Author Archives: Harry Nordenfors

The Creative Process
Hello and welcome to the 5th and last blog post from this course, Game Design 2.
This time I’m going to give you a deeper look at my creative process. More specifically, I’m going to talk a bit more in detail about how I created this weeks asset: The King.
The King was designed to play a passive role in the game. However, in the original concept he plays the role as the last boss. But we had another idea. The encounter will […]

The Creative Process
Hello and welcome to the 5th and last blog post from this course, Game Design 2.
This time I’m going to give you a deeper look at my creative process. More specifically, I’m going to talk a bit more in detail about how I created this weeks asset: The King.
The King was designed to play a passive role in the game. However, in the original concept he plays the role as the last boss. But we had another idea. The encounter will […]

Iteration is Key
Greetings dear reader! I’m Harry and in this weeks post I’m going to talk about the key to all good design: iteration.
The artifact I have chosen to talk about this week is, as you can see in the featured picture, not an ordinary knight. I present to you The Kings Guard.
The Kings Guard is going to be the final encounter in our game and a so called boss-battle. He’s going to test the player on what he/she has learned throughout […]

Iteration is Key
Greetings dear reader! I’m Harry and in this weeks post I’m going to talk about the key to all good design: iteration.
The artifact I have chosen to talk about this week is, as you can see in the featured picture, not an ordinary knight. I present to you The Kings Guard.
The Kings Guard is going to be the final encounter in our game and a so called boss-battle. He’s going to test the player on what he/she has learned throughout […]

A Knight in the Night
Its time again for another blog post and this time I’m going to talk about yet another character creation. The time has come for the knight in not so shining armor to pick up his shield and sword and join the hunt for the witch.
The knight is a slow moving enemy with a shield that blocks attacks from the front. In comparison to the farmer enemy he cannot throw projectiles. Instead, he performs a sweeping attack in an arc in […]

A Knight in the Night
Its time again for another blog post and this time I’m going to talk about yet another character creation. The time has come for the knight in not so shining armor to pick up his shield and sword and join the hunt for the witch.
The knight is a slow moving enemy with a shield that blocks attacks from the front. In comparison to the farmer enemy he cannot throw projectiles. Instead, he performs a sweeping attack in an arc in […]

Designing and Animating the Enemy
When we created the farmer enemy, our team first had a quite extensive discussion about its design in the concept document and what about it we liked or disliked for our game. In the concept, the farmer had both a melee and a ranged attack. He had a pitchfork to attack the player with in close range and molotovs to throw at longer range as projectiles. personally I had nothing against the molotov projectiles. I thought it fitted the aesthetic […]

Designing and Animating the Enemy
When we created the farmer enemy, our team first had a quite extensive discussion about its design in the concept document and what about it we liked or disliked for our game. In the concept, the farmer had both a melee and a ranged attack. He had a pitchfork to attack the player with in close range and molotovs to throw at longer range as projectiles. personally I had nothing against the molotov projectiles. I thought it fitted the aesthetic […]

A Perspective on Perspective
As this is my first ever blog post I feel like a short honest summary of myself is in order, to give some perspective.
I am Harry, 21 years, born and raised on the outskirts of Uppland-Sweden. Introvert, perfectionist, gamer and soon to be artist. There, that’s about as concise as it gets. And now to the main event.
As a student in game design and graphics I get to draw a lot, and by a lot I mean A LOT. Ever since I […]

A Perspective on Perspective
As this is my first ever blog post I feel like a short honest summary of myself is in order, to give some perspective.
I am Harry, 21 years, born and raised on the outskirts of Uppland-Sweden. Introvert, perfectionist, gamer and soon to be artist. There, that’s about as concise as it gets. And now to the main event.
As a student in game design and graphics I get to draw a lot, and by a lot I mean A LOT. Ever since I […]