Author Archives: Felix Rahm
Comment on Blog Post #6
Hi Natali! Sorry for the late comment!
I played your game on the final playtesting, and I really enjoyed it. I agree that you really hit it out of the park with the artstyle! I really think it fits the theme of the game, and it sounds like that is in no small part thanks to the great system you had for working together. It seemed like, even though you didn’t work physically together, that you really had some good teamwork […]
Comment on Blog Post #6
Hi Natali! Sorry for the late comment!
I played your game on the final playtesting, and I really enjoyed it. I agree that you really hit it out of the park with the artstyle! I really think it fits the theme of the game, and it sounds like that is in no small part thanks to the great system you had for working together. It seemed like, even though you didn’t work physically together, that you really had some good teamwork […]
Comment on Blog Post #5
Hello! Sorry for the late reply.
I enjoyed reading through your blog post, and I think you really bring up some good points. Especially the one about filtering out whichever comments you deem ”good” and whichever comments you think are ”bad”. Not all changes that are proposed to you would actually be beneficial to your game, in some cases it won’t work with the rest of the gameplay. It would have been interesting if you had added some data from the […]
Comment on Blog Post #5
Hello! Sorry for the late reply.
I enjoyed reading through your blog post, and I think you really bring up some good points. Especially the one about filtering out whichever comments you deem ”good” and whichever comments you think are ”bad”. Not all changes that are proposed to you would actually be beneficial to your game, in some cases it won’t work with the rest of the gameplay. It would have been interesting if you had added some data from the […]

Postmortem on Behemoth
After many weeks of working together with my group, our game is finally finished and has been sent in to the teachers for grading. It was a fun project, but as the we started pushing into the last two weeks I started getting impatient and wanted it to be finished as fast as possible.
Most people who played it said they enjoyed it, although it had some quite glaring issues. There were a lot of assets I really wanted to make, […]

Postmortem on Behemoth
After many weeks of working together with my group, our game is finally finished and has been sent in to the teachers for grading. It was a fun project, but as the we started pushing into the last two weeks I started getting impatient and wanted it to be finished as fast as possible.
Most people who played it said they enjoyed it, although it had some quite glaring issues. There were a lot of assets I really wanted to make, […]

Player Feedback
So, playtesting.
I worked as a playtester for a while on a game company called ”Zoink!” who made the recently released game ”Fe” – and because of this I fully realize the importance of feedback from anyone who is not directly involved in the project. Being able to swallow your pride, take and process critique is something that any game developer will inevitably have to learn. Being a graphics-student, however, leaves me with less criticism than I might have wanted. Usually, […]

Player Feedback
So, playtesting.
I worked as a playtester for a while on a game company called ”Zoink!” who made the recently released game ”Fe” – and because of this I fully realize the importance of feedback from anyone who is not directly involved in the project. Being able to swallow your pride, take and process critique is something that any game developer will inevitably have to learn. Being a graphics-student, however, leaves me with less criticism than I might have wanted. Usually, […]

Comment on Blog Post #4
Sorry for the late reply!
I really like the effect you’ve achieved with the animation, the wind-up was a really good choice and I think it conveys a lot of weight and power. I enjoyed reading your post – unlike my own, it was quite short, which is fine. I think I would have wanted some more technicalities on how exactly you made it, like if you used photoshop and if you used framer or video animation. I also really like […]

Comment on Blog Post #4
Sorry for the late reply!
I really like the effect you’ve achieved with the animation, the wind-up was a really good choice and I think it conveys a lot of weight and power. I enjoyed reading your post – unlike my own, it was quite short, which is fine. I think I would have wanted some more technicalities on how exactly you made it, like if you used photoshop and if you used framer or video animation. I also really like […]

Animations, Sprites and my consequent thoughts thereon
So, for the last couple of weeks I have been making sprites – mostly. I am not particularly good at – and I do not particularly enjoy, making animations. Nonetheless, it’s a task that needs to be done, and I am one of two people who is doing it. Well, I was – until our second artist suddenly quit the course last week, leaving me with some more sprites to finished than I bargained for. It’s fine though, I’m lucky […]

Animations, Sprites and my consequent thoughts thereon
So, for the last couple of weeks I have been making sprites – mostly. I am not particularly good at – and I do not particularly enjoy, making animations. Nonetheless, it’s a task that needs to be done, and I am one of two people who is doing it. Well, I was – until our second artist suddenly quit the course last week, leaving me with some more sprites to finished than I bargained for. It’s fine though, I’m lucky […]
Comment on Blog Post #1
Hey duder!
Good blog! Very descriptive. I like how you explain what you were going for when doing the animation of your character, it’s helpful to know – seeing how I have a hard time animating myself. One thing you could think about though is adding more pictures! I didn’t in my blog post either, and looking at other people’s blog posts makes it apparent that it’s more informative if you do!
It would be a more interesting blog post if you […]
Comment on Blog Post #1
Hey duder!
Good blog! Very descriptive. I like how you explain what you were going for when doing the animation of your character, it’s helpful to know – seeing how I have a hard time animating myself. One thing you could think about though is adding more pictures! I didn’t in my blog post either, and looking at other people’s blog posts makes it apparent that it’s more informative if you do!
It would be a more interesting blog post if you […]
Comment on Blog Post #2
Good blog, dude. I really found it interesting to gain some insight, as a graphical student, into the programming process – and I really appreciate the detail you went into, without using too much programming-jargon that I wouldn’t likely understand! It helps me in understanding how I can make things easier for my own programmer in the future.
If I had to pick on something, though – it’s that I would like to see more ways in which us graphical students […]
Comment on Blog Post #2
Good blog, dude. I really found it interesting to gain some insight, as a graphical student, into the programming process – and I really appreciate the detail you went into, without using too much programming-jargon that I wouldn’t likely understand! It helps me in understanding how I can make things easier for my own programmer in the future.
If I had to pick on something, though – it’s that I would like to see more ways in which us graphical students […]
Comment on Blog Post #3
Hey duder.
Good blog post, although not much to comment on. I find it interesting how your group also chose to communicate via Discord like our group, and not via slack or some other channel. We also have some of our daily stand-ups on discord, and our project manager has to remind us to update it as well. Seeing how you feel your Sprint-Reviews and Sprint-Plannings are effective, I would be hesitant to recommend having it via voice-chat on Discord like […]
Comment on Blog Post #3
Hey duder.
Good blog post, although not much to comment on. I find it interesting how your group also chose to communicate via Discord like our group, and not via slack or some other channel. We also have some of our daily stand-ups on discord, and our project manager has to remind us to update it as well. Seeing how you feel your Sprint-Reviews and Sprint-Plannings are effective, I would be hesitant to recommend having it via voice-chat on Discord like […]
Thoughts on Scrum, and the troubles of individuals meeting up in person.
So, this will be a short one.
I don’t really have all too much to say about the SCRUM process, somewhat because I don’t really understand all parts of it as well as I could, and parts because we don’t really do it in the traditional way in our group.
We had our daily stand-ups in person the first week, but afterwards we figured that to avoid the hassle of having to book a room in the library to do them in […]
Thoughts on Scrum, and the troubles of individuals meeting up in person.
So, this will be a short one.
I don’t really have all too much to say about the SCRUM process, somewhat because I don’t really understand all parts of it as well as I could, and parts because we don’t really do it in the traditional way in our group.
We had our daily stand-ups in person the first week, but afterwards we figured that to avoid the hassle of having to book a room in the library to do them in […]

The hardships of Animation, the Art of Time Management and of Being Sneaky.
So. Visualise this.
It’s 5 o’ clock in my quite dark room, and the candle I cerimoniously light every time I start getting ready for a long session of drawing has long since burned out. The sun has already begun to rise, and outside my window the birds (read: crows) have already started to chirp (read: caw). My bed is perfectly made, and I’m not in it.
It’s not a pretty thought, but it is how most days look when I’ve been […]

The hardships of Animation, the Art of Time Management and of Being Sneaky.
So. Visualise this.
It’s 5 o’ clock in my quite dark room, and the candle I cerimoniously light every time I start getting ready for a long session of drawing has long since burned out. The sun has already begun to rise, and outside my window the birds (read: crows) have already started to chirp (read: caw). My bed is perfectly made, and I’m not in it.
It’s not a pretty thought, but it is how most days look when I’ve been […]

The problem with getting better
Creating sprites for the game, all the graphics-students spend a lot of time drawing, visualising concepts and making errors. If you lack certain skills in parts of your artistic repertoire, but are better in other aspects, it becomes increasingly apparent that the things you produced last week looks much worse than things you produce the next. This is a big problem for me, personally. I never consider myself particularly proficient at anything art-wise, but if there is something that I […]

The problem with getting better
Creating sprites for the game, all the graphics-students spend a lot of time drawing, visualising concepts and making errors. If you lack certain skills in parts of your artistic repertoire, but are better in other aspects, it becomes increasingly apparent that the things you produced last week looks much worse than things you produce the next. This is a big problem for me, personally. I never consider myself particularly proficient at anything art-wise, but if there is something that I […]