Author Archives: Christopher Haibel

Aether/Or: Creating a Projectile
As the inaugural entry of chronicling my experience in game development, I would like to talk about something I worked on this week, which was the projectile of the enemy set to appear in alpha. (Disclaimer: All assets are in the alpha stage and subject to change)
While it had been agreed upon that the enemy (the “Aether Ray’) would attack by firing a projectile from it’s tail, the exact nature of what was being fired had yet to be decided […]

Aether/Or: Creating a Projectile
As the inaugural entry of chronicling my experience in game development, I would like to talk about something I worked on this week, which was the projectile of the enemy set to appear in alpha. (Disclaimer: All assets are in the alpha stage and subject to change)
While it had been agreed upon that the enemy (the “Aether Ray’) would attack by firing a projectile from it’s tail, the exact nature of what was being fired had yet to be decided […]