Author Archives: Georgios Chatzoglakis

Small World – Analysis
Last week we were assigned to play and analyze a board game of our choice in the course, Advanced game design. My group chose Small world and here is my personal analysis of the game.
The game
Small world is a turn based strategy game where your goal is to collect coins by conquering and holding areas of a map. You get coins depending on a number of different things like how many provinces you hold and you […]

Small World – Analysis
Last week we were assigned to play and analyze a board game of our choice in the course, Advanced game design. My group chose Small world and here is my personal analysis of the game.
The game
Small world is a turn based strategy game where your goal is to collect coins by conquering and holding areas of a map. You get coins depending on a number of different things like how many provinces you hold and you […]

Project Aurora, post 10, (Blog Assignment 6) Lighting up the dark waters
One of the things I have done this week is adding plants that the player can light up using his fishingrod with the light bulb, like so:
First I thought about adding a special class for these types of plants called interactive objects but since they will differ so little from normal game objects I decided to keep them in the basic game object class for now, the biggest reason being […]

Project Aurora, post 10, (Blog Assignment 6) Lighting up the dark waters
One of the things I have done this week is adding plants that the player can light up using his fishingrod with the light bulb, like so:
First I thought about adding a special class for these types of plants called interactive objects but since they will differ so little from normal game objects I decided to keep them in the basic game object class for now, the biggest reason being […]

Project Aurora, post 9, (Blog Assignment 5) Darkness in the deep
In our game it gets darker the deeper you go in the ocean and I was tasked to implement this feature because I had already worked with the camera and the black filter that covers the view (see earlier posts).
My first thought was to implement this so the changes of opacity are only happening where the camera is but I started with asking my fellow group mates and class mates how they would go about doing this. All of them […]

Project Aurora, post 9, (Blog Assignment 5) Darkness in the deep
In our game it gets darker the deeper you go in the ocean and I was tasked to implement this feature because I had already worked with the camera and the black filter that covers the view (see earlier posts).
My first thought was to implement this so the changes of opacity are only happening where the camera is but I started with asking my fellow group mates and class mates how they would go about doing this. All of them […]

Project Aurora, post 8, Solving problems
Last week I still had problems with light circles overlapping so I booked a private time with my teacher Tommi to see if he could help me solve this problem. We sat down and I explained the problem to him. I wanted to get rid of the black border when two lightcircles overlap. (See picture)
He came up with a solution where I could try using sf::Image to manipulate the pixels to get rid of the borders. It […]

Project Aurora, post 8, Solving problems
Last week I still had problems with light circles overlapping so I booked a private time with my teacher Tommi to see if he could help me solve this problem. We sat down and I explained the problem to him. I wanted to get rid of the black border when two lightcircles overlap. (See picture)
He came up with a solution where I could try using sf::Image to manipulate the pixels to get rid of the borders. It […]

Project Aurora, post 7, (Blog Assignment 4) Camera problem
Ok, following up on previous post, I had a lot of problems getting the light circle to work as I wanted and all the problems basicly led back to how the view or camera of the game was updated and the position of everything. So this post will be about the camera and maybe some light circle stuff.
At first we didn’t have a camera class to handle the camera. We used SFML’s built in sf::view which handle what the player […]

Project Aurora, post 7, (Blog Assignment 4) Camera problem
Ok, following up on previous post, I had a lot of problems getting the light circle to work as I wanted and all the problems basicly led back to how the view or camera of the game was updated and the position of everything. So this post will be about the camera and maybe some light circle stuff.
At first we didn’t have a camera class to handle the camera. We used SFML’s built in sf::view which handle what the player […]

Project Aurora, post 6, (Blog Assignment 3) Light / Fog of war around the player
So the feature I have been working on this week is the light effect for our light bulb/Fishing rod that light up an area around the player.
This was something I never done before so first I broke down the problem to the basics.I need a black filter to make everything on screen black and I need to be able to cut through it somehow to show what’s under it.
So I draw out the filter as a sprite that covers the […]

Project Aurora, post 6, (Blog Assignment 3) Light / Fog of war around the player
So the feature I have been working on this week is the light effect for our light bulb/Fishing rod that light up an area around the player.
This was something I never done before so first I broke down the problem to the basics.I need a black filter to make everything on screen black and I need to be able to cut through it somehow to show what’s under it.
So I draw out the filter as a sprite that covers the […]

Project Aurora, post 5, (Blog Assignment 2)
This is my second blog post as part of the blog assignment we have in our class.Today I will go deeper into animations. Earlier we had it so animations could be loaded and played but only one type of animation and animations couldn’t be switched.
The player animations is loaded from a .png file then a sprite/picture is cut out using a rectangle in this case sf::intrect. This rectangle is then stored in a vector. So then I had a vector […]

Project Aurora, post 5, (Blog Assignment 2)
This is my second blog post as part of the blog assignment we have in our class.Today I will go deeper into animations. Earlier we had it so animations could be loaded and played but only one type of animation and animations couldn’t be switched.
The player animations is loaded from a .png file then a sprite/picture is cut out using a rectangle in this case sf::intrect. This rectangle is then stored in a vector. So then I had a vector […]

Project Aurora, post 4
Today our group met with our teacher Marcus for a pre-alpha screening and chat how things are going in the project. We didn’t get any negative feedback and he thought we were right on track….phew!After the meeting I went straight to work and now with some more fun stuff. Player mechanics!…I also moved alot of code though.
I started adding some methods for an attack/dash move on the player so it moves more fluently when attacking and not teleports from on […]

Project Aurora, post 4
Today our group met with our teacher Marcus for a pre-alpha screening and chat how things are going in the project. We didn’t get any negative feedback and he thought we were right on track….phew!After the meeting I went straight to work and now with some more fun stuff. Player mechanics!…I also moved alot of code though.
I started adding some methods for an attack/dash move on the player so it moves more fluently when attacking and not teleports from on […]

Project Aurora, post 3, Things are happening!
I have been doing alot of programming and no blogging so I will try to catch up now.
On last sunday I did alot of changes in the code. For better and worse.I moved all inputs checks from all GameStates handleInput functions and the core file to the InputManager’s UpdateEvent function that Oscar wrote. The group didn’t like it and moved it back the day after.I also changed how the draw function was called within the different states update function to […]

Project Aurora, post 3, Things are happening!
I have been doing alot of programming and no blogging so I will try to catch up now.
On last sunday I did alot of changes in the code. For better and worse.I moved all inputs checks from all GameStates handleInput functions and the core file to the InputManager’s UpdateEvent function that Oscar wrote. The group didn’t like it and moved it back the day after.I also changed how the draw function was called within the different states update function to […]

Project Aurora, post 2
So we have laid down some plans for the game which we based our SCRUM on but we haven’t finished the design document yet. This is causing some smaller problems. It’s been kind of hard to organize the programming of the game. Who will code what and when does it need to be finsihed and what does it need to have.
Result is that we have been doing some unnecessary things. I had to redo the whole GameObjectManager and the Sprite […]

Project Aurora, post 2
So we have laid down some plans for the game which we based our SCRUM on but we haven’t finished the design document yet. This is causing some smaller problems. It’s been kind of hard to organize the programming of the game. Who will code what and when does it need to be finsihed and what does it need to have.
Result is that we have been doing some unnecessary things. I had to redo the whole GameObjectManager and the Sprite […]
Project Aurora….something fishy
New game in the making!
In this project I’m working in a group with 3 graphic students and 3 programmers.For graphic we have Adam, Mikaela and Frida and for programmers we have me->Georgios, David, Oscar and Viktor.(I will try to link them to their blogs at a later time)
In this project we have to make everything!….from the design document working with SCRUM and making the actual game. The game is based on a concept document made by another group from […]
Project Aurora….something fishy
New game in the making!
In this project I’m working in a group with 3 graphic students and 3 programmers.For graphic we have Adam, Mikaela and Frida and for programmers we have me->Georgios, David, Oscar and Viktor.(I will try to link them to their blogs at a later time)
In this project we have to make everything!….from the design document working with SCRUM and making the actual game. The game is based on a concept document made by another group from […]

Day 23, Last Day!
Today I checked for memory leaks and I found six of them!!!! well actually it was more like two.
In one place I created a textobject and a sprite was created a few lines before that as well at the same time but not used or deleted.And the animated sprites caused a leak when i deleted them because i deleted the sprite from the parent class and not the animated sprite in the actual object. I had already made the function […]

Day 23, Last Day!
Today I checked for memory leaks and I found six of them!!!! well actually it was more like two.
In one place I created a textobject and a sprite was created a few lines before that as well at the same time but not used or deleted.And the animated sprites caused a leak when i deleted them because i deleted the sprite from the parent class and not the animated sprite in the actual object. I had already made the function […]