Author Archives: Christoffer Svensson

3D I – Object for Assignment II
When visiting the museum the object that I decided to go with was a not entirely complete baptismal font from the 12th century. It was crafted by stonemasons working in what was called Byzantios craft, which was a particular style that the local craftsmen used (quite evidently a reference to the Byzanthine Empire, which appears to have been a main influence even though the style originated in northern Europe), and appears to have been a part of Linde church.
Part […]

3D I – Object for Assignment II
When visiting the museum the object that I decided to go with was a not entirely complete baptismal font from the 12th century. It was crafted by stonemasons working in what was called Byzantios craft, which was a particular style that the local craftsmen used (quite evidently a reference to the Byzanthine Empire, which appears to have been a main influence even though the style originated in northern Europe), and appears to have been a part of Linde church.
Part […]

3D I – Object for Assignment II
When visiting the museum the object that I decided to go with was a not entirely complete baptismal font from the 12th century. It was crafted by stonemasons working in what was called Byzantios craft, which was a particular style that the local craftsmen used (quite evidently a reference to the Byzanthine Empire, which appears to have been a main influence even though the style originated in northern Europe), and appears to have been a part of Linde church.
Part […]

3D I – Object for Assignment II
When visiting the museum the object that I decided to go with was a not entirely complete baptismal font from the 12th century. It was crafted by stonemasons working in what was called Byzantios craft, which was a particular style that the local craftsmen used (quite evidently a reference to the Byzanthine Empire, which appears to have been a main influence even though the style originated in northern Europe), and appears to have been a part of Linde church.
Part […]

Board Game Analysis – Portobello Market
Time for another board game analysis, this time of the game Portobello Market.
This is a game where players compete by strategically placing Market Stalls on the game board, a representation of London (sort of), to score points.
The basics is that you spend an Action Token each turn and place either Market Stalls or randomized Market Visitors for the number of actions gained.
The Action Tokens each have a numeral representing the number of actions that the player will […]

Board Game Analysis – Portobello Market
Time for another board game analysis, this time of the game Portobello Market.
This is a game where players compete by strategically placing Market Stalls on the game board, a representation of London (sort of), to score points.
The basics is that you spend an Action Token each turn and place either Market Stalls or randomized Market Visitors for the number of actions gained.
The Action Tokens each have a numeral representing the number of actions that the player will […]

Board Game Analysis – Portobello Market
Time for another board game analysis, this time of the game Portobello Market.
This is a game where players compete by strategically placing Market Stalls on the game board, a representation of London (sort of), to score points.
The basics is that you spend an Action Token each turn and place either Market Stalls or randomized Market Visitors for the number of actions gained.
The Action Tokens each have a numeral representing the number of actions that the player will […]

Board Game Analysis – Portobello Market
Time for another board game analysis, this time of the game Portobello Market.
This is a game where players compete by strategically placing Market Stalls on the game board, a representation of London (sort of), to score points.
The basics is that you spend an Action Token each turn and place either Market Stalls or randomized Market Visitors for the number of actions gained.
The Action Tokens each have a numeral representing the number of actions that the player will […]

3D I – Crate Optimization
Urban Contemporary Crate – Optimized by Jonna Jarlson
The problems that this crate had was mainly that it still consisted of separate objects and that it wasn’t centered on the 0.0.0 coordinates.
This was rather easily fixed by Attaching the objects together, and simply specifying the coordinates of the object to 0.0.0.
While going through the xView filters Jonna also discovered a lot of overlapping surfaces. This was because the object is several forms combined into one, causing the inside faces of the […]

3D I – Crate Optimization
Urban Contemporary Crate – Optimized by Jonna Jarlson
The problems that this crate had was mainly that it still consisted of separate objects and that it wasn’t centered on the 0.0.0 coordinates.
This was rather easily fixed by Attaching the objects together, and simply specifying the coordinates of the object to 0.0.0.
While going through the xView filters Jonna also discovered a lot of overlapping surfaces. This was because the object is several forms combined into one, causing the inside faces of the […]

3D I – Crate Optimization
Urban Contemporary Crate – Optimized by Jonna Jarlson
The problems that this crate had was mainly that it still consisted of separate objects and that it wasn’t centered on the 0.0.0 coordinates.
This was rather easily fixed by Attaching the objects together, and simply specifying the coordinates of the object to 0.0.0.
While going through the xView filters Jonna also discovered a lot of overlapping surfaces. This was because the object is several forms combined into one, causing the inside faces of the […]

3D I – Crate Optimization
Urban Contemporary Crate – Optimized by Jonna Jarlson
The problems that this crate had was mainly that it still consisted of separate objects and that it wasn’t centered on the 0.0.0 coordinates.
This was rather easily fixed by Attaching the objects together, and simply specifying the coordinates of the object to 0.0.0.
While going through the xView filters Jonna also discovered a lot of overlapping surfaces. This was because the object is several forms combined into one, causing the inside faces of the […]

3D I – Week 2
This week we modeled three variations of crates, where each was supposed to be inspired by a different theme. These themes were Sci-Fi, Cartoonish, Medieval, Post-Apocalyptic and Urban Contemporary. This was to illustrate how objects may have more or less radically different models to relate the theme.
The three themes that I chose were Medieval, Sci-Fi and Urban Contemporary.
The first crate I did was supposed to be within the Medieval theme, and was therefore of a rather simplistic, yet […]

3D I – Week 2
This week we modeled three variations of crates, where each was supposed to be inspired by a different theme. These themes were Sci-Fi, Cartoonish, Medieval, Post-Apocalyptic and Urban Contemporary. This was to illustrate how objects may have more or less radically different models to relate the theme.
The three themes that I chose were Medieval, Sci-Fi and Urban Contemporary.
The first crate I did was supposed to be within the Medieval theme, and was therefore of a rather simplistic, yet […]

3D I – Week 2
This week we modeled three variations of crates, where each was supposed to be inspired by a different theme. These themes were Sci-Fi, Cartoonish, Medieval, Post-Apocalyptic and Urban Contemporary. This was to illustrate how objects may have more or less radically different models to relate the theme.
The three themes that I chose were Medieval, Sci-Fi and Urban Contemporary.
The first crate I did was supposed to be within the Medieval theme, and was therefore of a rather simplistic, yet […]

3D I – Week 2
This week we modeled three variations of crates, where each was supposed to be inspired by a different theme. These themes were Sci-Fi, Cartoonish, Medieval, Post-Apocalyptic and Urban Contemporary. This was to illustrate how objects may have more or less radically different models to relate the theme.
The three themes that I chose were Medieval, Sci-Fi and Urban Contemporary.
The first crate I did was supposed to be within the Medieval theme, and was therefore of a rather simplistic, yet […]

Boardgame Analysis – Drakborgen Legenden
Right, so this time I’m actually going to perform an analysis of the board game Drakborgen Legenden.
Basically this is a board game where you choose a character at the start of the game and venture into a castle that a dragon calls home, hoping to loot the most treasure, fight monsters and make it out in one piece before the sun sets.
The character that you choose have five main stats, Strength, Agility, Armor, Mentality (I suppose it […]

Boardgame Analysis – Drakborgen Legenden
Right, so this time I’m actually going to perform an analysis of the board game Drakborgen Legenden.
Basically this is a board game where you choose a character at the start of the game and venture into a castle that a dragon calls home, hoping to loot the most treasure, fight monsters and make it out in one piece before the sun sets.
The character that you choose have five main stats, Strength, Agility, Armor, Mentality (I suppose it […]

Boardgame Analysis – Drakborgen Legenden
Right, so this time I’m actually going to perform an analysis of the board game Drakborgen Legenden.
Basically this is a board game where you choose a character at the start of the game and venture into a castle that a dragon calls home, hoping to loot the most treasure, fight monsters and make it out in one piece before the sun sets.
The character that you choose have five main stats, Strength, Agility, Armor, Mentality (I suppose it […]

Boardgame Analysis – Drakborgen Legenden
Right, so this time I’m actually going to perform an analysis of the board game Drakborgen Legenden.
Basically this is a board game where you choose a character at the start of the game and venture into a castle that a dragon calls home, hoping to loot the most treasure, fight monsters and make it out in one piece before the sun sets.
The character that you choose have five main stats, Strength, Agility, Armor, Mentality (I suppose it […]

3D and Screenshot Analysis
Right, so time to dust of the ol’ blog!
This term we are starting the courses 3D I and Advanced Game Design, so mostly posts will be related to those.
And as it happens this first post will be about the first week in 3D I.
The week started with a lecture, and subsequent workshop, in picture theory.
The lecture brought up much that was similar to what had already been mentioned in 2D-classes last year, however I do welcome repetition on the […]

3D and Screenshot Analysis
Right, so time to dust of the ol’ blog!
This term we are starting the courses 3D I and Advanced Game Design, so mostly posts will be related to those.
And as it happens this first post will be about the first week in 3D I.
The week started with a lecture, and subsequent workshop, in picture theory.
The lecture brought up much that was similar to what had already been mentioned in 2D-classes last year, however I do welcome repetition on the […]

Play-Area Objects
This week I actually have been able to work on something a little bit different than I have until now. Most of the animations are already finished and implemented, with the exception of the main character’s spawn animation (which is finished but still have to be implemented) and the potential boss’ animations (which is currently being made by the other graphical artists in the project).
This time I have been able to focus more on the graphics for the games […]

Play-Area Objects
This week I actually have been able to work on something a little bit different than I have until now. Most of the animations are already finished and implemented, with the exception of the main character’s spawn animation (which is finished but still have to be implemented) and the potential boss’ animations (which is currently being made by the other graphical artists in the project).
This time I have been able to focus more on the graphics for the games […]