Author Archives: Filip Frandsen

Breaking down art
One of the first steps I took when defining our art style was to try and break down art from different artist in order for me to come up with similarities and differences. I aim to include similarities and to fuse differences in a cohesive and non-fractured way. The goal as stated earlier is to properly represent the subject and this also includes having art that is immediately recognizable to people familiar with Finnish artists and animators. Different ways of […]

Breaking down art
One of the first steps I took when defining our art style was to try and break down art from different artist in order for me to come up with similarities and differences. I aim to include similarities and to fuse differences in a cohesive and non-fractured way. The goal as stated earlier is to properly represent the subject and this also includes having art that is immediately recognizable to people familiar with Finnish artists and animators. Different ways of […]

This week I started working on graphics for our GGC trailer. The trailer will feature different motion graphics and gameplay.
Given that I already have assets form the game, I chose to use these for the trailer. I will be working in after effects and premiere to create a one minute long trailer.

This week I started working on graphics for our GGC trailer. The trailer will feature different motion graphics and gameplay.
Given that I already have assets form the game, I chose to use these for the trailer. I will be working in after effects and premiere to create a one minute long trailer.

Game Rooms
This week I worked on creating environments on different levels of the game world. These are accessible through “doors”. The reasoning behind this decision was to solve problems with our split screen in the most time efficient way. If players were to walk up an elevated area, the camera would cause problems due to zooming and splitting. The camera adapts its placement based on the positions of both characters. This would create unwanted angels that would show parts of the […]

Game Rooms
This week I worked on creating environments on different levels of the game world. These are accessible through “doors”. The reasoning behind this decision was to solve problems with our split screen in the most time efficient way. If players were to walk up an elevated area, the camera would cause problems due to zooming and splitting. The camera adapts its placement based on the positions of both characters. This would create unwanted angels that would show parts of the […]

This week we had playtesting with other students at our education department. We asked questions about multiple aspects of our game such gameplay, audio and visuals. We asked the people who played the game what they thought about the visual style. These are the documented replies. (They have been translated into English)
-It’s a cozy background
-I have to say, this graphical style is awesome
-It looks really good
-I like the parallax
-I love the art style, it’s like a scrap book
-It’s got a […]

This week we had playtesting with other students at our education department. We asked questions about multiple aspects of our game such gameplay, audio and visuals. We asked the people who played the game what they thought about the visual style. These are the documented replies. (They have been translated into English)
-It’s a cozy background
-I have to say, this graphical style is awesome
-It looks really good
-I like the parallax
-I love the art style, it’s like a scrap book
-It’s got a […]

Art Fusion
As the art director for our big game project The Runes Of Kalevala, I recently started working on an internal art direction document.
Before the course started I was approached by our game designer, and was asked to collaborate on a project with him. The designer wanted me to develop an art style that was representative for the project he was working on. The project was presented to me as a draft of a concept document which featured finish mythology.
I was […]

Art Fusion
As the art director for our big game project The Runes Of Kalevala, I recently started working on an internal art direction document.
Before the course started I was approached by our game designer, and was asked to collaborate on a project with him. The designer wanted me to develop an art style that was representative for the project he was working on. The project was presented to me as a draft of a concept document which featured finish mythology.
I was […]

Loading screen
During both of our group’s playtesting sessions we have received critique about our controls. We have also received a lot of critique about the information regarding those controls. We have received critique against the information regarding our mission objective and gameplay features such as having to “sell” the valuables before actually receiving money. People have had trouble finding where they can sell these items, where you end the mission, why the game is on a timer, how the hud […]

Loading screen
During both of our group’s playtesting sessions we have received critique about our controls. We have also received a lot of critique about the information regarding those controls. We have received critique against the information regarding our mission objective and gameplay features such as having to “sell” the valuables before actually receiving money. People have had trouble finding where they can sell these items, where you end the mission, why the game is on a timer, how the hud […]

This week we made some of our pickups. Our pickups represent our score in the game. The pickups are our valuables in Otto von fancy’s house that does not grant you any bonuses or provide you with any other perks. These valuables are only useful for providing you with money when you turn them in at your drop point. The powerups are also worth money and can be dropped at the drop point for a big reward unless they have […]

This week we made some of our pickups. Our pickups represent our score in the game. The pickups are our valuables in Otto von fancy’s house that does not grant you any bonuses or provide you with any other perks. These valuables are only useful for providing you with money when you turn them in at your drop point. The powerups are also worth money and can be dropped at the drop point for a big reward unless they have […]

Animating a heavy armor
Animating a heavy armor
This week I was stuck with animations. The most horrid thing I could imagine. Luckily I got away pretty easy and didn’t have to make everything from scratch.
After having painted our powerups last week I realised that we now needed animations for one of them. The Suit of armor. We need our character to move after having put on the suit.
After having put on the armor the player is slowed down by fifty percent. He […]

Animating a heavy armor
Animating a heavy armor
This week I was stuck with animations. The most horrid thing I could imagine. Luckily I got away pretty easy and didn’t have to make everything from scratch.
After having painted our powerups last week I realised that we now needed animations for one of them. The Suit of armor. We need our character to move after having put on the suit.
After having put on the armor the player is slowed down by fifty percent. He […]

Powerups and powerdowns
Before the beta is due we need to make sure that all of our in game features are implemented. At the moment we only have some of those features. Our character can throw glow sticks to light up the path around him and he can use one powerup. The powerup is used to hide from the bad guy(Otto). The powerup is a bear rug which you can pick up, and if you turn it in with the other valuables, it […]

Powerups and powerdowns
Before the beta is due we need to make sure that all of our in game features are implemented. At the moment we only have some of those features. Our character can throw glow sticks to light up the path around him and he can use one powerup. The powerup is used to hide from the bad guy(Otto). The powerup is a bear rug which you can pick up, and if you turn it in with the other valuables, it […]

Blog 2 Group 4
Fancy mansion menu states
This week we felt the need to have some sort of win scenario before our game hits its alpha state since our pre alpha was basically just walking around and doing nothing. This week we implemented a way for your enemy to kill you. Otto (the enemy) will shoot you when he has detected you and is within a certain distance from you. He kills you with one shot, so you need to avoid or escape […]

Blog 2 Group 4
Fancy mansion menu states
This week we felt the need to have some sort of win scenario before our game hits its alpha state since our pre alpha was basically just walking around and doing nothing. This week we implemented a way for your enemy to kill you. Otto (the enemy) will shoot you when he has detected you and is within a certain distance from you. He kills you with one shot, so you need to avoid or escape […]

Blogg1 Grupp 4
En av de första sakerna vi kände att vi behövde göra i grafikväg till projektet var att rita upp karaktärer, animera dessa och rita ner lite enkla tiles som vi kunde bygga upp en testlevel av. Vi ville få detta färdigt innan vår pre-alpha. Jag tog på mig att rita upp tiles och slänga ihop en testbild.
Jag bestämde mig för att rita upp tre olika underlag i Photoshop i storleken 64 x 64 pixlar som vi kunde bygga […]

Blogg1 Grupp 4
En av de första sakerna vi kände att vi behövde göra i grafikväg till projektet var att rita upp karaktärer, animera dessa och rita ner lite enkla tiles som vi kunde bygga upp en testlevel av. Vi ville få detta färdigt innan vår pre-alpha. Jag tog på mig att rita upp tiles och slänga ihop en testbild.
Jag bestämde mig för att rita upp tre olika underlag i Photoshop i storleken 64 x 64 pixlar som vi kunde bygga […]