

I didn’t manage to make a post today due to a minor family emergency.
I’ll expand more on what i did today tomorrow but i did fix the issue i was having.

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Program: Programming


First of all i got nothing done during the weekend.
Secondly, i ran into some issue with the animation for the turtle object. My idea was to give the object two AnimatedSprites and switch between them as the turtle went under water. For some reason the code straight out didn’t work. so i ended up trying to find the issue all day. I could have thought of another way to make the animations but i felt like i had most of […]

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Program: Programming


First of all i got nothing done during the weekend.
Secondly, i ran into some issue with the animation for the turtle object. My idea was to give the object two AnimatedSprites and switch between them as the turtle went under water. For some reason the code straight out didn’t work. so i ended up trying to find the issue all day. I could have thought of another way to make the animations but i felt like i had most of […]

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Program: Programming