Author Archives: Flovin Michaelsen

About Flovin Michaelsen

2014  Programming

Projektiler och sådant

Jag tog på mig uppgiften att bygga torn och projektilklasser.
Till att börja med kan jag konstatera att jag till en början gapade efter för mycket. I fredags fick jag reda på att vi skulle visa upp något på måndagen, vilket ledde till en hel del panik och för lite sömn under helgen. I slutändan hann jag endå inte skriva klart dem.
Sedan kan jag också konstatera att man inte ska gapa efter för lite. Efter vårt möte på måndagen hade […]

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Program: Programming

Projektiler och sådant

Jag tog på mig uppgiften att bygga torn och projektilklasser.
Till att börja med kan jag konstatera att jag till en början gapade efter för mycket. I fredags fick jag reda på att vi skulle visa upp något på måndagen, vilket ledde till en hel del panik och för lite sömn under helgen. I slutändan hann jag endå inte skriva klart dem.
Sedan kan jag också konstatera att man inte ska gapa efter för lite. Efter vårt möte på måndagen hade […]

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Program: Programming

Halvfungerande 5 kort pokersimulator

Skiljer mellan poänghänder, men inte mellan olika valörer av samma typ av poänghand (förutom olika ”High cards”)
#include ”validate.h”
#include ”card.h”
#include ”deck.h”
#include ”hand.h”
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
Deck deck;
Card card;
Validate validate;
Hand playerOne;
Hand playerTwo;
int PlayerOneScore = 0;
int PlayerTwoScore = 0;
for (int i = 0; i != 4;)
std::cout << ”1. Shuffle (recommended) n2. Play two player match! n3. Display score nExit” << std::endl; // menu
std::cin >> i;
switch (i)
case 1:
deck.Shuffle(); // shuffle
std::cout << ”Shuffled..” << std::endl;
case 2:
std::cout << ”Dealing.. ” << std::endl; //deal cards
for […]

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Program: Programming

Halvfungerande 5 kort pokersimulator

Skiljer mellan poänghänder, men inte mellan olika valörer av samma typ av poänghand (förutom olika ”High cards”)
#include ”validate.h”
#include ”card.h”
#include ”deck.h”
#include ”hand.h”
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
Deck deck;
Card card;
Validate validate;
Hand playerOne;
Hand playerTwo;
int PlayerOneScore = 0;
int PlayerTwoScore = 0;
for (int i = 0; i != 4;)
std::cout << ”1. Shuffle (recommended) n2. Play two player match! n3. Display score nExit” << std::endl; // menu
std::cin >> i;
switch (i)
case 1:
deck.Shuffle(); // shuffle
std::cout << ”Shuffled..” << std::endl;
case 2:
std::cout << ”Dealing.. ” << std::endl; //deal cards
for […]

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Program: Programming

// TemperatureConverter.h
#pragma once
class TemperatureConverter
float CelsiusConvert(float& value, int& returnType);
float KelvinConvert(float& value, int& returnType);
float FahrenheitConvert(float& value, int& returnType);
// TemperatureConverter.cpp
#include ”TemperatureConverter.h”
float TemperatureConverter::CelsiusConvert(float& value, int& returnType)
switch (returnType)
case 1: //return fahrenheit
return (value + 273.15f);
case 2: // return Kelvin
return (value * 9 / 5 + 32);
return 0;
float TemperatureConverter::KelvinConvert(float& value, int& returnType)
switch (returnType)
case 1: //return celsius
return (value – 273.15f);
case 2: // return fahrenheit
return ((value – 273.15f) * 9 / 5 + 32);
return 0;
float TemperatureConverter::FahrenheitConvert(float& value, int& returnType)
switch (returnType)
case 1: // return celsius
return ((value – 32) […]

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Program: Programming

// TemperatureConverter.h
#pragma once
class TemperatureConverter
float CelsiusConvert(float& value, int& returnType);
float KelvinConvert(float& value, int& returnType);
float FahrenheitConvert(float& value, int& returnType);
// TemperatureConverter.cpp
#include ”TemperatureConverter.h”
float TemperatureConverter::CelsiusConvert(float& value, int& returnType)
switch (returnType)
case 1: //return fahrenheit
return (value + 273.15f);
case 2: // return Kelvin
return (value * 9 / 5 + 32);
return 0;
float TemperatureConverter::KelvinConvert(float& value, int& returnType)
switch (returnType)
case 1: //return celsius
return (value – 273.15f);
case 2: // return fahrenheit
return ((value – 273.15f) * 9 / 5 + 32);
return 0;
float TemperatureConverter::FahrenheitConvert(float& value, int& returnType)
switch (returnType)
case 1: // return celsius
return ((value – 32) […]

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Program: Programming

Gradkonvertering med val

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Program: Programming

Gradkonvertering med val

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Program: Programming

Gradkonvertering med val

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Program: Programming

Gradkonvertering med val

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Program: Programming


Alright. The weekend assignment was to come up with a rudimentary idea for a game.
So here goes.
”Cushion This!”
A fart cushion game. 
Designed for an audience of 6-12.
You go around hiding fart cushions in various places.
Aesthetics would be comedy, with the challenge of not getting caught.
Mechanics used would support stealth.
The target of your cushioning have random actions (such as going for some coffee) to allow the player a chance to perform his prank.

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Program: Programming


Alright. The weekend assignment was to come up with a rudimentary idea for a game.
So here goes.
”Cushion This!”
A fart cushion game. 
Designed for an audience of 6-12.
You go around hiding fart cushions in various places.
Aesthetics would be comedy, with the challenge of not getting caught.
Mechanics used would support stealth.
The target of your cushioning have random actions (such as going for some coffee) to allow the player a chance to perform his prank.

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Program: Programming


Alright. The weekend assignment was to come up with a rudimentary idea for a game.
So here goes.
”Cushion This!”
A fart cushion game. 
Designed for an audience of 6-12.
You go around hiding fart cushions in various places.
Aesthetics would be comedy, with the challenge of not getting caught.
Mechanics used would support stealth.
The target of your cushioning have random actions (such as going for some coffee) to allow the player a chance to perform his prank.

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Program: Programming


Alright. The weekend assignment was to come up with a rudimentary idea for a game.
So here goes.
”Cushion This!”
A fart cushion game. 
Designed for an audience of 6-12.
You go around hiding fart cushions in various places.
Aesthetics would be comedy, with the challenge of not getting caught.
Mechanics used would support stealth.
The target of your cushioning have random actions (such as going for some coffee) to allow the player a chance to perform his prank.

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Program: Programming

Week 36

Week 36 almost over.
Finished first assignment and took on the responsibility of being referee in a D&D scenario. Which I’ve never done before. 

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Program: Programming

Week 36

Week 36 almost over.
Finished first assignment and took on the responsibility of being referee in a D&D scenario. Which I’ve never done before. 

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Program: Programming

Week 36

Week 36 almost over.
Finished first assignment and took on the responsibility of being referee in a D&D scenario. Which I’ve never done before. 

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Program: Programming

Week 36

Week 36 almost over.
Finished first assignment and took on the responsibility of being referee in a D&D scenario. Which I’ve never done before. 

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Program: Programming



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Program: Programming



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Program: Programming



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Program: Programming



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Program: Programming