Author Archives: David Eliasson
Pokemon Progresseion
So this past week we have actually gotten quite some work done. Successfully gotten a working state manager that handles our different states or as they are in our case different scenes ex. Intro, houses, an open world and a battle phase. I spent my Christmas weeks working on a concept for a state manager I found when browsing through lazy foo´s website and tried to recreate it using a clean version of the arkanoid code we have created up until […]
Pokemon Progresseion
So this past week we have actually gotten quite some work done. Successfully gotten a working state manager that handles our different states or as they are in our case different scenes ex. Intro, houses, an open world and a battle phase. I spent my Christmas weeks working on a concept for a state manager I found when browsing through lazy foo´s website and tried to recreate it using a clean version of the arkanoid code we have created up until […]

Jolly Christmas Programming.
Merry Christmas!
So when others are drinking egg nod and the Swedish Christmas specialties ”glögg” and ”julmust” during a quite relaxing weekend i am stuck with my groups Pokémon project. So far we have managed to print a background image with a movable character on it with some collision covering the edges, so our character do not runt outside the screen. Our main concern at the moment is adding additional blocks restricting the movement on the map along with creating a state […]

Jolly Christmas Programming.
Merry Christmas!
So when others are drinking egg nod and the Swedish Christmas specialties ”glögg” and ”julmust” during a quite relaxing weekend i am stuck with my groups Pokémon project. So far we have managed to print a background image with a movable character on it with some collision covering the edges, so our character do not runt outside the screen. Our main concern at the moment is adding additional blocks restricting the movement on the map along with creating a state […]
Second and Third Week of Programming
During last week we went over how to use the pointer functions and arrays. However i do not quite understand just how to use them or the exact definition, according to the book an array is data-type with a set amount of elements which we can define the value it holds. This works as a mean to save space and is currently being used in loops to search through the elements and displaying them onto the screen. I will shortly present […]
Second and Third Week of Programming
During last week we went over how to use the pointer functions and arrays. However i do not quite understand just how to use them or the exact definition, according to the book an array is data-type with a set amount of elements which we can define the value it holds. This works as a mean to save space and is currently being used in loops to search through the elements and displaying them onto the screen. I will shortly present […]
Second and Third Week of Programming
During last week we went over how to use the pointer functions and arrays. However i do not quite understand just how to use them or the exact definition, according to the book an array is data-type with a set amount of elements which we can define the value it holds. This works as a mean to save space and is currently being used in loops to search through the elements and displaying them onto the screen. I will shortly present […]
Second and Third Week of Programming
During last week we went over how to use the pointer functions and arrays. However i do not quite understand just how to use them or the exact definition, according to the book an array is data-type with a set amount of elements which we can define the value it holds. This works as a mean to save space and is currently being used in loops to search through the elements and displaying them onto the screen. I will shortly present […]

First Week of Programming
<- One of the working test projects in the first weeks challenge.
Hello there. Been quite a while now since last time now which is to my regret, I have never been one to post regularly or even running a blog before this. But now this week have been the start for the real reason why I came back to school, programming. One thing I never was any good on during my high school years and I had after 3 years of […]

First Week of Programming
<- One of the working test projects in the first weeks challenge.
Hello there. Been quite a while now since last time now which is to my regret, I have never been one to post regularly or even running a blog before this. But now this week have been the start for the real reason why I came back to school, programming. One thing I never was any good on during my high school years and I had after 3 years of […]

First Week of Programming
<- One of the working test projects in the first weeks challenge.
Hello there. Been quite a while now since last time now which is to my regret, I have never been one to post regularly or even running a blog before this. But now this week have been the start for the real reason why I came back to school, programming. One thing I never was any good on during my high school years and I had after 3 years of […]

First Week of Programming
<- One of the working test projects in the first weeks challenge.
Hello there. Been quite a while now since last time now which is to my regret, I have never been one to post regularly or even running a blog before this. But now this week have been the start for the real reason why I came back to school, programming. One thing I never was any good on during my high school years and I had after 3 years of […]
The assignments is starting to Show
Hello again!
We have as of now been handed out our first real game development assignment as we are to use the things we have learnt so far in the course. As for example MDA that we have studied last week and to come up with our own version of an creeping doom game where we are supposed to give the player the sensation that they are going to make it in time and survive, as well at the same time […]
The assignments is starting to Show
Hello again!
We have as of now been handed out our first real game development assignment as we are to use the things we have learnt so far in the course. As for example MDA that we have studied last week and to come up with our own version of an creeping doom game where we are supposed to give the player the sensation that they are going to make it in time and survive, as well at the same time […]
The assignments is starting to Show
Hello again!
We have as of now been handed out our first real game development assignment as we are to use the things we have learnt so far in the course. As for example MDA that we have studied last week and to come up with our own version of an creeping doom game where we are supposed to give the player the sensation that they are going to make it in time and survive, as well at the same time […]
The assignments is starting to Show
Hello again!
We have as of now been handed out our first real game development assignment as we are to use the things we have learnt so far in the course. As for example MDA that we have studied last week and to come up with our own version of an creeping doom game where we are supposed to give the player the sensation that they are going to make it in time and survive, as well at the same time […]
Starting Point
This marks the start of my very first blog and also my first week back in school again after quite a few years away from it. Not much for an introduction for the place that shall spread my coming work and knowledge but soon enough it will be.
Best regards
Starting Point
This marks the start of my very first blog and also my first week back in school again after quite a few years away from it. Not much for an introduction for the place that shall spread my coming work and knowledge but soon enough it will be.
Best regards
Starting Point
This marks the start of my very first blog and also my first week back in school again after quite a few years away from it. Not much for an introduction for the place that shall spread my coming work and knowledge but soon enough it will be.
Best regards
Starting Point
This marks the start of my very first blog and also my first week back in school again after quite a few years away from it. Not much for an introduction for the place that shall spread my coming work and knowledge but soon enough it will be.
Best regards