Author Archives: Erik Rosenberg
Comment #6 – Anton Berglund
Hello Anton!
Thank you for a great read!
Your post is very well structured, your use of headings and subheadings make it very easy to follow your train of thought.
You have clearly described both what you have done throughout the project as well as why you have done it.
Having read through it all several times I am left wondering if it was a conscious decision not to work in the same physical workplace or if it just became a habit, also, did […]
Comment #6 – Anton Berglund
Hello Anton!
Thank you for a great read!
Your post is very well structured, your use of headings and subheadings make it very easy to follow your train of thought.
You have clearly described both what you have done throughout the project as well as why you have done it.
Having read through it all several times I am left wondering if it was a conscious decision not to work in the same physical workplace or if it just became a habit, also, did […]
Post #6 – Postmortem
For about six months I have been working with Group Siren in my major, Game Design at Uppsala University, Campus Gotland. As I am writing this we have completed three projects together: a board game based inspired by the digital game “The Binding of Isaac”, a concept document for a digital game we named “Beezerker” and lastly a digital shoot ‘em up, Behemoth.
In this Postmortem I will be writing about the last project we conducted together, Behemoth.
What did we do?
In Behemoth […]
Post #6 – Postmortem
For about six months I have been working with Group Siren in my major, Game Design at Uppsala University, Campus Gotland. As I am writing this we have completed three projects together: a board game based inspired by the digital game “The Binding of Isaac”, a concept document for a digital game we named “Beezerker” and lastly a digital shoot ‘em up, Behemoth.
In this Postmortem I will be writing about the last project we conducted together, Behemoth.
What did we do?
In Behemoth […]
Comment #5 – Kristina Stiskaite
Hello Kristina!
Thank you for a good read!
You made it clear that you were writing about the alpha and beta playtesting sessions as well as how you collected data during the alpha presentation. If I understand it correctly you had someone interview the play testers and writing down their replies, though it was not as clear as it could have been.
In addition, you jump back and forth between writing about the alpha and beta presentations in the same paragraphs, it would […]
Comment #5 – Kristina Stiskaite
Hello Kristina!
Thank you for a good read!
You made it clear that you were writing about the alpha and beta playtesting sessions as well as how you collected data during the alpha presentation. If I understand it correctly you had someone interview the play testers and writing down their replies, though it was not as clear as it could have been.
In addition, you jump back and forth between writing about the alpha and beta presentations in the same paragraphs, it would […]

Post #5 – Playtesting
Since the very beginning of the ongoing course we have conducted three types of playtesting:
(a) Playtesting conducted by the members of team Siren (i.e. the developers of the game)
(b) Online playtesting (previously mentioned in this post) via this website.
(c) Course-related playtesting workshops
(a) As well as (b) has been ongoing continuously, on a daily basis and communicated to the team either (a) by the team itself or (b) via e-mails/google forms.
(c) has happened on two occasions so far, on Monday (12/2-2018) which I wrote about […]

Post #5 – Playtesting
Since the very beginning of the ongoing course we have conducted three types of playtesting:
(a) Playtesting conducted by the members of team Siren (i.e. the developers of the game)
(b) Online playtesting (previously mentioned in this post) via this website.
(c) Course-related playtesting workshops
(a) As well as (b) has been ongoing continuously, on a daily basis and communicated to the team either (a) by the team itself or (b) via e-mails/google forms.
(c) has happened on two occasions so far, on Monday (12/2-2018) which I wrote about […]
Comment #4 – Cai Songqiao
Hello Cai!
First off, great post!
You write about both your animation process and the production of your boss, the Umibozu, though at first glance it can be hard for a reader to make out where you finish writing about animations and start writing about the boss. It would increase the readability a lot of you were to add subheadings and paragraphs.
You describe why you have made your design decisions thoroughly and provide me as a reader with a lot of valuable […]
Comment #4 – Cai Songqiao
Hello Cai!
First off, great post!
You write about both your animation process and the production of your boss, the Umibozu, though at first glance it can be hard for a reader to make out where you finish writing about animations and start writing about the boss. It would increase the readability a lot of you were to add subheadings and paragraphs.
You describe why you have made your design decisions thoroughly and provide me as a reader with a lot of valuable […]

Post #4 – Introducing features to the player
A tutorial level, meant to teach players how to use the various functions of the game.
After a lot of playtesting we have found one thing to be consistant, players rarely comprehend all the abilities they can use, when said abilities are best to use and how to figure out when they are able to do so. Hence the need for a tutorial level seemed apparent to us (the members of group siren).
We gathered the group at Campus Gotland (Uppsala University) and […]

Post #4 – Introducing features to the player
A tutorial level, meant to teach players how to use the various functions of the game.
After a lot of playtesting we have found one thing to be consistant, players rarely comprehend all the abilities they can use, when said abilities are best to use and how to figure out when they are able to do so. Hence the need for a tutorial level seemed apparent to us (the members of group siren).
We gathered the group at Campus Gotland (Uppsala University) and […]
Comment #3 – Gunnlaugur Arnarson
Hello Gunnlaugur,
First of all, great post!
The fact that you give the reader an in-depth understanding of your prior experiences with Scrum makes it a lot easier to follow your train of thought.
Your choice of imagery complements the post nicely as it depicts the generic Scrum process.
You have clearly described the effects that Scrum as a framework has had on your group so far. I do agree that the forced use of a template is sub-optimal for Scrum, especially as Scrum […]
Comment #3 – Gunnlaugur Arnarson
Hello Gunnlaugur,
First of all, great post!
The fact that you give the reader an in-depth understanding of your prior experiences with Scrum makes it a lot easier to follow your train of thought.
Your choice of imagery complements the post nicely as it depicts the generic Scrum process.
You have clearly described the effects that Scrum as a framework has had on your group so far. I do agree that the forced use of a template is sub-optimal for Scrum, especially as Scrum […]
Comment #2 – Mateusz Sieradzinski
Hello Matt!
I found the post very enjoyable, the way you take me as a reader through the whole process, step by step makes it very easy to follow your train of thought and understand both what you did to prepare for the presentation and why you did said thing.
When preparing for the same presentation we did the part about negatives last as we had a hard time coming up with things we were truly displeased with, I wholeheartedly agree that […]
Comment #2 – Mateusz Sieradzinski
Hello Matt!
I found the post very enjoyable, the way you take me as a reader through the whole process, step by step makes it very easy to follow your train of thought and understand both what you did to prepare for the presentation and why you did said thing.
When preparing for the same presentation we did the part about negatives last as we had a hard time coming up with things we were truly displeased with, I wholeheartedly agree that […]
Comment #1 – Clément Pirelli
Thank you for a good read, the item, being the light, was well-described and the way you explain the actual production process was great!
I like how you’ve reached your goal by trial and error, a great way to follow the teacher’s instructions to “fail fast”.
A couple of things I want to address; Scrum is a framework that we work in, by writing “second sprint of our scrum” it sounds like scrum itself was a delivery or something along those lines. […]
Comment #1 – Clément Pirelli
Thank you for a good read, the item, being the light, was well-described and the way you explain the actual production process was great!
I like how you’ve reached your goal by trial and error, a great way to follow the teacher’s instructions to “fail fast”.
A couple of things I want to address; Scrum is a framework that we work in, by writing “second sprint of our scrum” it sounds like scrum itself was a delivery or something along those lines. […]

Post #3 – Scrum – How it has affected the project so far
Group Siren (the group I am a member of) has been working together since early last semester, though without applying a specific framework to our work-process. As we started working on Behemoth, which we are currently doing, we also started using Scrum as the framework for our project.
Scrum for dummies
Scrum is an agile framework, based on the agile manifesto and can be summarised as an itterative development process, best applied when you have a rough idea of where you want […]

Post #3 – Scrum – How it has affected the project so far
Group Siren (the group I am a member of) has been working together since early last semester, though without applying a specific framework to our work-process. As we started working on Behemoth, which we are currently doing, we also started using Scrum as the framework for our project.
Scrum for dummies
Scrum is an agile framework, based on the agile manifesto and can be summarised as an itterative development process, best applied when you have a rough idea of where you want […]

Post #2 – Using play testing feedback
Apart from the aforementioned (in this post) online play testing that Group Siren is continuesly conducting all of the student groups taking Game Design 2 (5SD064) at Uppsala University, Campus Gotland attended a pre-alpha play testing workshop last monday (12/2-2018).
Said workshop left us with a mountain of feedback which had to be processed and interpreted in order for Group Siren to be able to make improvements based on said feedback, which I, to the best of my ability have done.
Throughout […]

Post #2 – Using play testing feedback
Apart from the aforementioned (in this post) online play testing that Group Siren is continuesly conducting all of the student groups taking Game Design 2 (5SD064) at Uppsala University, Campus Gotland attended a pre-alpha play testing workshop last monday (12/2-2018).
Said workshop left us with a mountain of feedback which had to be processed and interpreted in order for Group Siren to be able to make improvements based on said feedback, which I, to the best of my ability have done.
Throughout […]

Post #1 – Aiming the canon
Erik Rosenberg, I have been working as a project manager at a smaller media company prior to coming to Uppsala University, Campus Gotland where I am currently taking a bachelor of Game Design with a minor in Project Management. It is the second semester of my first year at the university.
I am also a member of Group Siren (a group of students at Uppsala University, Campus Gotland). Said group is currently developing a game, Behemoth, based on a concept document […]

Post #1 – Aiming the canon
Erik Rosenberg, I have been working as a project manager at a smaller media company prior to coming to Uppsala University, Campus Gotland where I am currently taking a bachelor of Game Design with a minor in Project Management. It is the second semester of my first year at the university.
I am also a member of Group Siren (a group of students at Uppsala University, Campus Gotland). Said group is currently developing a game, Behemoth, based on a concept document […]