Author Archives: Gabriel Stoffel
Week 8- winnig , menu and losing screen
This week i was working on the winning , Menu and Loosing screen of the game.
I made a Winning screen which triggers as soon the one of the layers won the game.
If player one would win then the winning screen for player one would be visible on the screen. Same for player two. The player can chose inside of the winning screen if they want to retry the game or if they want to exit the game.
I used the same […]
Week 8- winnig , menu and losing screen
This week i was working on the winning , Menu and Loosing screen of the game.
I made a Winning screen which triggers as soon the one of the layers won the game.
If player one would win then the winning screen for player one would be visible on the screen. Same for player two. The player can chose inside of the winning screen if they want to retry the game or if they want to exit the game.
I used the same […]

Week 7 – Local multiplayer
We planed for our game to have a 1 vs 1 local multiplayer. That means that the player fights against another player on the same device.
But how to implement it ? In unreal engine it is accually really easy by using the blueprint system. The first thing i needed to do is to create a second player in the level blueprint. Because unreal engine is zero based i had to set the create player blueprint to zero where player one is […]

Week 7 – Local multiplayer
We planed for our game to have a 1 vs 1 local multiplayer. That means that the player fights against another player on the same device.
But how to implement it ? In unreal engine it is accually really easy by using the blueprint system. The first thing i needed to do is to create a second player in the level blueprint. Because unreal engine is zero based i had to set the create player blueprint to zero where player one is […]

The Wreck Deck – Damage System – Week 6
Today i am going to talk about the Damage system i have implementet in our game.
The plan was to give the sword wich the player is using for damaging the other player as soon they are in a boarding situation. I was working a lot with the blueprint system in unreal engine. Which is acctually a skripting language for devs. That means that you dont need to code everything it is a visual coding language.
The first thing i did to […]

The Wreck Deck – Damage System – Week 6
Today i am going to talk about the Damage system i have implementet in our game.
The plan was to give the sword wich the player is using for damaging the other player as soon they are in a boarding situation. I was working a lot with the blueprint system in unreal engine. Which is acctually a skripting language for devs. That means that you dont need to code everything it is a visual coding language.
The first thing i did to […]

The wreck deck – Real time Lightning
Iam going to talk about how i made the lightinig this week.
So as an programmer i had some clues how to get good lightning in the game but i was not sure. I startet to watch some turtorials and found a really good turtorial in youtube . The lightning academy for unreal on youtube helped me with a lot of problems i faced when i made the lightning. There are some tools in unreal which helps to get an more […]

The wreck deck – Real time Lightning
Iam going to talk about how i made the lightinig this week.
So as an programmer i had some clues how to get good lightning in the game but i was not sure. I startet to watch some turtorials and found a really good turtorial in youtube . The lightning academy for unreal on youtube helped me with a lot of problems i faced when i made the lightning. There are some tools in unreal which helps to get an more […]

Island Environment – week 4
For this week i was working on the Island Environment. The good thing is that it is pretty easy to work with that in unreal engine. All the assets that you can see in the screenshot are free and are availible on the internet. With the foilage tool the developer can add a lot of enviroment assets at once. I did not needed to handpick everything and place it inside of the engine.

Island Environment – week 4
For this week i was working on the Island Environment. The good thing is that it is pretty easy to work with that in unreal engine. All the assets that you can see in the screenshot are free and are availible on the internet. With the foilage tool the developer can add a lot of enviroment assets at once. I did not needed to handpick everything and place it inside of the engine.

Ocean Waves- week 3
today iam going to talk about how i was adding the ocean to our project The Wreck deck. I was working on the ocean when i reallized that we wanted to have ocean where things can float on. There are a lot of ways you could approuch this assignment. I startet researching some turtorials on youtube and on the internet.
I found a good one which could help me with my work i will add it in the end of this post. The gerstner […]

Ocean Waves- week 3
today iam going to talk about how i was adding the ocean to our project The Wreck deck. I was working on the ocean when i reallized that we wanted to have ocean where things can float on. There are a lot of ways you could approuch this assignment. I startet researching some turtorials on youtube and on the internet.
I found a good one which could help me with my work i will add it in the end of this post. The gerstner […]

5SD037-Big game Project week 2
my name is Gabriel Stoffel and i am the producer and lead tech of our current project named The wreck Deck. In the Wreck Deck two captains given the same copy of a treasure map find each other crossing paths and the only way to solve who gets to keep the “booty” (aka. Treasure) is to fight it out on the sea. Wreck Deck allows players to fight out their wildest pirate dreams and battle each other out on the […]

5SD037-Big game Project week 2
my name is Gabriel Stoffel and i am the producer and lead tech of our current project named The wreck Deck. In the Wreck Deck two captains given the same copy of a treasure map find each other crossing paths and the only way to solve who gets to keep the “booty” (aka. Treasure) is to fight it out on the sea. Wreck Deck allows players to fight out their wildest pirate dreams and battle each other out on the […]

Game??? OVER !!!
Today i am going to talk about a thing no gamer wants to see but it is a part of every game.Yes ,you guessed right it is the one screen nobody likes.Game Over. Congratulations you loose.
I implemented the game over screen for our game Planet Suburbia . Every thing went fine until i recognized two days before we have our final release of the game that you cannot loose. We have four Sectors , every one of them has like 10 life’s. When […]

Game??? OVER !!!
Today i am going to talk about a thing no gamer wants to see but it is a part of every game.Yes ,you guessed right it is the one screen nobody likes.Game Over. Congratulations you loose.
I implemented the game over screen for our game Planet Suburbia . Every thing went fine until i recognized two days before we have our final release of the game that you cannot loose. We have four Sectors , every one of them has like 10 life’s. When […]
today i am going to talk about what i have done since the last time i made an blog post.
So this week i worked on our pause menu. Yes, it is already implemented and it works.But here is the problem with it. Every time the player opens the pause menu all of our enemy’s which the player was playing against just disappear. And what happens next is more surreal the next wave of enemy’s spawns when you go back to […]
today i am going to talk about what i have done since the last time i made an blog post.
So this week i worked on our pause menu. Yes, it is already implemented and it works.But here is the problem with it. Every time the player opens the pause menu all of our enemy’s which the player was playing against just disappear. And what happens next is more surreal the next wave of enemy’s spawns when you go back to […]
Code Review group 18 …
The player header file includes different header files which gives the player ability to shot and the different power ups and couples the position . It is where they also create three objects which looks like their power ups.The player’s constractor and deconstructor is declared in the h. file too. It feels like they put everything inside the player h. file without any structure. I mean fr the different power ups i would make an extra class for it and […]
Code Review group 18 …
The player header file includes different header files which gives the player ability to shot and the different power ups and couples the position . It is where they also create three objects which looks like their power ups.The player’s constractor and deconstructor is declared in the h. file too. It feels like they put everything inside the player h. file without any structure. I mean fr the different power ups i would make an extra class for it and […]

Damage, Damage, Damage
today i am going to talk about what i did this week. So this week i had to fix a big thing in our project. It is the F##))¤=) damage state of our planet. So i went a little bit crazy because not everything wanted to work like i wanted to but in the end ”everything” worked out just fine. So at the start we had already our normal sprites that we implemented for our planet. Now when the aliens […]

Damage, Damage, Damage
today i am going to talk about what i did this week. So this week i had to fix a big thing in our project. It is the F##))¤=) damage state of our planet. So i went a little bit crazy because not everything wanted to work like i wanted to but in the end ”everything” worked out just fine. So at the start we had already our normal sprites that we implemented for our planet. Now when the aliens […]

Creating a NPC in programming Part 2
Hi ,
today i want to talk about how i had implemented our second character , the president, in our game ,planet suburbia.First off i am going to give you some information about him without spoiling our story for you.
Ronald Bronson Gump Jr.
President of Earth
The president will appear in the end of the game, to
give the player his/her final scoring.
That is our main function for our President right now.
Just i like i had to do it last week , i have to do […]

Creating a NPC in programming Part 2
Hi ,
today i want to talk about how i had implemented our second character , the president, in our game ,planet suburbia.First off i am going to give you some information about him without spoiling our story for you.
Ronald Bronson Gump Jr.
President of Earth
The president will appear in the end of the game, to
give the player his/her final scoring.
That is our main function for our President right now.
Just i like i had to do it last week , i have to do […]