Author Archives: Felipe Kandek

Post #5 – Pufferfish
With two weeks to go till the finalization of our game it was time to get to get down to business. Never have we been so busy busting our asses off to race to the finish. With the implementation of a third enemy it meant that artwork would need to get done. Along with the artwork meant animation and more work. After our game designer came up with the third enemy it was time for me to get down to […]

Post #5 – Pufferfish
With two weeks to go till the finalization of our game it was time to get to get down to business. Never have we been so busy busting our asses off to race to the finish. With the implementation of a third enemy it meant that artwork would need to get done. Along with the artwork meant animation and more work. After our game designer came up with the third enemy it was time for me to get down to […]

Post #4 – Blood and Bones
This week was the week directly after our alpha play test. After showcasing our game to our fellow peers and the teachers we had received a lot of positive feedback and constructive criticism. Noting every valuable piece of commentary we set about to fix and change what was recommended of us. Working in the F building with my game designer Joel I decided to take up the task of creating art assets that would be used as death animations. The […]

Post #4 – Blood and Bones
This week was the week directly after our alpha play test. After showcasing our game to our fellow peers and the teachers we had received a lot of positive feedback and constructive criticism. Noting every valuable piece of commentary we set about to fix and change what was recommended of us. Working in the F building with my game designer Joel I decided to take up the task of creating art assets that would be used as death animations. The […]

Post #3 – Crosshair
This week marked an important week for my team and I. We had an important deadline which was alpha. Alpha meant that the game had to be playable and include basic functionality. Luckily to make a functioning game there was not so much stress on the graphics students as there was for the programmers and game designers as basic functionality did not depend on working animations. Nonetheless we still had work I aimed to complete.
I decided that for the alpha […]

Post #3 – Crosshair
This week marked an important week for my team and I. We had an important deadline which was alpha. Alpha meant that the game had to be playable and include basic functionality. Luckily to make a functioning game there was not so much stress on the graphics students as there was for the programmers and game designers as basic functionality did not depend on working animations. Nonetheless we still had work I aimed to complete.
I decided that for the alpha […]
Post #2 – Swordfish
This week in graphics for my team’s game Selfish I decided to provide additional art for one of the enemies. Joel my team’s game designer had designed an enemy that would charge forward and follow the player. I sat down and brainstormed some ideas of various types of fishes that could fulfill this role. Without a doubt I thought of the swordfish, famous for its long sharp like beak for a mouth, the fish would portray perfectly the actions that […]
Post #2 – Swordfish
This week in graphics for my team’s game Selfish I decided to provide additional art for one of the enemies. Joel my team’s game designer had designed an enemy that would charge forward and follow the player. I sat down and brainstormed some ideas of various types of fishes that could fulfill this role. Without a doubt I thought of the swordfish, famous for its long sharp like beak for a mouth, the fish would portray perfectly the actions that […]

Post #1 – Character Design
For the past week my team and I have been working on creating a playable shoot em’ up game called Selfish. Being a graphics student I, along with two other group members, were assigned the task of creating the game art. It was our job to absorb the words used to describe the game and provide a visual representation of what it should look like.
Not knowing what my team was expecting I drew some rough sketches as concept art. The […]

Post #1 – Character Design
For the past week my team and I have been working on creating a playable shoot em’ up game called Selfish. Being a graphics student I, along with two other group members, were assigned the task of creating the game art. It was our job to absorb the words used to describe the game and provide a visual representation of what it should look like.
Not knowing what my team was expecting I drew some rough sketches as concept art. The […]