Author Archives: Hampus Serrestam

End of Project
This past course has been incredibly insightful and giving regarding the development process and execution regarding Game Design and today we concluded the work with the last playtesting session.
In the end the game turned out good. It was playable and delivered on time where we met all the criterias for a viable product and almost all of the teams expectations. The playtest gave us a great deal of answers to how well we had done over the weeks and how […]

End of Project
This past course has been incredibly insightful and giving regarding the development process and execution regarding Game Design and today we concluded the work with the last playtesting session.
In the end the game turned out good. It was playable and delivered on time where we met all the criterias for a viable product and almost all of the teams expectations. The playtest gave us a great deal of answers to how well we had done over the weeks and how […]
The Effects of Playtesting
Hi there people, playtesting is a great tool for improving the development process when making a game and I am here to tell you why.
Playtesting has bee very important for me and my group during the course of this project as it has given us invaluable information that can only be gathered through this kind of testing, namely the opinions of the end-users. As a part of the playtest we incorporated a survey for the players to fill out, rating […]
The Effects of Playtesting
Hi there people, playtesting is a great tool for improving the development process when making a game and I am here to tell you why.
Playtesting has bee very important for me and my group during the course of this project as it has given us invaluable information that can only be gathered through this kind of testing, namely the opinions of the end-users. As a part of the playtest we incorporated a survey for the players to fill out, rating […]

Time to make a Tutorial!
This week, my work has been dedicated towards creating a tutorial level for our game. It’s not part of our original level, but an optional level that the player can run if it’s the first time playing the game. All the instructions to controls, enemy behaviour, powerups and objectives isn’t necessarily restricted to only the tutorial, but it can help the player get a feeling for the actual gameplay.
The reason for me to choose this as my priority number one […]

Time to make a Tutorial!
This week, my work has been dedicated towards creating a tutorial level for our game. It’s not part of our original level, but an optional level that the player can run if it’s the first time playing the game. All the instructions to controls, enemy behaviour, powerups and objectives isn’t necessarily restricted to only the tutorial, but it can help the player get a feeling for the actual gameplay.
The reason for me to choose this as my priority number one […]
Blog Comment 3
Hi there Daniel.
Your blog post was informative, concrete and structured in a way which was easy to read and to understand. You describe which parts of scrum that has been of use to you and your team mates, how it has been applied/carried out by the group and why you used the template when working with the current project.
I particularly enjoy the part when you talk about the milestones present in the schedule regarding the game development process. The usage […]
Blog Comment 3
Hi there Daniel.
Your blog post was informative, concrete and structured in a way which was easy to read and to understand. You describe which parts of scrum that has been of use to you and your team mates, how it has been applied/carried out by the group and why you used the template when working with the current project.
I particularly enjoy the part when you talk about the milestones present in the schedule regarding the game development process. The usage […]
Blog Comment 2
A good blogpost with clear enough information to understand what you wanted to show, however there are some things that made me read some of the paragraphs more than once to understand the context.
You explain almost everything you write, as the reader would be a non-gamer in the terms of how you talk about scrum and the Alpha-Presenatation. On one hand this can be helpful if the intended reader is one with little to no experience within the gaming industry […]
Blog Comment 2
A good blogpost with clear enough information to understand what you wanted to show, however there are some things that made me read some of the paragraphs more than once to understand the context.
You explain almost everything you write, as the reader would be a non-gamer in the terms of how you talk about scrum and the Alpha-Presenatation. On one hand this can be helpful if the intended reader is one with little to no experience within the gaming industry […]
Blog Comment 1
I think it is explained to a highly comprehensive degree that the blogger has been working on the soundtrack of the game. The reasonings behind what and how is well-communicated, however there isn’t much reasoning behind the why of the picked artifact. The blog carries value, as it tells and demonstrates (with the soundtrack connected to it) the atmosphere of the game and describes two different zones planned for the game, a safe zone and a supposedly dangerous zone. There […]
Blog Comment 1
I think it is explained to a highly comprehensive degree that the blogger has been working on the soundtrack of the game. The reasonings behind what and how is well-communicated, however there isn’t much reasoning behind the why of the picked artifact. The blog carries value, as it tells and demonstrates (with the soundtrack connected to it) the atmosphere of the game and describes two different zones planned for the game, a safe zone and a supposedly dangerous zone. There […]

Developing Games with Scrum
Hi all! Today I will talk about Scrum, how it has affected our developing process and what it has done for my group over the period of time we have been using it.
Scrum has been an agile tool/method to use for me and my group, not to the extent that I would hope it would have been, but enough to notice that it has given us a clear structure on how a development process should look like. When I say […]

Developing Games with Scrum
Hi all! Today I will talk about Scrum, how it has affected our developing process and what it has done for my group over the period of time we have been using it.
Scrum has been an agile tool/method to use for me and my group, not to the extent that I would hope it would have been, but enough to notice that it has given us a clear structure on how a development process should look like. When I say […]

Play-Test Survey
This weeks task for me has been to analyse the data gathered from the play-test session that took place in the beginning of this week. The data was gathered from a survey that the testers would answer after they had tried out the gameplay, which listed questions regarding some of the aspects we wanted critiqued.
The survey included score ratings from 1 to 10 and some more elaborative questions where the player could describe the experience more individually and detailed.
Our scrum-master […]

Play-Test Survey
This weeks task for me has been to analyse the data gathered from the play-test session that took place in the beginning of this week. The data was gathered from a survey that the testers would answer after they had tried out the gameplay, which listed questions regarding some of the aspects we wanted critiqued.
The survey included score ratings from 1 to 10 and some more elaborative questions where the player could describe the experience more individually and detailed.
Our scrum-master […]

Level Design 02/08 -18
This week I have been working on the first basic level of our game. This includes trying to figure out an actual good design for how the map is going to look and learning how Tilemaps works in Unity. The majority of the time has been spent familiarizing myself with Tilemaps in order to get started with the level design, since I am completely new to the system. The level I have been working on is the first 30 seconds […]

Level Design 02/08 -18
This week I have been working on the first basic level of our game. This includes trying to figure out an actual good design for how the map is going to look and learning how Tilemaps works in Unity. The majority of the time has been spent familiarizing myself with Tilemaps in order to get started with the level design, since I am completely new to the system. The level I have been working on is the first 30 seconds […]