Author Archives: Georgios Chatzoglakis

Day 10, Something looking like Arkanoid
I have been working since 06:00 in the morning both with programming and graphical things.I developed the CollisonManager some more so it can handle both ball and player collision.It still have some bugs like the ball getting stuck or bouncing in some strange ways. and it rarely push through the game border and gets away. I’m thinking of changing how the collision is handled for the border.I added a BrickObject class to keep track of the bricks. For example like […]

Day 10, Something looking like Arkanoid
I have been working since 06:00 in the morning both with programming and graphical things.I developed the CollisonManager some more so it can handle both ball and player collision.It still have some bugs like the ball getting stuck or bouncing in some strange ways. and it rarely push through the game border and gets away. I’m thinking of changing how the collision is handled for the border.I added a BrickObject class to keep track of the bricks. For example like […]

Day 9, New Year, Box Collision solved!
New year and new thoughts. I solved the collision problem we had! Hurrah!When collision was checked it checked all the objects in the ObjectManager including checking collision against PlayerObject vs PlayerObject. The Player sprite and collider is is 27 x 6 pixels so the 6 pixels wrong came from that somehow. When I took that out of the equation it worked perfectly! PlayerObject shouldn’t be able to collide with itself anyway.
I then rebuilt the whole Ball class we had so […]

Day 9, New Year, Box Collision solved!
New year and new thoughts. I solved the collision problem we had! Hurrah!When collision was checked it checked all the objects in the ObjectManager including checking collision against PlayerObject vs PlayerObject. The Player sprite and collider is is 27 x 6 pixels so the 6 pixels wrong came from that somehow. When I took that out of the equation it worked perfectly! PlayerObject shouldn’t be able to collide with itself anyway.
I then rebuilt the whole Ball class we had so […]
Day 8, Collision is making my head explode
I have added a PlayerObject class so I can finally move around my bar/pad (felt really good) but as soon as I implemented collision with the Playerobject it all went crazy.
I have been debugging for hours to track down the little bugger and I have narrowed it down but I still can’t seem to find the problem.
For some reason my playerobject get an offset of 6 pixels(collision box of player compared to player position) and runs off up on the […]
Day 8, Collision is making my head explode
I have added a PlayerObject class so I can finally move around my bar/pad (felt really good) but as soon as I implemented collision with the Playerobject it all went crazy.
I have been debugging for hours to track down the little bugger and I have narrowed it down but I still can’t seem to find the problem.
For some reason my playerobject get an offset of 6 pixels(collision box of player compared to player position) and runs off up on the […]

Day 7, Day before Christmas
I managed to get a little work done. I made a basic level class that is used to draw the level in the GameState. I played around with sprites as well and added fullscreen as soon as you enter the gamestate.Here is a screen of what we got so far.
It’s nice to get a visual of all the code done so far. Sure it’s not a game yet but it’s a start.Now its time for some […]

Day 7, Day before Christmas
I managed to get a little work done. I made a basic level class that is used to draw the level in the GameState. I played around with sprites as well and added fullscreen as soon as you enter the gamestate.Here is a screen of what we got so far.
It’s nice to get a visual of all the code done so far. Sure it’s not a game yet but it’s a start.Now its time for some […]
Day 6
I have now made an InputManager and a GameObject Manager, I’m not sure I have constructed and implemented them the right way but it kind of works right now. I have also played around with the States. Its hard to understand what goes where, for example. where do I put UpdateEvents? Should that go in the Engine class or should i write an UpdateEvent method for each GameState? Right now I put it in the InputManager in a method called […]
Day 6
I have now made an InputManager and a GameObject Manager, I’m not sure I have constructed and implemented them the right way but it kind of works right now. I have also played around with the States. Its hard to understand what goes where, for example. where do I put UpdateEvents? Should that go in the Engine class or should i write an UpdateEvent method for each GameState? Right now I put it in the InputManager in a method called […]
Day 5
I stayed home this morning to work on the project alone. I managed to understand the use of states and I made the frame for a virtual State class. I also made a MenuState class, GameState class and a StateManager class keeping track of it all. It felt good when i figured out how to implement it all. I’m not sure I’m doing it “the right way” but it works in its basic form but the classes still need much […]
Day 5
I stayed home this morning to work on the project alone. I managed to understand the use of states and I made the frame for a virtual State class. I also made a MenuState class, GameState class and a StateManager class keeping track of it all. It felt good when i figured out how to implement it all. I’m not sure I’m doing it “the right way” but it works in its basic form but the classes still need much […]
Day 4
Me and Stefan met after class to do some work. He had apparently done the vector class, input class and a pong version of a ball class already. The ball class might need some work to fit with the GameObjects class but its a start.
Today at class we learned about Inheritance, Polymorphism and how to handle different States using a StateManager. e.g. game states or AI-states. So that messed up a lot of how the program structure is built and […]
Day 4
Me and Stefan met after class to do some work. He had apparently done the vector class, input class and a pong version of a ball class already. The ball class might need some work to fit with the GameObjects class but its a start.
Today at class we learned about Inheritance, Polymorphism and how to handle different States using a StateManager. e.g. game states or AI-states. So that messed up a lot of how the program structure is built and […]
Day 3
I was supposed to meet Stefan today for some group work but he said he would come later then agreed upon so i chose to work from home instead of waiting for him at school. I added some classes to the project. I added a Gameobject class and I also added the vector class since it’s needed for the coming classes that needs to be built. Stefan was supposed to build that but since I haven’t heard from him on […]
Day 3
I was supposed to meet Stefan today for some group work but he said he would come later then agreed upon so i chose to work from home instead of waiting for him at school. I added some classes to the project. I added a Gameobject class and I also added the vector class since it’s needed for the coming classes that needs to be built. Stefan was supposed to build that but since I haven’t heard from him on […]
Day 2
We made a first version of the project plan as posted below and we started programming some. Me on the basic classes needed to load a sprite and Stefan on an input class to handle input from keyboard and mouse.
It felt good to get some plans down on paper even though they are far from complete. We will probably keep the plans dynamic because we don’t know what we will be able to implement. Some things might be scratched and […]
Day 2
We made a first version of the project plan as posted below and we started programming some. Me on the basic classes needed to load a sprite and Stefan on an input class to handle input from keyboard and mouse.
It felt good to get some plans down on paper even though they are far from complete. We will probably keep the plans dynamic because we don’t know what we will be able to implement. Some things might be scratched and […]
Project Plan
Project Plan
Project members: Georgios Chatzoglakis & Stefan Somo.
Goal: Make an Arkanoid clone before the end of the course using C++ and SDL:
Georgios is in charge of putting the parts of the program together while Stefan is in charge of creating classes that can be implemented into the main program. The aim is to implement all the basic features first to get a working prototype as fast as possible and with time left add more content to the game.
Week 1: (starting […]
Project Plan
Project Plan
Project members: Georgios Chatzoglakis & Stefan Somo.
Goal: Make an Arkanoid clone before the end of the course using C++ and SDL:
Georgios is in charge of putting the parts of the program together while Stefan is in charge of creating classes that can be implemented into the main program. The aim is to implement all the basic features first to get a working prototype as fast as possible and with time left add more content to the game.
Week 1: (starting […]
Day 1, My first game on the way!
Today I met with my groupmate Stefan for our final assignment in the course Game programming 1. We have to construct a game using C++ and SDL graphic library in about 5 weeks. Its scored depending on different elements included in the game such as animation, collision, visual effects etc.
We didn’t have much time for our first meeting so we tried to think of a game we want to make and are able to make in such a short time […]
Day 1, My first game on the way!
Today I met with my groupmate Stefan for our final assignment in the course Game programming 1. We have to construct a game using C++ and SDL graphic library in about 5 weeks. Its scored depending on different elements included in the game such as animation, collision, visual effects etc.
We didn’t have much time for our first meeting so we tried to think of a game we want to make and are able to make in such a short time […]
Switching to English.
Switching to English.
I will write the blog in English from now on. The education at Uppsala University Campus Gotland that I started this year want all students to have their own blogs.
Since I started this blog last year but stopped writing in it I thought now would be a good time to bring it back to life. (I might try to translate my Swedish posts later)
So what has happened since last year? Trying to learn how to make games after […]
Switching to English.
Switching to English.
I will write the blog in English from now on. The education at Uppsala University Campus Gotland that I started this year want all students to have their own blogs.
Since I started this blog last year but stopped writing in it I thought now would be a good time to bring it back to life. (I might try to translate my Swedish posts later)
So what has happened since last year? Trying to learn how to make games after […]