Author Archives: Felicia Boman

Some screenshots from the game!
Some screenshots from the game!
It's done! Or is it..?
We have made it through all the way to GGC! What will happen now is uncertain. We got some nice feedback and some really good critiques by the awesome people who attended the conference! Many people told us that we should continue developing the game, and that it could become something really great.
I think that we are all proud over the game that we made, because it turned out pretty awesome in the end. Thanks […]
It's done! Or is it..?
We have made it through all the way to GGC! What will happen now is uncertain. We got some nice feedback and some really good critiques by the awesome people who attended the conference! Many people told us that we should continue developing the game, and that it could become something really great.
I think that we are all proud over the game that we made, because it turned out pretty awesome in the end. Thanks […]

A fancy door! I made it last week, and it was a lot of work and…
A fancy door! I made it last week, and it was a lot of work and editing involved. It will look slightly different with a better silhouette in UDK when we put alpha around the pointy ends… you’ll see!

A fancy door! I made it last week, and it was a lot of work and…
A fancy door! I made it last week, and it was a lot of work and editing involved. It will look slightly different with a better silhouette in UDK when we put alpha around the pointy ends… you’ll see!

A street sign and a neon lights fancy door sign! :D The second…
A street sign and a neon lights fancy door sign! 😀 The second one is edited slightly after this, with more rounded corners.

A street sign and a neon lights fancy door sign! :D The second…
A street sign and a neon lights fancy door sign! 😀 The second one is edited slightly after this, with more rounded corners.
Final touch
These last days before the deadline we are all working hard with putting it all together nicely. Most of us are working in UDK to put the final touch to the level. I’m working mostly with textures and smaller props which are on our “wish-list”.
I feel that I’ve become so much more efficient with 3ds max and making textures and good UV-maps during this project. I used to hate the program and UV-mapping, but now I sort of enjoy optimizing […]
Final touch
These last days before the deadline we are all working hard with putting it all together nicely. Most of us are working in UDK to put the final touch to the level. I’m working mostly with textures and smaller props which are on our “wish-list”.
I feel that I’ve become so much more efficient with 3ds max and making textures and good UV-maps during this project. I used to hate the program and UV-mapping, but now I sort of enjoy optimizing […]

This is what my team mate Johan Törnlund is working on at the…
This is what my team mate Johan Törnlund is working on at the moment. He is using the models and textures that i made to create final materials for all the facades which are being puzzled together into large buildings, which in turn are used to create the city.

This is what my team mate Johan Törnlund is working on at the…
This is what my team mate Johan Törnlund is working on at the moment. He is using the models and textures that i made to create final materials for all the facades which are being puzzled together into large buildings, which in turn are used to create the city.
We are at the final stage in the process of our game making. So far I have not been able to post that many interesting things, but soon enough all of my work with walls and textures will be shown in our world!
At first, I thought that making wall textures would be a lot easier, but there are so many details and technical difficulties with all the mapping of them all. Each wall has as least 4 different files which […]
We are at the final stage in the process of our game making. So far I have not been able to post that many interesting things, but soon enough all of my work with walls and textures will be shown in our world!
At first, I thought that making wall textures would be a lot easier, but there are so many details and technical difficulties with all the mapping of them all. Each wall has as least 4 different files which […]

These are some textures that i put together rather quickly, on…
These are some textures that i put together rather quickly, on models made by my team mates.

These are some textures that i put together rather quickly, on…
These are some textures that i put together rather quickly, on models made by my team mates.

These are some buildings that I have made. I am now responsible…
These are some buildings that I have made. I am now responsible for the majority of house textures in the game. These are also without the fancy window and light effects that we will use in UDK later on.

These are some buildings that I have made. I am now responsible…
These are some buildings that I have made. I am now responsible for the majority of house textures in the game. These are also without the fancy window and light effects that we will use in UDK later on.

A high rise facade in 3ds max.
A high rise facade in 3ds max.

Brick walls without the flashy window effects.
Brick walls without the flashy window effects.

Brick walls without the flashy window effects.
Brick walls without the flashy window effects.

This is a small moodboard for how we will separate different…
This is a small moodboard for how we will separate different kinds of buildings in the game, some will have a more luxurious look than others. We will use different color schemes and use details to make the same models appear very different.

This is a small moodboard for how we will separate different…
This is a small moodboard for how we will separate different kinds of buildings in the game, some will have a more luxurious look than others. We will use different color schemes and use details to make the same models appear very different.