Author Archives: Eva Sokolova

Game Development – Introduction: Week 4
Last week we handed in our Game Design Document and (since it ate 25 hours of my time last week, leaving little time for anything else) that’s what this post will be about (so you have been warned). Note that this blog post will not be the actual contents and nitpicks of the design document (since that’s what the document is for) but rather a description of the structure of our document. Hopefully you’ll find at least something valuable in […]

Game Development – Introduction: Week 4
Last week we handed in our Game Design Document and (since it ate 25 hours of my time last week, leaving little time for anything else) that’s what this post will be about (so you have been warned). Note that this blog post will not be the actual contents and nitpicks of the design document (since that’s what the document is for) but rather a description of the structure of our document. Hopefully you’ll find at least something valuable in […]

Game Development – Introduction: Week 2
So week 2! During week 2 we continued working on our Scrum-document and worked on a visual style for the game.
We decided to go for a tropical theme for our game partially so that we could draw on themes like the exploitation of rainforests and the era of colonization and partially because it would allow us to work with very saturated colors for the plants and protagonist and contrast against the enemy side’s metallic shades of grey and brown.
We needed to pick a style that […]

Game Development – Introduction: Week 2
So week 2! During week 2 we continued working on our Scrum-document and worked on a visual style for the game.
We decided to go for a tropical theme for our game partially so that we could draw on themes like the exploitation of rainforests and the era of colonization and partially because it would allow us to work with very saturated colors for the plants and protagonist and contrast against the enemy side’s metallic shades of grey and brown.
We needed to pick a style that […]

2D-Graphics, Theory and Application II: Week 1 + Week 2
First week in the new graphics course! We pretty much picked up where we left it off with 2D-Graphics, Theory and Application I.
Week 1:
The first week consisted of repeating some perspective practices. For our home assignment that week we had to first, draw our kitchen in either 1- or 2-point-perspective and then redesign it according to an existing IP. I have to admit that with the project taking up so much of our time and with the assignments being more […]

2D-Graphics, Theory and Application II: Week 1 + Week 2
First week in the new graphics course! We pretty much picked up where we left it off with 2D-Graphics, Theory and Application I.
Week 1:
The first week consisted of repeating some perspective practices. For our home assignment that week we had to first, draw our kitchen in either 1- or 2-point-perspective and then redesign it according to an existing IP. I have to admit that with the project taking up so much of our time and with the assignments being more […]

Game Development – Introduction: Week 1
New course, new project!
Our big assignment in this 10 weeks long course is to turn one of the concepts that were made by all students during the previous course into a playable game while using the Scrum-framework for project management.
Our milestones for this project are:
Week 1 (19th January – 25th January):
– No hand-ins
Week 2 (26th January – 1st February):
– Write down feature definitions for our intended game and breaking these down into concrete tasks for code, art, audio and […]

Game Development – Introduction: Week 1
New course, new project!
Our big assignment in this 10 weeks long course is to turn one of the concepts that were made by all students during the previous course into a playable game while using the Scrum-framework for project management.
Our milestones for this project are:
Week 1 (19th January – 25th January):
– No hand-ins
Week 2 (26th January – 1st February):
– Write down feature definitions for our intended game and breaking these down into concrete tasks for code, art, audio and […]

2D-Graphics, Theory and Application I – Final Assignment
Our final assignment for this course was to render this picture of this city:
And to make a solid construction out of this sketch:
With the city it kind of worked pretty much like the values-assignment – laying out the flats based on atmosphere and light, in this case, early morning light:
Then putting in the basic light based on the direction of the surfaces:
Then shadows, shadows falling of buildings and some more detail:
For the second one I went with a quick sketch […]

2D-Graphics, Theory and Application I – Final Assignment
Our final assignment for this course was to render this picture of this city:
And to make a solid construction out of this sketch:
With the city it kind of worked pretty much like the values-assignment – laying out the flats based on atmosphere and light, in this case, early morning light:
Then putting in the basic light based on the direction of the surfaces:
Then shadows, shadows falling of buildings and some more detail:
For the second one I went with a quick sketch […]

2D-Graphics, Theory and Application I – Christmas break
So, with Christmas break not much has been happening these last few weeks. I did however get started on one of the final assignments for the course, the values assignment. Our assignment was to take a lineart and render our character in greyscale in a setting drawn in correct linear perspective. I thought about using the lineart I made for the previous assignment but it seemed to suggest an outdoor setting and I wanted to work with a more defined, […]

2D-Graphics, Theory and Application I – Christmas break
So, with Christmas break not much has been happening these last few weeks. I did however get started on one of the final assignments for the course, the values assignment. Our assignment was to take a lineart and render our character in greyscale in a setting drawn in correct linear perspective. I thought about using the lineart I made for the previous assignment but it seemed to suggest an outdoor setting and I wanted to work with a more defined, […]

2D-graphics, theory and application I – Week 4
This week we learned the basics of Photoshop and how to do a clean line-art. Our assignment for this week was to draw the best lineart we could of our character and write a reflection about it. To do this we were provided various resources, amongst others a video by Leo Sandberg about cleaning up your lines. Even if the drawing itself isn’t very advanced, it gives useful tips about lines, Link to video.
For my hand-in, I started out with […]

2D-graphics, theory and application I – Week 4
This week we learned the basics of Photoshop and how to do a clean line-art. Our assignment for this week was to draw the best lineart we could of our character and write a reflection about it. To do this we were provided various resources, amongst others a video by Leo Sandberg about cleaning up your lines. Even if the drawing itself isn’t very advanced, it gives useful tips about lines, Link to video.
For my hand-in, I started out with […]

2D-graphics, theory and application I – Week 3
Third week of the course we continued with life drawing and refining our character concept. We did more life drawing, this time with a male model and went through, amongst other things, what the muscles on the leg look like, how the knee is constructed, how to draw feet and how to draw heads and faces.
My legs generally turned out too long this week and the teacher reminded me that there is equal distance between the top of the head […]

2D-graphics, theory and application I – Week 3
Third week of the course we continued with life drawing and refining our character concept. We did more life drawing, this time with a male model and went through, amongst other things, what the muscles on the leg look like, how the knee is constructed, how to draw feet and how to draw heads and faces.
My legs generally turned out too long this week and the teacher reminded me that there is equal distance between the top of the head […]

2D-graphics, theory and application I – Week 2
During our second week we were working with perspective. Reading materials this week were mainly David Chelsea’s “Perspective for Comic Book Artists”. We went through the basics of drawing 1-point, 2-point and 3-point perspective plus drawing ellipses in perspective.
Our assignment this week was to draw an airplane in the sky and a car on the ground in the same scene using two-point perspective and then write a reflection about what difficulties we had with the assignment.
So yeah I drew this:
Not particularly proud of it, […]

2D-graphics, theory and application I – Week 2
During our second week we were working with perspective. Reading materials this week were mainly David Chelsea’s “Perspective for Comic Book Artists”. We went through the basics of drawing 1-point, 2-point and 3-point perspective plus drawing ellipses in perspective.
Our assignment this week was to draw an airplane in the sky and a car on the ground in the same scene using two-point perspective and then write a reflection about what difficulties we had with the assignment.
So yeah I drew this:
Not particularly proud of it, […]

2D-graphics, theory and application I – Week 1
First week with the new course 2D-graphics, theory and application I. This week we started with life drawing first to learn to quickly capture the movement and dynamic of a pose and then constructing it with the basic shapes that make up the human body. I haven’t done life drawing before and the principles we learned this week resolved a lot of issues for me, like creating more interesting poses for my characters and quickly capturing the essence of a […]

2D-graphics, theory and application I – Week 1
First week with the new course 2D-graphics, theory and application I. This week we started with life drawing first to learn to quickly capture the movement and dynamic of a pose and then constructing it with the basic shapes that make up the human body. I haven’t done life drawing before and the principles we learned this week resolved a lot of issues for me, like creating more interesting poses for my characters and quickly capturing the essence of a […]
Space Shooter Assignment: Dia de la Piñata
Our last assignment in the course was to, in teams of six, create a concept document for a game based on two keywords with the following restrictions and requirements:
2D (But you are free to decide perspective)
No Gravity (Not requiring a gravity system)
PC controls (Keyboard and/or mouse)
10 weeks (The scope of the production time of the concept should be 10 weeks)
No network (Not requiring network)
Single-player (Multiplayer or Co-Op can be optional, but the game must be playable for one player first […]
Space Shooter Assignment: Dia de la Piñata
Our last assignment in the course was to, in teams of six, create a concept document for a game based on two keywords with the following restrictions and requirements:
2D (But you are free to decide perspective)
No Gravity (Not requiring a gravity system)
PC controls (Keyboard and/or mouse)
10 weeks (The scope of the production time of the concept should be 10 weeks)
No network (Not requiring network)
Single-player (Multiplayer or Co-Op can be optional, but the game must be playable for one player first […]

Adam Mayes Concept Challenge: Seriate
During the first week of October a peculiar situation arose were we first year students suddenly found ourselves with a week of nothing to do – or so we thought. A day later we were quite graciously handed both 100 pages worth of reading materials and a concept challenge with a deadline set for next week.
The instructions:
The special thing about this concept challenge was that we had to build a game around a randomly generated narrative. We were offered two […]

Adam Mayes Concept Challenge: Seriate
During the first week of October a peculiar situation arose were we first year students suddenly found ourselves with a week of nothing to do – or so we thought. A day later we were quite graciously handed both 100 pages worth of reading materials and a concept challenge with a deadline set for next week.
The instructions:
The special thing about this concept challenge was that we had to build a game around a randomly generated narrative. We were offered two […]