Author Archives: Elis Öhrman

Bugfixing and Implementation of the last Assets before the Release
So I know that you are supose to focus on one artifact that you’ve worked on during the week, however I’ve worked on so many little small things this week that I’d never get up to the 400 word minimum if I were to select one. There for I’ve decided to group most of the things I’ve done under “Bugfixing” and “Asset Implementation”.
This have been the last week we have had to work on our game with the release comming […]

Bugfixing and Implementation of the last Assets before the Release
So I know that you are supose to focus on one artifact that you’ve worked on during the week, however I’ve worked on so many little small things this week that I’d never get up to the 400 word minimum if I were to select one. There for I’ve decided to group most of the things I’ve done under “Bugfixing” and “Asset Implementation”.
This have been the last week we have had to work on our game with the release comming […]

Adding Fullscreen
So, just like last week I’ve done a lot of different things this week. Reworked how we handle owlets, changed how to camera work, etc. however I’ve decided to write about the implementation of fullscreen to our game.
To start of, I guess I should mention that it might not be real fullscreen, it’s more like windowed borderless since I stretch the window to cover the screen rather than changing the windows actuall size. It’s still the same effect as regular fullscreen and […]

Adding Fullscreen
So, just like last week I’ve done a lot of different things this week. Reworked how we handle owlets, changed how to camera work, etc. however I’ve decided to write about the implementation of fullscreen to our game.
To start of, I guess I should mention that it might not be real fullscreen, it’s more like windowed borderless since I stretch the window to cover the screen rather than changing the windows actuall size. It’s still the same effect as regular fullscreen and […]
Programming 2 Task
Om du är är här för att kommentera på min spelutvecklings post så har du kommit fel, det är nästa post som är för spelutvecklings kursen.
Så, först och främst så insåg jag snabbt att det inte fanns en “player” klass. Efter att har frågat grupp 17 så fick vi svaret att “Turrent” klassen och “Planet” klassen är det närmaste de kommer en spelar klass.
Jag började med att kolla Turrent klassen. I sig en väldigt liten klass med lite kod. Om […]
Programming 2 Task
Om du är är här för att kommentera på min spelutvecklings post så har du kommit fel, det är nästa post som är för spelutvecklings kursen.
Så, först och främst så insåg jag snabbt att det inte fanns en “player” klass. Efter att har frågat grupp 17 så fick vi svaret att “Turrent” klassen och “Planet” klassen är det närmaste de kommer en spelar klass.
Jag började med att kolla Turrent klassen. I sig en väldigt liten klass med lite kod. Om […]

Fixing and Tweaking and… Stuffs!
So, this is a hard one. Since we are suppose to focus on just one thing we’ve worked on during the week I guess I’ll have to talk about what took the longest time since I have worked on a lot of things this week.
I didn’t really implement anything new, just fixed on what was already there. Added to it, removed from it and reworked it. But what took most of my time this week was according to my notes […]

Fixing and Tweaking and… Stuffs!
So, this is a hard one. Since we are suppose to focus on just one thing we’ve worked on during the week I guess I’ll have to talk about what took the longest time since I have worked on a lot of things this week.
I didn’t really implement anything new, just fixed on what was already there. Added to it, removed from it and reworked it. But what took most of my time this week was according to my notes […]

Owlets Follow the Player
This week I’ve worked on a lot of things, not to say that I haven’t worked on a lot of things the other weeks but whatever…
Since I’ve talked about the owlets before and since I’ve been the one in our group working on their functionality I decided to continue talking about them and how I made them follow the player around after you’ve picked them up.
So according to the concept document the owlets were suppose to follow the player like […]

Owlets Follow the Player
This week I’ve worked on a lot of things, not to say that I haven’t worked on a lot of things the other weeks but whatever…
Since I’ve talked about the owlets before and since I’ve been the one in our group working on their functionality I decided to continue talking about them and how I made them follow the player around after you’ve picked them up.
So according to the concept document the owlets were suppose to follow the player like […]

Creating a Basic Camera
So this week I’ve been working on getting a camera to work as well as getting tile based things to be drawn correctly, however I’ll be focusing on my camera work!
So if you are not familiar with the concept I’m working on I’ll go through it quickly.
The game is called “Trowl” and you play as an owl mother who lives on a train with her children. The train start to move, scattering the owl mother and her owlets across the train. […]

Creating a Basic Camera
So this week I’ve been working on getting a camera to work as well as getting tile based things to be drawn correctly, however I’ll be focusing on my camera work!
So if you are not familiar with the concept I’m working on I’ll go through it quickly.
The game is called “Trowl” and you play as an owl mother who lives on a train with her children. The train start to move, scattering the owl mother and her owlets across the train. […]

Basic “Coin Collection”
So, we got tasked to make blog posts during our course and since I’ve never made a propper blog post before here goes nothing.
I’m going to be honest and say that I haven’t gotten much done this week due to the fact that I’ve been laying in bed with a fever, however this doesn’t mean I haven’t gotten something done.
The artefact I’ve created and decided to write about this week is what I’d like to call “Basic Coin Collection”, a […]

Basic “Coin Collection”
So, we got tasked to make blog posts during our course and since I’ve never made a propper blog post before here goes nothing.
I’m going to be honest and say that I haven’t gotten much done this week due to the fact that I’ve been laying in bed with a fever, however this doesn’t mean I haven’t gotten something done.
The artefact I’ve created and decided to write about this week is what I’d like to call “Basic Coin Collection”, a […]