Author Archives: Hangning Zhang
Blog comment #6 Jad Masri
So glad that you learnt a lot and created a wonderful game! Despite the hard time that you had during the process, the outcome indicated everything worth it. I would like to share something regarding the game since i played it. I I love the pixel art and the music, they really suits to each other. Especially the start menu, it instantly brought you into the game and it definitely impressed everyone. Also the game play, the game […]
Blog comment #6 Jad Masri
So glad that you learnt a lot and created a wonderful game! Despite the hard time that you had during the process, the outcome indicated everything worth it. I would like to share something regarding the game since i played it. I I love the pixel art and the music, they really suits to each other. Especially the start menu, it instantly brought you into the game and it definitely impressed everyone. Also the game play, the game […]

Finally, the end of the hunt.
This is the last blog post of the project and today is also the end of the project. We had a playing section for each group to present their game and I’m glad lots of participants loves our game. Especially good comment from the teacher: “Aetherial by Devuourer. Nice overall theming. From the start with the map and how you can see parts of the environment marked out that you will pass by later in the game. And of course […]

Finally, the end of the hunt.
This is the last blog post of the project and today is also the end of the project. We had a playing section for each group to present their game and I’m glad lots of participants loves our game. Especially good comment from the teacher: “Aetherial by Devuourer. Nice overall theming. From the start with the map and how you can see parts of the environment marked out that you will pass by later in the game. And of course […]
Blog comment #5 Merve Metinkol
Hello Merve! Thanks for introducing the process of your group’s play testing. It is a powerful tool and glad that you learned a lot and solved lots of potential problems. According to the out come, the game is quite balanced that people cannot beat it in their first attempt and played it for several times. You said the mechanics are understandable in a short time, not sure if you provided a tutorial level to explain things to player, […]
Blog comment #5 Merve Metinkol
Hello Merve! Thanks for introducing the process of your group’s play testing. It is a powerful tool and glad that you learned a lot and solved lots of potential problems. According to the out come, the game is quite balanced that people cannot beat it in their first attempt and played it for several times. You said the mechanics are understandable in a short time, not sure if you provided a tutorial level to explain things to player, […]
Blog comment #4 Timothée Engel
The blog is written in a clear order, you first explained the importance of the diverse sound feedback in game and the common solution for people is to change the pitch of the same sound asset. However, it’s still costly if create different pitches manually. Therefore, you introduced the usage of the AudioSource component and how to access it via script. It’s pretty smart to adjust the pitch combining the Random function and it’s the perfect solution to […]
Blog comment #4 Timothée Engel
The blog is written in a clear order, you first explained the importance of the diverse sound feedback in game and the common solution for people is to change the pitch of the same sound asset. However, it’s still costly if create different pitches manually. Therefore, you introduced the usage of the AudioSource component and how to access it via script. It’s pretty smart to adjust the pitch combining the Random function and it’s the perfect solution to […]
Blog comment #3 Sophie Ahlberg
The article is in a clear and neat first person perspective. The graph and the link also give me a clear vision of what Scrum is and how it works. In many points, I feel exact the same. At the first and second weeks I touch Scrum I also left ton of tasks and promises to the list which stressed me out during the following week. It teaches you to be responsible and contribute to the group. Unlike […]
Blog comment #3 Sophie Ahlberg
The article is in a clear and neat first person perspective. The graph and the link also give me a clear vision of what Scrum is and how it works. In many points, I feel exact the same. At the first and second weeks I touch Scrum I also left ton of tasks and promises to the list which stressed me out during the following week. It teaches you to be responsible and contribute to the group. Unlike […]
Blog comment #2 Samuel Karabetian
Hello Samuel! Thanks for the explanation of the obstacle spawner! The article wrote in a clear structure and told me details of what you did which would be easy for me to simulate. I love the inspector design you made! I have totally no idea how to modify the pattern of the inspector, though I modify the properties of GameObject there as well. It will be great to have a header and slider to make the architecture neat […]
Blog comment #2 Samuel Karabetian
Hello Samuel! Thanks for the explanation of the obstacle spawner! The article wrote in a clear structure and told me details of what you did which would be easy for me to simulate. I love the inspector design you made! I have totally no idea how to modify the pattern of the inspector, though I modify the properties of GameObject there as well. It will be great to have a header and slider to make the architecture neat […]
Blog comment #1 Wiktor Ravndal
According to the picture, i think it does creates a horrible atmosphere to me, especially the teeth and the point light from the eye. However, since the player are chasing by the fish, will it still see the rest of the body? The bloody body of the fish also reflects it’s a dangerous creature. It would be a pity if i can’t see the whole body because i die immediately when touching the mouth of the fish. Another […]
Blog comment #1 Wiktor Ravndal
According to the picture, i think it does creates a horrible atmosphere to me, especially the teeth and the point light from the eye. However, since the player are chasing by the fish, will it still see the rest of the body? The bloody body of the fish also reflects it’s a dangerous creature. It would be a pity if i can’t see the whole body because i die immediately when touching the mouth of the fish. Another […]

The best guidance: Play Testing
During the process of the project, we held two official playing testing session for each team’s game. One before the Alpha presentation, the other before Beta. I have to admit, we acquired lots of valuable feedback and settled decisions we may take plenty of time to decide.
The thing that been contributed most is the balancing of the game. As the team members, we were all way too familiar with the features of the game. We know very timing of using […]

The best guidance: Play Testing
During the process of the project, we held two official playing testing session for each team’s game. One before the Alpha presentation, the other before Beta. I have to admit, we acquired lots of valuable feedback and settled decisions we may take plenty of time to decide.
The thing that been contributed most is the balancing of the game. As the team members, we were all way too familiar with the features of the game. We know very timing of using […]

Boss behaviors in shooting game
This week I implemented the behaviors of the Boss in our game. Though we already have a draft about some basic ideas and patterns, we still encountered some detailed problem which made us to abandoned several previous thoughts.
In general, the boss is a giant fish with high health point and powerful attack. I divided boss behaviors to three parts. One is the entering state, after a player cleared the final wave of enemies the boss spawning logic triggered. It be […]

Boss behaviors in shooting game
This week I implemented the behaviors of the Boss in our game. Though we already have a draft about some basic ideas and patterns, we still encountered some detailed problem which made us to abandoned several previous thoughts.
In general, the boss is a giant fish with high health point and powerful attack. I divided boss behaviors to three parts. One is the entering state, after a player cleared the final wave of enemies the boss spawning logic triggered. It be […]

Review of the Scrum pattern
It has been five weeks since we start to follow the Scrum working pattern, I got fully used to it and realized a reliable project management will increase the efficiency and cooperation of the group to a large extend.
“The Scrum is a lightweight framework designed to help small, close-knit teams of people develop complex products. A scrum team typically consists of around seven people who work together in short, sustainable bursts of activity called sprints, with plenty of time for […]

Review of the Scrum pattern
It has been five weeks since we start to follow the Scrum working pattern, I got fully used to it and realized a reliable project management will increase the efficiency and cooperation of the group to a large extend.
“The Scrum is a lightweight framework designed to help small, close-knit teams of people develop complex products. A scrum team typically consists of around seven people who work together in short, sustainable bursts of activity called sprints, with plenty of time for […]

Level generator
For the level pattern in unity 2D games, i could generate all enemies before hand the moment the game started. However it requires lots of memory and becomes really hard to manage, even slows down your game if the level is too long. So we should generate each GameObject dynamically, it becomes easy to manage and change.
There are plenty of tutorials online of how to design a powerful level generator with all-rounded functions. What i did in the Aetherial project […]

Level generator
For the level pattern in unity 2D games, i could generate all enemies before hand the moment the game started. However it requires lots of memory and becomes really hard to manage, even slows down your game if the level is too long. So we should generate each GameObject dynamically, it becomes easy to manage and change.
There are plenty of tutorials online of how to design a powerful level generator with all-rounded functions. What i did in the Aetherial project […]

The basic movement in unity
When creating a 2D avatar based game on Unity, implementing the movement of the player is the first step. The moving style of player avatar is also an important mechanic. There are several kinds of pattern we tried for the game we are making.
The game concept we selected is Aestherial which you are controlling a pirate ship and fighting sky creatures. When came to the discussion of player movement, we were trying to simulate a feeling that you are flying […]

The basic movement in unity
When creating a 2D avatar based game on Unity, implementing the movement of the player is the first step. The moving style of player avatar is also an important mechanic. There are several kinds of pattern we tried for the game we are making.
The game concept we selected is Aestherial which you are controlling a pirate ship and fighting sky creatures. When came to the discussion of player movement, we were trying to simulate a feeling that you are flying […]