Author Archives: Christoffer Svensson

3D I – Assignment III – Update
Here’s a quick little update on the progress of Assignment III, modelling a character.
This week I got as far as creating the basic shape of the torso, arms and legs using a couple of planes with the turnaround attached for reference. There really isn’t too much when it comes to detail yet, but the basic structure comes first.
And as far as I gathered the basic structure should be fairly complete after next week’s lessons.
A basic edgeflow plan.
Here’s a quick little update on the progress of Assignment III, modelling a character.
3D I – Assignment III – Update
This week I got as far as creating the basic shape of the torso, arms and legs using a couple of planes with the turnaround attached for reference. There really isn’t too much when it comes to detail yet, but the basic structure comes first.
And as far as I gathered the basic structure should be fairly complete after next week’s lessons.
A basic edgeflow plan.

3D I – Evaluation of Anatomy
We were asked this week to evaluate our, and some of our classmates, knowledge of anatomy, and to reflect on what aspects of this would need improvement.
Here are a few drawings from my sketchbook, sorry for the poor quality, but cellphone… It’s mainly life drawings with a couple of muscle studies on the last one.
I do feel that I have a fair grasp on the major workings of the main body, both when it comes to proportions […]

3D I – Evaluation of Anatomy
We were asked this week to evaluate our, and some of our classmates, knowledge of anatomy, and to reflect on what aspects of this would need improvement.
Here are a few drawings from my sketchbook, sorry for the poor quality, but cellphone… It’s mainly life drawings with a couple of muscle studies on the last one.
I do feel that I have a fair grasp on the major workings of the main body, both when it comes to proportions […]

3D I – Assignment II – Update
Here’s a little update on the progress of Assignment II. I think I have missed one of these, but I hope that’s okay anyway.
The model as seen in UDK.
As you can see I have managed to get the model finished and applied a diffuse, a specular and a normal map to it.
Although there are a few things that I still want to fix on the diffuse, and subsequent specular and normal maps, I am starting to feel that it […]

3D I – Assignment II – Update
Here’s a little update on the progress of Assignment II. I think I have missed one of these, but I hope that’s okay anyway.
The model as seen in UDK.
As you can see I have managed to get the model finished and applied a diffuse, a specular and a normal map to it.
Although there are a few things that I still want to fix on the diffuse, and subsequent specular and normal maps, I am starting to feel that it […]

3D I – Assignment II – Update
Here’s a little update on the progress of Assignment II. I think I have missed one of these, but I hope that’s okay anyway.
The model as seen in UDK.
As you can see I have managed to get the model finished and applied a diffuse, a specular and a normal map to it.
Although there are a few things that I still want to fix on the diffuse, and subsequent specular and normal maps, I am starting to feel that it […]

3D I – Assignment II – Update
Here’s a little update on the progress of Assignment II. I think I have missed one of these, but I hope that’s okay anyway.
The model as seen in UDK.
As you can see I have managed to get the model finished and applied a diffuse, a specular and a normal map to it.
Although there are a few things that I still want to fix on the diffuse, and subsequent specular and normal maps, I am starting to feel that it […]
3D I – Assignment III – My Characters World
The world at large is rather mundane but quite picturesque. Neighbors greet one another with smiles, children play, flowers and trees grow in nooks and crannies making a very cozy landscape, recycling has never been more effective and electric cars are on the rise!
Within this world the game takes place near the metropolis of Niceville, a city with tall buildings, where cats and dogs don’t fight more than they really have to, street musicians play tunes that don’t get annoying […]
3D I – Assignment III – My Characters World
The world at large is rather mundane but quite picturesque. Neighbors greet one another with smiles, children play, flowers and trees grow in nooks and crannies making a very cozy landscape, recycling has never been more effective and electric cars are on the rise!
Within this world the game takes place near the metropolis of Niceville, a city with tall buildings, where cats and dogs don’t fight more than they really have to, street musicians play tunes that don’t get annoying […]
3D I – Assignment III – My Characters World
The world at large is rather mundane but quite picturesque. Neighbors greet one another with smiles, children play, flowers and trees grow in nooks and crannies making a very cozy landscape, recycling has never been more effective and electric cars are on the rise!
Within this world the game takes place near the metropolis of Niceville, a city with tall buildings, where cats and dogs don’t fight more than they really have to, street musicians play tunes that don’t get annoying […]
3D I – Assignment III – My Characters World
The world at large is rather mundane but quite picturesque. Neighbors greet one another with smiles, children play, flowers and trees grow in nooks and crannies making a very cozy landscape, recycling has never been more effective and electric cars are on the rise!
Within this world the game takes place near the metropolis of Niceville, a city with tall buildings, where cats and dogs don’t fight more than they really have to, street musicians play tunes that don’t get annoying […]

3D I – Assignment III – Character Description
So for Assignment III we are supposed to model one of the other students’ character concepts, and the one I received was the character Sam from Jonna (
Some of the instructions that I got for the task was that Sam would be able to open his mouth and perhaps try and make the pants a bit more asymmetrical and worn.
Otherwise the turnaround and action pose showed the character rather well, so I think there shouldn’t be much […]

3D I – Assignment III – Character Description
So for Assignment III we are supposed to model one of the other students’ character concepts, and the one I received was the character Sam from Jonna (
Some of the instructions that I got for the task was that Sam would be able to open his mouth and perhaps try and make the pants a bit more asymmetrical and worn.
Otherwise the turnaround and action pose showed the character rather well, so I think there shouldn’t be much […]

3D I – Assignment III – Character Description
So for Assignment III we are supposed to model one of the other students’ character concepts, and the one I received was the character Sam from Jonna (
Some of the instructions that I got for the task was that Sam would be able to open his mouth and perhaps try and make the pants a bit more asymmetrical and worn.
Otherwise the turnaround and action pose showed the character rather well, so I think there shouldn’t be much […]

3D I – Assignment III – Character Description
So for Assignment III we are supposed to model one of the other students’ character concepts, and the one I received was the character Sam from Jonna (
Some of the instructions that I got for the task was that Sam would be able to open his mouth and perhaps try and make the pants a bit more asymmetrical and worn.
Otherwise the turnaround and action pose showed the character rather well, so I think there shouldn’t be much […]

3D I – Assignment 1 – Final
And here it is! I present to you, the pinnacle of Assignment I, the Contemporary Urban Crate!
And with it comes a little discussion, of sorts, about the types of maps used and their purpose.
Final version of the crate, with 512p maps.
Diffuse Maps
First off, the Diffuse Maps. This is probably what most think about when they hear “texture”. The diffuse map is pretty much all the basic color information for the object. In this crate it is for example the […]

3D I – Assignment 1 – Final
And here it is! I present to you, the pinnacle of Assignment I, the Contemporary Urban Crate!
And with it comes a little discussion, of sorts, about the types of maps used and their purpose.
Final version of the crate, with 512p maps.
Diffuse Maps
First off, the Diffuse Maps. This is probably what most think about when they hear “texture”. The diffuse map is pretty much all the basic color information for the object. In this crate it is for example the […]

3D I – Assignment 1 – Final
And here it is! I present to you, the pinnacle of Assignment I, the Contemporary Urban Crate!
And with it comes a little discussion, of sorts, about the types of maps used and their purpose.
Final version of the crate, with 512p maps.
Diffuse Maps
First off, the Diffuse Maps. This is probably what most think about when they hear “texture”. The diffuse map is pretty much all the basic color information for the object. In this crate it is for example the […]

3D I – Assignment 1 – Final
And here it is! I present to you, the pinnacle of Assignment I, the Contemporary Urban Crate!
And with it comes a little discussion, of sorts, about the types of maps used and their purpose.
Final version of the crate, with 512p maps.
Diffuse Maps
First off, the Diffuse Maps. This is probably what most think about when they hear “texture”. The diffuse map is pretty much all the basic color information for the object. In this crate it is for example the […]

3D I – Textured Crate
This week we were supposed to take one of the themed crates we created a couple of weeks ago and apply diffuse maps on it.
When I created the model I was going for the Contemporary Urban theme, so after a bit of pondering I decided on making something along the lines of a fruit- or farmers crate, focusing more on the basic function of the crate rather than something lavish.
The crate with an applied UV-Checker.
As for the […]

3D I – Textured Crate
This week we were supposed to take one of the themed crates we created a couple of weeks ago and apply diffuse maps on it.
When I created the model I was going for the Contemporary Urban theme, so after a bit of pondering I decided on making something along the lines of a fruit- or farmers crate, focusing more on the basic function of the crate rather than something lavish.
The crate with an applied UV-Checker.
As for the […]

3D I – Textured Crate
This week we were supposed to take one of the themed crates we created a couple of weeks ago and apply diffuse maps on it.
When I created the model I was going for the Contemporary Urban theme, so after a bit of pondering I decided on making something along the lines of a fruit- or farmers crate, focusing more on the basic function of the crate rather than something lavish.
The crate with an applied UV-Checker.
As for the […]

3D I – Textured Crate
This week we were supposed to take one of the themed crates we created a couple of weeks ago and apply diffuse maps on it.
When I created the model I was going for the Contemporary Urban theme, so after a bit of pondering I decided on making something along the lines of a fruit- or farmers crate, focusing more on the basic function of the crate rather than something lavish.
The crate with an applied UV-Checker.
As for the […]