Author Archives: Christoffer Svensson

Wood Spirit – All Animations
I was hoping to be able to write about something a little different than animations this time, but another animation post it is.
Although animations are fun, other tasks would have been interesting as well. But do not fret all, there is a Death-animation in this post as well!
This time I was animating the final standard enemy, the Wood Spirit.
Previously I have animated each character one animation at a time, idle first and then going for each other animation one at […]

Wood Spirit – All Animations
I was hoping to be able to write about something a little different than animations this time, but another animation post it is.
Although animations are fun, other tasks would have been interesting as well. But do not fret all, there is a Death-animation in this post as well!
This time I was animating the final standard enemy, the Wood Spirit.
Previously I have animated each character one animation at a time, idle first and then going for each other animation one at […]

Main Character – Death Animation
As expected, another animation! Another Death animation even, this time for the main character of our project.
Hmm, three out of four posts related to animation contain death.. A bit of a fixation perhaps?
Nah, not really. They just happened to be my latest finished artefacts of the project. But unless I’ve just finished the death animation for the boss next time, that post should be about something slightly different.
So, what can i say about this one that hasn’t already been […]

Main Character – Death Animation
As expected, another animation! Another Death animation even, this time for the main character of our project.
Hmm, three out of four posts related to animation contain death.. A bit of a fixation perhaps?
Nah, not really. They just happened to be my latest finished artefacts of the project. But unless I’ve just finished the death animation for the boss next time, that post should be about something slightly different.
So, what can i say about this one that hasn’t already been […]

Water Spirit – Death Animation
Another animation! Hope you’re not getting bored of these. I’m pretty much the main animator for the project that we are working on, so I’ll most likely be writing about animations until the end of the project.
This time I included a gif showing the process I use to create the animations, from sketch to finished.
I did happen to merge a couple of layers in the process of making the lineart it seems, as well as not separating the color-layers to […]

Water Spirit – Death Animation
Another animation! Hope you’re not getting bored of these. I’m pretty much the main animator for the project that we are working on, so I’ll most likely be writing about animations until the end of the project.
This time I included a gif showing the process I use to create the animations, from sketch to finished.
I did happen to merge a couple of layers in the process of making the lineart it seems, as well as not separating the color-layers to […]

A Little Bit of Attack Animation
Right, so time for another artefact! Another animation even!
This time I’ve worked on the main characters attack animation. And I have to say, despite what everyone else seem to think, animating something that looks human is a lot harder than the Fire Spirit that I wrote about last time. Since we are all quite familiar with how the human body should look and move, any error in anatomy or movement really shines through. I didn’t really experience it the […]

A Little Bit of Attack Animation
Right, so time for another artefact! Another animation even!
This time I’ve worked on the main characters attack animation. And I have to say, despite what everyone else seem to think, animating something that looks human is a lot harder than the Fire Spirit that I wrote about last time. Since we are all quite familiar with how the human body should look and move, any error in anatomy or movement really shines through. I didn’t really experience it the […]

The Blog, a Resurrection!
New times and new blog-posts!
Recently in the course Game Development – Introduction my group began developing a game from a concept created by another group of student. The concept was called Possession, a Shooter style game inspired by east-Asian lore.
As a part of the course we are supposed to take an artefact for the game that we have worked on or completed and describe our work process. The one I have chosen for this blog post is the death […]

The Blog, a Resurrection!
New times and new blog-posts!
Recently in the course Game Development – Introduction my group began developing a game from a concept created by another group of student. The concept was called Possession, a Shooter style game inspired by east-Asian lore.
As a part of the course we are supposed to take an artefact for the game that we have worked on or completed and describe our work process. The one I have chosen for this blog post is the death […]
A Brilliant, Shining New Blog! *Mint In Box.
And yes, so even I have come to create a blog I can call my very own.
It shall be filled with musings, ideas, dance and song! A feast for the mind, each and every word! Bring on the shandy, my good sirs!
Or at least with some hopefully interesting thoughts, ideas and such on topics like games, design and graphics.
My name is Christoffer and I’m a student of the Game Design – Graphics program at Uppsala University, campus Gotland (yes I […]
A Brilliant, Shining New Blog! *Mint In Box.
And yes, so even I have come to create a blog I can call my very own.
It shall be filled with musings, ideas, dance and song! A feast for the mind, each and every word! Bring on the shandy, my good sirs!
Or at least with some hopefully interesting thoughts, ideas and such on topics like games, design and graphics.
My name is Christoffer and I’m a student of the Game Design – Graphics program at Uppsala University, campus Gotland (yes I […]