Author Archives: Fabian Lindin
Last week
During the last week I worked close with the programmer and helped him with all the last work he needed and all the support he needed. I also made several smaller changes to the environment and swapped out several of the graphical placeholders for the scripted prefabs we were going to use in the final release. One of the changes I made to the map was to remove and block of the mountain as the map became to big and […]
Last week
During the last week I worked close with the programmer and helped him with all the last work he needed and all the support he needed. I also made several smaller changes to the environment and swapped out several of the graphical placeholders for the scripted prefabs we were going to use in the final release. One of the changes I made to the map was to remove and block of the mountain as the map became to big and […]

More shaders and animations
During this phase of the project a lot of items where started to be remade, redone and finished up. One of these items happened to be the shaders, which we found out did not work correctly when we built the game. Fixing this took a long time due to the fact that I had to constantly build the game to test these functions.
During this process all color correction had to be remade and all other image effects as well. The […]

More shaders and animations
During this phase of the project a lot of items where started to be remade, redone and finished up. One of these items happened to be the shaders, which we found out did not work correctly when we built the game. Fixing this took a long time due to the fact that I had to constantly build the game to test these functions.
During this process all color correction had to be remade and all other image effects as well. The […]

Lightning and shaders
This last week I have focused on lightning and shader effects for the game, all lightning have been redone and all shaders have been reworked and improved. The reason that I redid all of this was both to improve preformance but also to allow us to be more flexible and make it easier for us to add and change the effects and shaders that we are using.
I also started to implement shaderforge shaders to the game, spent a day or two […]

Lightning and shaders
This last week I have focused on lightning and shader effects for the game, all lightning have been redone and all shaders have been reworked and improved. The reason that I redid all of this was both to improve preformance but also to allow us to be more flexible and make it easier for us to add and change the effects and shaders that we are using.
I also started to implement shaderforge shaders to the game, spent a day or two […]

Colors, models and main menu
This week I started working on several items, mostly the main menu and UI. I also helped with graphics for upcoming presentations and the website. I also started modelling some of the models we need for the game such acs bridges and landing pods.
Beside this I also continued to work on the level and the content in it, fixing most of the colliders in the level, optimizing some of the nature and textures and adding and upgrading some of the […]

Colors, models and main menu
This week I started working on several items, mostly the main menu and UI. I also helped with graphics for upcoming presentations and the website. I also started modelling some of the models we need for the game such acs bridges and landing pods.
Beside this I also continued to work on the level and the content in it, fixing most of the colliders in the level, optimizing some of the nature and textures and adding and upgrading some of the […]

The Environment
This week I continued with the level and the environment. I started the first two days of the week by carefully placing and filling the map with the content that I already had. During this stage I thought a lot about how I should plan the map and constantly tested what worked and what did not work by play testing and running around the map after almost everything I did. The problem was that due to most of the mechanics not […]

The Environment
This week I continued with the level and the environment. I started the first two days of the week by carefully placing and filling the map with the content that I already had. During this stage I thought a lot about how I should plan the map and constantly tested what worked and what did not work by play testing and running around the map after almost everything I did. The problem was that due to most of the mechanics not […]

The Beginning of the map
So the first week of the project I have worked on the basic layout of the map as well as the first plants and trees.
First of all I spend a day drawing sketches and using the work I had done prior to the course start. The limits that the map had was 1. It was going to be a flying island and 2. It was not going to be a large map.
Beside that I was free to try pretty much […]

The Beginning of the map
So the first week of the project I have worked on the basic layout of the map as well as the first plants and trees.
First of all I spend a day drawing sketches and using the work I had done prior to the course start. The limits that the map had was 1. It was going to be a flying island and 2. It was not going to be a large map.
Beside that I was free to try pretty much […]

Final touches
Alright, last week, last sprint, last post. I did not really know what to write about due to the fact that I have not made anything new this week. I have worked on everything and just fixed small errors, updated small things and maybe moved something a pixel or two. But I will try to work this out.
The thing that I most likely worst most hours on, but even here we are talking small numbers is the HUD. We decided […]

Final touches
Alright, last week, last sprint, last post. I did not really know what to write about due to the fact that I have not made anything new this week. I have worked on everything and just fixed small errors, updated small things and maybe moved something a pixel or two. But I will try to work this out.
The thing that I most likely worst most hours on, but even here we are talking small numbers is the HUD. We decided […]

Ze Deathscreen
Finally I can move on from writing about the HUD and GUI and work on something else. This week has been about working on the deathscreen or the picture you get when you lost the game.
I googled around on pictures on cities and looked for something that looked similar to what we were doing and house house styles. After a while I had collected enough pictures and inspiration to start working on something. I started out by drawing lines in […]

Ze Deathscreen
Finally I can move on from writing about the HUD and GUI and work on something else. This week has been about working on the deathscreen or the picture you get when you lost the game.
I googled around on pictures on cities and looked for something that looked similar to what we were doing and house house styles. After a while I had collected enough pictures and inspiration to start working on something. I started out by drawing lines in […]

Finishing touches on the GUI
Alright, the week before the Beta is here, which means the week where you have to actually finish up all the small things like bullet effects, loading bars effect and things like that. But I also had to finish the GUI, something I’ve worked on quite much and something that we have remade and rethought a lot during the project. Finally we have a leaderboard, a mainmenu, a paus menu and a character screen.
The main menu itself didn’t get […]

Finishing touches on the GUI
Alright, the week before the Beta is here, which means the week where you have to actually finish up all the small things like bullet effects, loading bars effect and things like that. But I also had to finish the GUI, something I’ve worked on quite much and something that we have remade and rethought a lot during the project. Finally we have a leaderboard, a mainmenu, a paus menu and a character screen.
The main menu itself didn’t get […]

Hearts, Hearts, Hearts!
Alright, so as the title may imply I have been working on hearts this week, among other things. The hearts that I am talking about are the healthpoints. We had some sort of healthpoints before but we have reworked them about 3 times now.
The first hearts looked good but was made to fit with out first HUD layout with smudged edges and a lot of colors. When we decided to make everything simple and less smudged we remade those into […]

Hearts, Hearts, Hearts!
Alright, so as the title may imply I have been working on hearts this week, among other things. The hearts that I am talking about are the healthpoints. We had some sort of healthpoints before but we have reworked them about 3 times now.
The first hearts looked good but was made to fit with out first HUD layout with smudged edges and a lot of colors. When we decided to make everything simple and less smudged we remade those into […]

Continued work on the GUI and HUD
This is the week of the alpha, which also means the week of small fixes on everything from enemy projectiles to the background and while this takes up a lot of time I did continue my work on the GUI and even started working more on the HUD. I used the work I did the previos week with the menu concept regarding papers, love letters and things like that. Due to the fact that we are currently deciding what kind […]

Continued work on the GUI and HUD
This is the week of the alpha, which also means the week of small fixes on everything from enemy projectiles to the background and while this takes up a lot of time I did continue my work on the GUI and even started working more on the HUD. I used the work I did the previos week with the menu concept regarding papers, love letters and things like that. Due to the fact that we are currently deciding what kind […]

Week 1 – Introduction and GUI
My name is Fabian, together with me team (group #3) I’m working on a concept called datepocalypse. It will be about two people whose love keeps them from turning crazy during an apocalypse and together they tries to escape the city using their new powers.
This week I have worked on both the design document which should be handed in tomorrow and on a new GUI for the game. From the beginning our game graphics were supposed to be more towards […]

Week 1 – Introduction and GUI
My name is Fabian, together with me team (group #3) I’m working on a concept called datepocalypse. It will be about two people whose love keeps them from turning crazy during an apocalypse and together they tries to escape the city using their new powers.
This week I have worked on both the design document which should be handed in tomorrow and on a new GUI for the game. From the beginning our game graphics were supposed to be more towards […]