Author Archives: Fredrik Nilsson

Polishing Animations
Good morning readers, last week I went through how to make an animation from start to finish. This post will build on from that post, therefore it might be a good idea to read my previous blog entry – Animating using Anima2D in Unity.
This week is the polishing of animations and implementing them into the game. Originally I had no prior knowledge how to actually make the animations from a technical perspective or how they affect each other. I asked my […]

Polishing Animations
Good morning readers, last week I went through how to make an animation from start to finish. This post will build on from that post, therefore it might be a good idea to read my previous blog entry – Animating using Anima2D in Unity.
This week is the polishing of animations and implementing them into the game. Originally I had no prior knowledge how to actually make the animations from a technical perspective or how they affect each other. I asked my […]

Animating using Anima2D in Unity.
Hello readers. I’m getting really bad with keeping promises from previous weeks. Last week I mentioned how to make a seemingless background, well that won’t happen this week! Instead… This post will be about how to add bones to 2D meshes and how the animation process is with the help of Anima2D(A Unity program found in the asset store).
As I just wrote, this week I have been rigging and animating our existing sprites to make them look more alive. I […]

Animating using Anima2D in Unity.
Hello readers. I’m getting really bad with keeping promises from previous weeks. Last week I mentioned how to make a seemingless background, well that won’t happen this week! Instead… This post will be about how to add bones to 2D meshes and how the animation process is with the help of Anima2D(A Unity program found in the asset store).
As I just wrote, this week I have been rigging and animating our existing sprites to make them look more alive. I […]

Fixing a glitchy background.
Hello readers(and Mikael), last week I wrote I was going to write about the sprint reviews but I decided not to. Instead I will write how I was working with tracking down, and smashing a bug that was occurring in our latest build.
After the second week we successfully implemented a scrolling background in the game. The scrolling background purpose is to feel like the background is always moving in a set direction. In this case we put two identical pictures on […]

Fixing a glitchy background.
Hello readers(and Mikael), last week I wrote I was going to write about the sprint reviews but I decided not to. Instead I will write how I was working with tracking down, and smashing a bug that was occurring in our latest build.
After the second week we successfully implemented a scrolling background in the game. The scrolling background purpose is to feel like the background is always moving in a set direction. In this case we put two identical pictures on […]

A week with SCRUM
Welcome to my second blogpost, this post will mainly focus on the management side of things. I’m going to explain how we are working with scrum, everything from how we plan each sprint and what is happening on a daily basis.
Monday – Sprint planning
The team usually gathers on Mondays to discuss what we want to achieve during the sprint. We look in the product backlog (which I wrote about in my previous post), in the backlog we have defined the sprint goals for […]

A week with SCRUM
Welcome to my second blogpost, this post will mainly focus on the management side of things. I’m going to explain how we are working with scrum, everything from how we plan each sprint and what is happening on a daily basis.
Monday – Sprint planning
The team usually gathers on Mondays to discuss what we want to achieve during the sprint. We look in the product backlog (which I wrote about in my previous post), in the backlog we have defined the sprint goals for […]

Filling in the SCRUM backlog.
The first week of the course we were assigned with the task to fill out a scrum template. A scrum template is a list of assets/artifacts which should be worked on in order to complete the project. Since I’m the project manager/producer of my group I took the responsibility of being in charge of making sure the product backlog was easy to understand as well as selecting a priority system. As this was our very first time applying scrum theory […]

Filling in the SCRUM backlog.
The first week of the course we were assigned with the task to fill out a scrum template. A scrum template is a list of assets/artifacts which should be worked on in order to complete the project. Since I’m the project manager/producer of my group I took the responsibility of being in charge of making sure the product backlog was easy to understand as well as selecting a priority system. As this was our very first time applying scrum theory […]