Author Archives: Evelina Foxberg

About Evelina Foxberg

2014  Graphics

Detta är ett blogginlägg

Det här är ditt nya blogginlägg. Vi har lagt till denna text och bild som exempel på vad du kan göra. Nu är det bara för dig att skriva din egna text, lägga in bilder, video&#0133 ja, vad som helst. Du kan ändra allt och även ta bort det du inte vill ha.
För att redigera denna text, peka här och klicka på knappen ”Redigera text”. Bilden kan du ändra eller ta bort i ”Ändra bild”. För att dra in nya […]

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Program: Graphics

Detta är ett blogginlägg

Det här är ditt nya blogginlägg. Vi har lagt till denna text och bild som exempel på vad du kan göra. Nu är det bara för dig att skriva din egna text, lägga in bilder, video&#0133 ja, vad som helst. Du kan ändra allt och även ta bort det du inte vill ha.
För att redigera denna text, peka här och klicka på knappen ”Redigera text”. Bilden kan du ändra eller ta bort i ”Ändra bild”. För att dra in nya […]

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Program: Graphics

Can a game make you sleep better? 2.0

Hello and welcome back to my daily blog-spamming!
It occurred to me that I haven’t talked a lot about the actual game we made during the project, except for the short introduction that I gave in this post. In short, Slumber is a game that is supposed to help the player sleep. It’s intended to be played on a smartphone or a tablet, in bed, before going to sleep.
In my last post I promised to explain what a nudibranch […]

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Program: Graphics

Can a game make you sleep better? 2.0

Hello and welcome back to my daily blog-spamming!
It occurred to me that I haven’t talked a lot about the actual game we made during the project, except for the short introduction that I gave in this post. In short, Slumber is a game that is supposed to help the player sleep. It’s intended to be played on a smartphone or a tablet, in bed, before going to sleep.
In my last post I promised to explain what a nudibranch […]

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Program: Graphics

Watercolour fish

Happy friday everyone!
In my last post I talked some about how to make the Slumber fish in 3D, including modelling, rigging, and animation. Today I’m going to talk a bit more about the same fish, but focusing on the textures instead! As an example I will go through the process of creating the juvenile Koran Angelfish below (credit to for the picture). We chose to depict the juvenile version because it has a much more clear and readable pattern […]

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Program: Graphics

Watercolour fish

Happy friday everyone!
In my last post I talked some about how to make the Slumber fish in 3D, including modelling, rigging, and animation. Today I’m going to talk a bit more about the same fish, but focusing on the textures instead! As an example I will go through the process of creating the juvenile Koran Angelfish below (credit to for the picture). We chose to depict the juvenile version because it has a much more clear and readable pattern […]

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Program: Graphics

Quick fish in 3DS Max and Unity

Hello again!
Two weeks has now passed since Gotland Game Conference, and I’ve spent [insert relatively large measurement of time here] eating delicious noodle soups and writing the obligatory report that comes with the course. Now I have some blogging to do, so I thought I might explain how the Slumber fish came to be! Excited?? Great! Here goes.
Slumber is a 3D game, so naturally the fish must be in 3D. That means we will need a mesh, textures, and animations. Since we wanted the […]

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Program: Graphics

Quick fish in 3DS Max and Unity

Hello again!
Two weeks has now passed since Gotland Game Conference, and I’ve spent [insert relatively large measurement of time here] eating delicious noodle soups and writing the obligatory report that comes with the course. Now I have some blogging to do, so I thought I might explain how the Slumber fish came to be! Excited?? Great! Here goes.
Slumber is a 3D game, so naturally the fish must be in 3D. That means we will need a mesh, textures, and animations. Since we wanted the […]

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Program: Graphics

Thoughts on the Slumber logotype

Hello and welcome back!
Team Dream Dust are now at the sixth week of development, and the game has got a fantastic new name: SLUMBER!
During these past weeks I have worked on a lot of different things, including the game’s logotype as seen below and on the right! Since Slumber is set underwater we wanted to show that in the logotype somehow. Our first thought was to depict our main character, the Nudibranch, in the logotype as the game centers around it, but if you don’t already know […]

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Program: Graphics

Thoughts on the Slumber logotype

Hello and welcome back!
Team Dream Dust are now at the sixth week of development, and the game has got a fantastic new name: SLUMBER!
During these past weeks I have worked on a lot of different things, including the game’s logotype as seen below and on the right! Since Slumber is set underwater we wanted to show that in the logotype somehow. Our first thought was to depict our main character, the Nudibranch, in the logotype as the game centers around it, but if you don’t already know […]

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Program: Graphics

Can a game make you sleep better?

Spring has arrived, and with it the last course of the semester: Big Game Project! This is a course that allows us students to work on creating a part of a game (a so called Vertical Slice), that we then can show to other people and be like: “hey, if you like this we can make more of it, so that’s why you should give us all of your ca$h”.
So, since this is a PrettyBigDeal, I’ve been working since last fall with a particular project that goes […]

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Program: Graphics

Can a game make you sleep better?

Spring has arrived, and with it the last course of the semester: Big Game Project! This is a course that allows us students to work on creating a part of a game (a so called Vertical Slice), that we then can show to other people and be like: “hey, if you like this we can make more of it, so that’s why you should give us all of your ca$h”.
So, since this is a PrettyBigDeal, I’ve been working since last fall with a particular project that goes […]

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Program: Graphics

Adam Stormstjärna & det förlorade arvet is to be released in 2016!

I am so happy and excited  at the moment, as I just found out that the book Adam Stormstjärna & det förlorade arvet that I made illustrations for in the spring of 2014 has found its way to the internet! The book is to be released sometime during 2016, and it already has a webpage that you can find here, as well as a TEASER TRAILER! I mean, how awesome is that?! 😀

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Program: Graphics

Adam Stormstjärna & det förlorade arvet is to be released in 2016!

I am so happy and excited  at the moment, as I just found out that the book Adam Stormstjärna & det förlorade arvet that I made illustrations for in the spring of 2014 has found its way to the internet! The book is to be released sometime during 2016, and it already has a webpage that you can find here, as well as a TEASER TRAILER! I mean, how awesome is that?! 😀

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Program: Graphics

Life drawing at Visby

Over the summer I have attended a course in Life Drawing here at Uppsala University, Campus Gotland. It has been incredibly useful, and the course itself is so awesome I will have to recommend it to anyone who wants to learn how to draw the human form. I have learnt a lot, much thanks to the teacher for the course, Pernilla Persson, who is an amazing artist herself. She has worked at Disney and now has a studio of her own, and her way of teaching art […]

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Program: Graphics

Life drawing at Visby

Over the summer I have attended a course in Life Drawing here at Uppsala University, Campus Gotland. It has been incredibly useful, and the course itself is so awesome I will have to recommend it to anyone who wants to learn how to draw the human form. I have learnt a lot, much thanks to the teacher for the course, Pernilla Persson, who is an amazing artist herself. She has worked at Disney and now has a studio of her own, and her way of teaching art […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 9: Tutorial

This week, the group and I have worked on a possible tutorial for our game. We did not want it to be something the player has to go through and repeat every time they restart the game, but instead something that feels more optional to the player, or something they can simply ignore in case they already know how to play.
We already have a separate part of the level which is dedicated to teaching the player things – it consists […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 9: Tutorial

This week, the group and I have worked on a possible tutorial for our game. We did not want it to be something the player has to go through and repeat every time they restart the game, but instead something that feels more optional to the player, or something they can simply ignore in case they already know how to play.
We already have a separate part of the level which is dedicated to teaching the player things – it consists […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 8: Firing the Tesla gun

Above, left: Old gun colour scheme. Above, right: New gun colour scheme.
This week I have spent most of the time working on the shoot animation for Otto. As mentioned in an earlier blog post, the turtle Otto (who owns the mansion that the player is breaking into) has a Tesla gun which he uses to shoot the player once detected and within range. The gun is supposed to have a bit of a charge time before it can be fired, allowing the player […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 8: Firing the Tesla gun

Above, left: Old gun colour scheme. Above, right: New gun colour scheme.
This week I have spent most of the time working on the shoot animation for Otto. As mentioned in an earlier blog post, the turtle Otto (who owns the mansion that the player is breaking into) has a Tesla gun which he uses to shoot the player once detected and within range. The gun is supposed to have a bit of a charge time before it can be fired, allowing the player […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 7: Armour animation

Above: Early concept sketch of armour
This week I have worked on one of the major power-ups in our game – the steampunk armour. The player can find the armour standing around in the mansion, and when picked up, the player puts it on and continues the game wearing the armour. This creates the need for a second set of player animations, where the character wears the armour, which is what I’ve been working on.
As the armor was one of the […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 7: Armour animation

Above: Early concept sketch of armour
This week I have worked on one of the major power-ups in our game – the steampunk armour. The player can find the armour standing around in the mansion, and when picked up, the player puts it on and continues the game wearing the armour. This creates the need for a second set of player animations, where the character wears the armour, which is what I’ve been working on.
As the armor was one of the […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 3: Death animation

This week I have worked on making a death animation for our main character, the fox. In our game, the player is trying to sneak around the mansion without getting detected by Mr Otto von Fancy. If they get detected, Mr von Fancy will hunt the player down, and shoot them with his tesla gun, thus ending the game.
Last week, we presented the alpha of our game in front of the rest of the class, and the feedback we recieved […]

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Program: Graphics

Week 3: Death animation

This week I have worked on making a death animation for our main character, the fox. In our game, the player is trying to sneak around the mansion without getting detected by Mr Otto von Fancy. If they get detected, Mr von Fancy will hunt the player down, and shoot them with his tesla gun, thus ending the game.
Last week, we presented the alpha of our game in front of the rest of the class, and the feedback we recieved […]

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Program: Graphics