Author Archives: Erik Nilsson

About Erik Nilsson

2015 Programming

Finishing up Potato Pirates, HUD-icons

This last week has been quite different from the previous weeks we have been working on this project. Seeing as we were quite finished with our game, and our backlog was pretty much empty, what was left to do was a lot of tweaking of things we already had.
What I’m going to write about today is the implementation of the animated HUD-elements for the power-ups, not because it was different to do but because of the, at least from my […]

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Program: Programming

Finishing up Potato Pirates, HUD-icons

This last week has been quite different from the previous weeks we have been working on this project. Seeing as we were quite finished with our game, and our backlog was pretty much empty, what was left to do was a lot of tweaking of things we already had.
What I’m going to write about today is the implementation of the animated HUD-elements for the power-ups, not because it was different to do but because of the, at least from my […]

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Program: Programming


In the week since my last post, we have been working furiously on finishing up our game. One of the things I have been working on is how our game handles the score that the player obtains while playing.
Since we use the score in two different states in the game, the gameplay-state and the victoryscreen-state, I implemented our score class as a member of our main game-state, thus making it exist and be accessible as long as the game is […]

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Program: Programming


In the week since my last post, we have been working furiously on finishing up our game. One of the things I have been working on is how our game handles the score that the player obtains while playing.
Since we use the score in two different states in the game, the gameplay-state and the victoryscreen-state, I implemented our score class as a member of our main game-state, thus making it exist and be accessible as long as the game is […]

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Program: Programming

Code review, Team 19 – Mermaid River

Hello Team 19!
First of all looking at your commit-history at bitbucket, you do not seem to be very active at all with your game…
Moving on to your player class, I assume that to be the one called PlayerEntity, first of all it is completely without comments, that is a bad coding habit. Comments on what your functions do makes code much easier to read and navigate.
Secondly you have a bunch of pointers to different managers in your .h file, half […]

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Program: Programming

Code review, Team 19 – Mermaid River

Hello Team 19!
First of all looking at your commit-history at bitbucket, you do not seem to be very active at all with your game…
Moving on to your player class, I assume that to be the one called PlayerEntity, first of all it is completely without comments, that is a bad coding habit. Comments on what your functions do makes code much easier to read and navigate.
Secondly you have a bunch of pointers to different managers in your .h file, half […]

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Program: Programming

Power up, Moonshine

This past week has been quite busy as the beta is approaching!
One of the things I have done this past week is writing the code for some of our power-ups and implementing them into our game. The power-up I will discuss in this post is our Moonshine ability.
The idea behind the moonshine power-up is that it should slow down everything in the game, including the player. The player’s movement speed however shouldn’t get slowed down as much as everything else […]

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Program: Programming

Power up, Moonshine

This past week has been quite busy as the beta is approaching!
One of the things I have done this past week is writing the code for some of our power-ups and implementing them into our game. The power-up I will discuss in this post is our Moonshine ability.
The idea behind the moonshine power-up is that it should slow down everything in the game, including the player. The player’s movement speed however shouldn’t get slowed down as much as everything else […]

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Program: Programming

Implementing movement patterns, Potato Pirates

This past week I have been working on creating the code for the movement patterns of the enemies in our game.
I wrote about the design of the movement patterns a couple of weeks ago, and I felt it would be nice to do a follow up on that, to write about the implementation of our design.
I started by setting up a new function for movement patterns in the base class of our enemies. Within this function I created the algorithms […]

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Program: Programming

Implementing movement patterns, Potato Pirates

This past week I have been working on creating the code for the movement patterns of the enemies in our game.
I wrote about the design of the movement patterns a couple of weeks ago, and I felt it would be nice to do a follow up on that, to write about the implementation of our design.
I started by setting up a new function for movement patterns in the base class of our enemies. Within this function I created the algorithms […]

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Program: Programming

Implementation of HUD-elements, PotatoPirates

This week I have been working on implementing our HUD into the game. Our HUD consists of:

Health indicators
Ammo indicators

Crate, with numerical representation of the ammo.
Potato-clusters, to visualize that the ammo is potatoes a bit more.


Indicator on the altimeter, altimeter is only visible in stealth as of now.

Screen-shot from the game with visible HUD-elements in combat mode:

Starting out I built a HUD-class to manage all the elements for the HUD, and used a draw function to draw the HUD-elements as simple […]

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Program: Programming

Implementation of HUD-elements, PotatoPirates

This week I have been working on implementing our HUD into the game. Our HUD consists of:

Health indicators
Ammo indicators

Crate, with numerical representation of the ammo.
Potato-clusters, to visualize that the ammo is potatoes a bit more.


Indicator on the altimeter, altimeter is only visible in stealth as of now.

Screen-shot from the game with visible HUD-elements in combat mode:

Starting out I built a HUD-class to manage all the elements for the HUD, and used a draw function to draw the HUD-elements as simple […]

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Program: Programming

Game Design, Movement patterns

So this is my first post in this series of posts documenting our work and progress on our space-shooter. I work in group 18, and we are making a game called Potato Pirates.
Potato Pirates is a 2-dimensional space shooter side-scroller in which you control an airplane and meet enemy airplanes. I worked on the movement patterns for the enemies that the player faces.
In the game we have a stealth feature for the player, meaning that the player can play through […]

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Program: Programming

Game Design, Movement patterns

So this is my first post in this series of posts documenting our work and progress on our space-shooter. I work in group 18, and we are making a game called Potato Pirates.
Potato Pirates is a 2-dimensional space shooter side-scroller in which you control an airplane and meet enemy airplanes. I worked on the movement patterns for the enemies that the player faces.
In the game we have a stealth feature for the player, meaning that the player can play through […]

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Program: Programming