Author Archives: Georgios Chatzoglakis
Day 22
Ok so…I thought I was finished with programming for this project but nope, Thanks to my classmate Tomas that spotted that my collision for box vs circle was wrongly made I went through the code and found also that circle vs circle was wrong.I fixed circle vs circle fairly easy and I have the solution for box vs circle in my grasp but I just can’t get the offset to work on the ball after the collision has occured and […]
Day 22
Ok so…I thought I was finished with programming for this project but nope, Thanks to my classmate Tomas that spotted that my collision for box vs circle was wrongly made I went through the code and found also that circle vs circle was wrong.I fixed circle vs circle fairly easy and I have the solution for box vs circle in my grasp but I just can’t get the offset to work on the ball after the collision has occured and […]
Day 21
I have been working all day and all night. Its now 5 in the morning and I need to sleep some before school later today. 🙂Finally we have something that feels like a game!I added 10 levels to the game. I also added 3 more powerups with animation. So now you can get multiball, long pad, sticky pad and extra life. I polished the start screen little as well so it looks more “gamey” I added music and sound where […]
Day 21
I have been working all day and all night. Its now 5 in the morning and I need to sleep some before school later today. 🙂Finally we have something that feels like a game!I added 10 levels to the game. I also added 3 more powerups with animation. So now you can get multiball, long pad, sticky pad and extra life. I polished the start screen little as well so it looks more “gamey” I added music and sound where […]
Day 20
So, I managed to fix collision between box vs circle and circle vs circle. I added an ingame brick that is round and have a Circle Collider so when the Ball Object hit it the code call a funtion to check circle vs circle. I also added collision between the balls but that caused alot of strange collisions so i removed that.
I added the WinState that Stefan made after I done som modifications like adding some TTF text to it.I […]
Day 20
So, I managed to fix collision between box vs circle and circle vs circle. I added an ingame brick that is round and have a Circle Collider so when the Ball Object hit it the code call a funtion to check circle vs circle. I also added collision between the balls but that caused alot of strange collisions so i removed that.
I added the WinState that Stefan made after I done som modifications like adding some TTF text to it.I […]
Day 19 (or rather night)
I worked half the night last night with adding different kinds of collisions. We already have a simple Box vs Box Collision. I moved the code that checked overlap between the boxes from the BoxCollider class to a function in the CollisionManager. I then added a CircleCollision class that holds one X-Y position and a radius.I also added two functions in the CollisionManager to for check of overlap between circle vs circle and box vs circle. With all in place, […]
Day 19 (or rather night)
I worked half the night last night with adding different kinds of collisions. We already have a simple Box vs Box Collision. I moved the code that checked overlap between the boxes from the BoxCollider class to a function in the CollisionManager. I then added a CircleCollision class that holds one X-Y position and a radius.I also added two functions in the CollisionManager to for check of overlap between circle vs circle and box vs circle. With all in place, […]

Day 18, Particle effect!
I finally added a particle effect. I made a new class called ParticleObject and added some functions and a vector to the GameObjectManager to handle the Particles. one particle is a 2 x2 sprite and they are drawn out and move in different directions after the ball. They start as soon as the ball is fired away and follow the ball until it hit the first brick and then they get deleted after about 3 seconds. I struggled most of […]

Day 18, Particle effect!
I finally added a particle effect. I made a new class called ParticleObject and added some functions and a vector to the GameObjectManager to handle the Particles. one particle is a 2 x2 sprite and they are drawn out and move in different directions after the ball. They start as soon as the ball is fired away and follow the ball until it hit the first brick and then they get deleted after about 3 seconds. I struggled most of […]
Day 17,
Today I fixed a huge bug I managed to miss last night. The bug caused all kinds of strange collision behavoirs when more balls were added to the game. With one ball everything worked fine. With two balls everything moved sligtly faster. The player pad started vibrating when touching the wall and the balls increased in speed in a strange way. With three balls in play everything went haywire. Bolls bouncing all over the screen they even bounced outside the […]
Day 17,
Today I fixed a huge bug I managed to miss last night. The bug caused all kinds of strange collision behavoirs when more balls were added to the game. With one ball everything worked fine. With two balls everything moved sligtly faster. The player pad started vibrating when touching the wall and the balls increased in speed in a strange way. With three balls in play everything went haywire. Bolls bouncing all over the screen they even bounced outside the […]

Day 16, Animation in place!
Thanks to Stefan we got our Animation class. The class files was in our shared Dropbox when i woke up and ready to be implemented. I had to change in some other files to get it to work.I then added a ItemObject class that are the powerups you get. For now there is only one powerup and it gives you an extra ball. Original arkanoid gives you 2 new balls I think but I think we settle for 1 new […]

Day 16, Animation in place!
Thanks to Stefan we got our Animation class. The class files was in our shared Dropbox when i woke up and ready to be implemented. I had to change in some other files to get it to work.I then added a ItemObject class that are the powerups you get. For now there is only one powerup and it gives you an extra ball. Original arkanoid gives you 2 new balls I think but I think we settle for 1 new […]

Day 15, SCORE!!!!!
First I had some problem implementing sound. The soundeffects played for a while then stopped but with some help from Jerry (co-teacher) I think we nailed it down so it works for now. haven’t tested it too much.
And then….SCORE!! Yes after many hours of struggling i finally managed to nail it! We now got score in our game. If my way of doing it is the right way. I’m not sure??…..but it works!

Day 15, SCORE!!!!!
First I had some problem implementing sound. The soundeffects played for a while then stopped but with some help from Jerry (co-teacher) I think we nailed it down so it works for now. haven’t tested it too much.
And then….SCORE!! Yes after many hours of struggling i finally managed to nail it! We now got score in our game. If my way of doing it is the right way. I’m not sure??…..but it works!
Day 14,
I met with Stefan today as well, He finished up the sound/music classes and made the basic outline for the SoundManager and MusicManager. I will try to implement them to our project tomorrow.We agreed that Stefan should carry on work on either ball vs ball collision or the animation class.
I didn’t get much done. I worked some with adding TrueTypeFonts to the project so we can display score.I will continue work on the score and how to save and load […]
Day 14,
I met with Stefan today as well, He finished up the sound/music classes and made the basic outline for the SoundManager and MusicManager. I will try to implement them to our project tomorrow.We agreed that Stefan should carry on work on either ball vs ball collision or the animation class.
I didn’t get much done. I worked some with adding TrueTypeFonts to the project so we can display score.I will continue work on the score and how to save and load […]
Day 13,
I met with my partner for the first day in 3 weeks. We agreed that he should start with Music and Sound classes. And then move on to the Sound and MusicManagers together tomorrow when we meet again. I will continue work with text handling and the score system.
I didn’t get much programming done today. But I did alot of testing and little tweaking with the collision between ball and bricks. It works better now but i still have some […]
Day 13,
I met with my partner for the first day in 3 weeks. We agreed that he should start with Music and Sound classes. And then move on to the Sound and MusicManagers together tomorrow when we meet again. I will continue work with text handling and the score system.
I didn’t get much programming done today. But I did alot of testing and little tweaking with the collision between ball and bricks. It works better now but i still have some […]

Day 12, Some progress
I have left yesterdays mess behind me and today it went very well.I cleaned up some stuff from yesterday and added some new things.I added a ButtonObject class that will take care of objects that can be clicked with the mouse like Start/Quit buttons. I had to do some work on the InputManager as well to get it all to work.
So I worked on the StartState and added the buttons and functionallity.The buttons can be clicked but with no sound […]

Day 12, Some progress
I have left yesterdays mess behind me and today it went very well.I cleaned up some stuff from yesterday and added some new things.I added a ButtonObject class that will take care of objects that can be clicked with the mouse like Start/Quit buttons. I had to do some work on the InputManager as well to get it all to work.
So I worked on the StartState and added the buttons and functionallity.The buttons can be clicked but with no sound […]
Day 11, What a mess!
The day started out well. I got some brilliant ideas about the code layout to get everything in order with the GameObjectManager so it could handle all kinds of GameObjects even from derived classes.My plan was to put all my created GameObjects, PlayerObject, BallObject, BrickObject in my vector.I think I coded for 8 hours non stop, changing bascilly all code to a more dynamic way.I must have been delusional because i went way ahead of my skill level and […]
Day 11, What a mess!
The day started out well. I got some brilliant ideas about the code layout to get everything in order with the GameObjectManager so it could handle all kinds of GameObjects even from derived classes.My plan was to put all my created GameObjects, PlayerObject, BallObject, BrickObject in my vector.I think I coded for 8 hours non stop, changing bascilly all code to a more dynamic way.I must have been delusional because i went way ahead of my skill level and […]