Author Archives: Daniel Reinsson
Comment #6
Blog post being commented on.
Hi there Teo!
When it comes to seeing your creation come to life I feel just like you do, it is truly something magical.
The ‘what has gone well’ part of the text seems so short, you start it of with “First, I’d like to start with what have gone well:”, which signals to the reader that there will be several things that you will bring up that has gone well during your project. If […]
Comment #6
Blog post being commented on.
Hi there Teo!
When it comes to seeing your creation come to life I feel just like you do, it is truly something magical.
The ‘what has gone well’ part of the text seems so short, you start it of with “First, I’d like to start with what have gone well:”, which signals to the reader that there will be several things that you will bring up that has gone well during your project. If […]
Comment #5
Blog post being commented on.
Hi there Max!
Right of the bat you let the reader know what the post is all about, great!
It would have been nice to know what your survey’s questions are, giving the start of the post more substance. If you could have written any of the differences that you found when observing your testers during the alpha and the beta would have been interesting to read about, if there were any that is.
I am […]
Comment #5
Blog post being commented on.
Hi there Max!
Right of the bat you let the reader know what the post is all about, great!
It would have been nice to know what your survey’s questions are, giving the start of the post more substance. If you could have written any of the differences that you found when observing your testers during the alpha and the beta would have been interesting to read about, if there were any that is.
I am […]
Comment #4
Blog post being commented on.
Hello Adam! The first couple of sentences made it instantly clear as to what the post is about, the second half of the first paragraph is not as clear however. Considering that you are a programmer I take it that the enemies in the game has been, up until this point, in a placeholder state coding wise. I do, however, recall that the dragonfly looked differently before and acted fairly similarly to the […]
Comment #4
Blog post being commented on.
Hello Adam! The first couple of sentences made it instantly clear as to what the post is about, the second half of the first paragraph is not as clear however. Considering that you are a programmer I take it that the enemies in the game has been, up until this point, in a placeholder state coding wise. I do, however, recall that the dragonfly looked differently before and acted fairly similarly to the […]
Comment #3
Blog post being commented on.
Hello there Isak! It is good to see that you feel like you have improved your work ethics! I know all too well about the trap that is procrastination, I have been there before and still am, to an extent.
Your post highlights the most important part of scrum, which would be the communication and re-iteration aspect. I do feel however, that you could have gone more in depth on how you and your […]
Comment #3
Blog post being commented on.
Hello there Isak! It is good to see that you feel like you have improved your work ethics! I know all too well about the trap that is procrastination, I have been there before and still am, to an extent.
Your post highlights the most important part of scrum, which would be the communication and re-iteration aspect. I do feel however, that you could have gone more in depth on how you and your […]
Comment #2
Blog post being commented on.
Hello Roberto, Very interesting and well-structured post! The insight on why the cannon looks like it does is appreciated and I have a few questions on the few things that seems to have been left out of the original post.
First up, between the first mock-up and the alpha version the cannon has changed in color, it would have been interesting to know about the reasons for this change.
Second, you mention Super Metroid and […]
Comment #2
Blog post being commented on.
Hello Roberto, Very interesting and well-structured post! The insight on why the cannon looks like it does is appreciated and I have a few questions on the few things that seems to have been left out of the original post.
First up, between the first mock-up and the alpha version the cannon has changed in color, it would have been interesting to know about the reasons for this change.
Second, you mention Super Metroid and […]
Comment #1
Link to blog post that is being commented on.
The start of the post should act as an introduction to the rest of the post, right now it introduces the game your group is making instead of what the actual post is about. I can understand that you would like to introduce the group and the game that you are making but maybe that is for another post.
Disregarding the introduction, the rest of the post is very clear […]
Comment #1
Link to blog post that is being commented on.
The start of the post should act as an introduction to the rest of the post, right now it introduces the game your group is making instead of what the actual post is about. I can understand that you would like to introduce the group and the game that you are making but maybe that is for another post.
Disregarding the introduction, the rest of the post is very clear […]

The Explosion And The Aftershock – Postmortem (Updated 30-04-2018)
The Main Explosion
It is finally time to harvest our crops after much work, our game is finished and after everything is said and done, it is not half bad. What we showed at the golden playtest session was a polished game with not too many apparent flaws.
The final iteration of You May Kiss The Bride is a top-down, semi-isometric 2D shooter and looks little something like this:
The first enemy of the game is trapped in a ring of benches so that it […]

The Explosion And The Aftershock – Postmortem (Updated 30-04-2018)
The Main Explosion
It is finally time to harvest our crops after much work, our game is finished and after everything is said and done, it is not half bad. What we showed at the golden playtest session was a polished game with not too many apparent flaws.
The final iteration of You May Kiss The Bride is a top-down, semi-isometric 2D shooter and looks little something like this:
The first enemy of the game is trapped in a ring of benches so that it […]

Test, Test and Then Test Some More, The Great Regret
The blind-eye
Playtesting in all of its variation is an integral part of iterative design. when used well it can help identify problems that were hidden in plain sight. How and when you playtest is of most importance, testing often and testing specifics of your game gives you a greater understanding of your game and its systems. With greater understanding comes greater mastery of your game, which blindsided me to the difficulty and learning curve of me and my team’s game.
Me […]

Test, Test and Then Test Some More, The Great Regret
The blind-eye
Playtesting in all of its variation is an integral part of iterative design. when used well it can help identify problems that were hidden in plain sight. How and when you playtest is of most importance, testing often and testing specifics of your game gives you a greater understanding of your game and its systems. With greater understanding comes greater mastery of your game, which blindsided me to the difficulty and learning curve of me and my team’s game.
Me […]
The Tragedy of the Missing User Stories
The Beginning of the End
As the title suggests, my group is not using user stories. The reason for this horrendous act can be summed up in two parts.
First of all, the user stories that I had been given from my fellow designer were lackluster (I have no ill will towards you, it was everyone’s first attempt at user stories). The amount of stories were poor, they did not cover the entire concept document and the parts that were supposedly covered […]
The Tragedy of the Missing User Stories
The Beginning of the End
As the title suggests, my group is not using user stories. The reason for this horrendous act can be summed up in two parts.
First of all, the user stories that I had been given from my fellow designer were lackluster (I have no ill will towards you, it was everyone’s first attempt at user stories). The amount of stories were poor, they did not cover the entire concept document and the parts that were supposedly covered […]
Scrums effect on our development
Working with scrum as our framework has aided us with scheduling our workload efficiently, for the most part. I cannot speak for everyone, but at least in my group we feel like the milestones set by by our course representative are diminishing the freedom that scrum is supposed to give the team. I can understand that it is easier to judge how far a project has progressed if they pass all the set criterias, but it feels like it makes […]
Scrums effect on our development
Working with scrum as our framework has aided us with scheduling our workload efficiently, for the most part. I cannot speak for everyone, but at least in my group we feel like the milestones set by by our course representative are diminishing the freedom that scrum is supposed to give the team. I can understand that it is easier to judge how far a project has progressed if they pass all the set criterias, but it feels like it makes […]

Creating a level design with bugged enemies
I recently had the pleasure of making the level design for our game so that we had something proper to show during our alpha presentation, which went good and all if it hadn’t been for one tiny detail, the one and only enemy in the game was killing it self with its own projectile.
Making the level design in of itself was not a hard task per-se but more of a time-consuming, brainstorming and shape making task. Placing obstacles in an […]

Creating a level design with bugged enemies
I recently had the pleasure of making the level design for our game so that we had something proper to show during our alpha presentation, which went good and all if it hadn’t been for one tiny detail, the one and only enemy in the game was killing it self with its own projectile.
Making the level design in of itself was not a hard task per-se but more of a time-consuming, brainstorming and shape making task. Placing obstacles in an […]

While we designers have not had that much to do apart from making design decisions, there has been one thing that we can always fall back to, the game design document (GDD). While I am waiting for the feature freeze to come into effect so that I can start seriously working on the level design I have been writing the GDD. The reason I am waiting for the feature freeze before putting more effort into the level design is that […]

While we designers have not had that much to do apart from making design decisions, there has been one thing that we can always fall back to, the game design document (GDD). While I am waiting for the feature freeze to come into effect so that I can start seriously working on the level design I have been writing the GDD. The reason I am waiting for the feature freeze before putting more effort into the level design is that […]