Author Archives: Hampus Bergström
Umibōzu – Post Mortem
My name is Hampus Bergström and I was the game designer for team Wendigo. For our course “Game Design 2: Game Development” here at the university we were instructed to create a 2D Shoot ‘em up game in small teams while working within the Scrum workflow. We had to choose a game concept that other students had come up with during our last course, we chose the game concept of Umibōzu. Umibōzu is a game set 18th century Japan were […]
Umibōzu – Post Mortem
My name is Hampus Bergström and I was the game designer for team Wendigo. For our course “Game Design 2: Game Development” here at the university we were instructed to create a 2D Shoot ‘em up game in small teams while working within the Scrum workflow. We had to choose a game concept that other students had come up with during our last course, we chose the game concept of Umibōzu. Umibōzu is a game set 18th century Japan were […]
Playtesting Umibōzu
Hello, I am Hampus Bergström, the game designer for the team Wendigo that works on the game Umibōzu. During our course “Game Design 2: game Development” and therefore during development of this game, we have had the chance to playtest our game with all other first year student in the game education. Having such a large number of testers to test our game has helped us a lot to see what to change in or game and more importantly, what […]
Playtesting Umibōzu
Hello, I am Hampus Bergström, the game designer for the team Wendigo that works on the game Umibōzu. During our course “Game Design 2: game Development” and therefore during development of this game, we have had the chance to playtest our game with all other first year student in the game education. Having such a large number of testers to test our game has helped us a lot to see what to change in or game and more importantly, what […]
Blog Comments For Game Design 2 #Feedback 4
Blog feedback 4
Tim Wergeni Johansson :
Hello Tim, Hampus Bergström here. First off, great work on explaining how the current map design works, its benefits for testing mechanics but also its problems when it comes to match your theme and aesthetic goal.
Overall it is a good post, but I also have some criticism. When reading on how you are going to design the new map you have me a little bit confused. You explain in your post that in the […]
Blog Comments For Game Design 2 #Feedback 4
Blog feedback 4
Tim Wergeni Johansson :
Hello Tim, Hampus Bergström here. First off, great work on explaining how the current map design works, its benefits for testing mechanics but also its problems when it comes to match your theme and aesthetic goal.
Overall it is a good post, but I also have some criticism. When reading on how you are going to design the new map you have me a little bit confused. You explain in your post that in the […]
One-page document
Hello, I am Hampus Bergström, the game designer for the team Wendigo that works on the game Umibōzu. For the last few weeks I have created and updated a one-page document for the team. The document contains explanations and images of every feature and asset in the main game mode of the game that is currently implemented in our development build or are soon to be implemented.
As we progressed further into development I noticed that not everyone could keep up […]
One-page document
Hello, I am Hampus Bergström, the game designer for the team Wendigo that works on the game Umibōzu. For the last few weeks I have created and updated a one-page document for the team. The document contains explanations and images of every feature and asset in the main game mode of the game that is currently implemented in our development build or are soon to be implemented.
As we progressed further into development I noticed that not everyone could keep up […]
Blog Comments For Game Design 2
Blog feedback 1
Jesper Bergman:
I liked the ending a lot, were you reflected on what went wrong on your part and how you could improve as designer in future projects. The text is a little hard to follow when you don’t first explain how the mist was supposed to work according to the concept document. Because you didn’t explain how it first worked I didn’t understand the difference between the mist and the darkness, to me they seemed to be […]
Blog Comments For Game Design 2
Blog feedback 1
Jesper Bergman:
I liked the ending a lot, were you reflected on what went wrong on your part and how you could improve as designer in future projects. The text is a little hard to follow when you don’t first explain how the mist was supposed to work according to the concept document. Because you didn’t explain how it first worked I didn’t understand the difference between the mist and the darkness, to me they seemed to be […]
Working with Scrum
Hello again, this is Hampus Bergström the game designer in team Wendigo that is currently working on the game Umibōzu. For this course we have been introduced to and are working in Scrum a subset of the agile framework. Scrum has helped us a lot with communication within the team, it is always clear what someone is working on and what is being worked on thanks to the daily stand-up meetings that are incorporated in Scrum. Without the meeting everyday […]
Working with Scrum
Hello again, this is Hampus Bergström the game designer in team Wendigo that is currently working on the game Umibōzu. For this course we have been introduced to and are working in Scrum a subset of the agile framework. Scrum has helped us a lot with communication within the team, it is always clear what someone is working on and what is being worked on thanks to the daily stand-up meetings that are incorporated in Scrum. Without the meeting everyday […]

Fog and Darkness system
Hello, I am Hampus Bergström, the game designer for the team Wendigo that works on the game Umibōzu. This week I have been redesigning how the fog system works within our game to help us in the team to solve the problem of creating levels and a sense of progression within our game. As our game is a vertically scrolling game that takes place on the open ocean and with randomly spawned enemies we had a hard time solving this […]

Fog and Darkness system
Hello, I am Hampus Bergström, the game designer for the team Wendigo that works on the game Umibōzu. This week I have been redesigning how the fog system works within our game to help us in the team to solve the problem of creating levels and a sense of progression within our game. As our game is a vertically scrolling game that takes place on the open ocean and with randomly spawned enemies we had a hard time solving this […]

Power-up systems and Repair kits
Hello, I am Hampus Bergström, the game designer for the team Wendigo that works on the game Umibōzu. This week I have redesigned how the health pack (called repair kit in our game) works and with that also changed how the whole power-up system works for the game as they are connected. Originally all power-ups and repair kits originated from the same asset, that of a crate. When the player collided with the crate it would either randomly give them […]

Power-up systems and Repair kits
Hello, I am Hampus Bergström, the game designer for the team Wendigo that works on the game Umibōzu. This week I have redesigned how the health pack (called repair kit in our game) works and with that also changed how the whole power-up system works for the game as they are connected. Originally all power-ups and repair kits originated from the same asset, that of a crate. When the player collided with the crate it would either randomly give them […]