Author Archives: EVelina Paulsson

Stephen- Level transition animation
Today I have made an animation of Stephen swimming into the background for the level transition. This task was my main priority this week.
Here you can see the whole animation.
The first step was to figure out how Stephen is looking from behind, and that part was actually tricky, especially with the fishtail. I had to imagine how my swimming animation of Stephen from the side, would look like behind him. I started with drawing two key frames, first one when the fin […]

Stephen- Level transition animation
Today I have made an animation of Stephen swimming into the background for the level transition. This task was my main priority this week.
Here you can see the whole animation.
The first step was to figure out how Stephen is looking from behind, and that part was actually tricky, especially with the fishtail. I had to imagine how my swimming animation of Stephen from the side, would look like behind him. I started with drawing two key frames, first one when the fin […]

Burgers, fries & apples
During monday’s playtesting session, our game received a lot of feedback from all the playtesters which the team appreciates very much. One thing that confused some of the players was the first placeholder for the food. They did not know if it was something good or bad to swim into them because it could also have been some sort of projectile from one of the enemies. My main priority this week was to create new assets for the food drop, […]

Burgers, fries & apples
During monday’s playtesting session, our game received a lot of feedback from all the playtesters which the team appreciates very much. One thing that confused some of the players was the first placeholder for the food. They did not know if it was something good or bad to swim into them because it could also have been some sort of projectile from one of the enemies. My main priority this week was to create new assets for the food drop, […]

Animation of enemies
This week, I am going to introduce you to two of the three enemies in Selfish, a ranged enemy and a melee enemy. I will also describe how and why I did it and my thoughts about it. Every animation I create is with the frame by frame method in Photoshop, which means; I recreate and draw every frame in the animation by hand, at least some parts of the picture.
This is what I mean when I meantion frame by […]

Animation of enemies
This week, I am going to introduce you to two of the three enemies in Selfish, a ranged enemy and a melee enemy. I will also describe how and why I did it and my thoughts about it. Every animation I create is with the frame by frame method in Photoshop, which means; I recreate and draw every frame in the animation by hand, at least some parts of the picture.
This is what I mean when I meantion frame by […]

Fishy concept art
This week I will be writing about and show the concept art I made in a very early stage of the project. I had responsible for creating concept art for all the fish, both Stephen and the enemies.
What I mostly did was to quick sketch different ideas with traditional pen and paper, I did not do very detailed concept since it is just concept. Since we discussed what style the group wanted to go with, which was a cartoony style, I had to […]

Fishy concept art
This week I will be writing about and show the concept art I made in a very early stage of the project. I had responsible for creating concept art for all the fish, both Stephen and the enemies.
What I mostly did was to quick sketch different ideas with traditional pen and paper, I did not do very detailed concept since it is just concept. Since we discussed what style the group wanted to go with, which was a cartoony style, I had to […]

Time for animation!
This week has been all about animation for the game me and my team (Bunnyip) are working on. Since the game is all about fishes, I created an animation for our fishy protagonist Stephen. Since I already had created Stephen the week before, I did not have all the design decisions to think about like colors, shapes, texture etc. I had all the different assets in separate layers so everything can be changed easy. (The eyes, eyelids, eyebrow, gun etc.)
What I […]

Time for animation!
This week has been all about animation for the game me and my team (Bunnyip) are working on. Since the game is all about fishes, I created an animation for our fishy protagonist Stephen. Since I already had created Stephen the week before, I did not have all the design decisions to think about like colors, shapes, texture etc. I had all the different assets in separate layers so everything can be changed easy. (The eyes, eyelids, eyebrow, gun etc.)
What I […]