Author Archives: Christoffer Forsberg

BLOG WEEK 5 – Vector subscript out of range
Hello there!
This week has been doing a lot for the final, when I say a lot, I mean a lot. I have been creating stuff for the program all over to make the final as good as possible. However creating objects in the game also means that you have to make the infamous std::vector. A vector is just ”lockers” where you can save information, (I will not go in any further in to it.) Vectors have an exceptional ability to crash […]

BLOG WEEK 5 – Vector subscript out of range
Hello there!
This week has been doing a lot for the final, when I say a lot, I mean a lot. I have been creating stuff for the program all over to make the final as good as possible. However creating objects in the game also means that you have to make the infamous std::vector. A vector is just ”lockers” where you can save information, (I will not go in any further in to it.) Vectors have an exceptional ability to crash […]

BLOG WEEK 5 – Touching up the menu!
This week I have started to make the game look nice instead of making it work, and for now I have started to look at the menu and starting to fix up alot of things on it. First of all the menu screen is another picture nothing to fancy about it.
Next the buttons! The buttons are working so when you hover over them they change the look of it, or making it to be selected so to say. So i […]

BLOG WEEK 5 – Touching up the menu!
This week I have started to make the game look nice instead of making it work, and for now I have started to look at the menu and starting to fix up alot of things on it. First of all the menu screen is another picture nothing to fancy about it.
Next the buttons! The buttons are working so when you hover over them they change the look of it, or making it to be selected so to say. So i […]
Code review
Efter att ha kollat på hovercraftturret.cpp (som jag antar är player klassen) Ser jag att den är otroligt större än vad våran är, men jag kan tänka mig att man behöver det eftersom det är ett mer avancerat spel än vad vårat är. couplingen i denna klass är ganska mycket eftersom ni låter klassen i sig själv ha koll på en massa olika saker vilket man bara ser i konstruktorn där ni skickar in en rad olika pekare och andra saker. […]
Code review
Efter att ha kollat på hovercraftturret.cpp (som jag antar är player klassen) Ser jag att den är otroligt större än vad våran är, men jag kan tänka mig att man behöver det eftersom det är ett mer avancerat spel än vad vårat är. couplingen i denna klass är ganska mycket eftersom ni låter klassen i sig själv ha koll på en massa olika saker vilket man bara ser i konstruktorn där ni skickar in en rad olika pekare och andra saker. […]

Blog week 4 – Smart code? Powerup that influence the speed
Since having the game’s looser or win condition being dependent of how long you take on completing the level, we needed something that would speed up or slow down the scrolling entities depending on what would happen in the game. Turns out to be harder that i thought, maybe I am just over thinking it and making it harder than it is.
However! I started to create the whole power up giving it the proper functions and variables, nothing to majorly […]

Blog week 4 – Smart code? Powerup that influence the speed
Since having the game’s looser or win condition being dependent of how long you take on completing the level, we needed something that would speed up or slow down the scrolling entities depending on what would happen in the game. Turns out to be harder that i thought, maybe I am just over thinking it and making it harder than it is.
However! I started to create the whole power up giving it the proper functions and variables, nothing to majorly […]

Blog week 3 – Scrolling map, tiled?
Previously in the game we needed a scrolling background, however now we needed to start to actually make the background since it needs to mix up a bit so it would not seem so repetetive, and do other things like having a funktioning paralax, make a more flexible enviorment that could do more instead of just scrolling.
So we started to look at different ways of doing it, we had tiled wich Tommi suggested to us, and then we had the idea of […]

Blog week 3 – Scrolling map, tiled?
Previously in the game we needed a scrolling background, however now we needed to start to actually make the background since it needs to mix up a bit so it would not seem so repetetive, and do other things like having a funktioning paralax, make a more flexible enviorment that could do more instead of just scrolling.
So we started to look at different ways of doing it, we had tiled wich Tommi suggested to us, and then we had the idea of […]

Blog week 2 – Alot
So this last week has been really busy with programming, especially this thursday. Everything that should have been done for the alpha has been done, and not only that. All the code has been improved, I myself has learned the SFML library better, and now its a bit more object oriented in the code so its not just a big cluster of code.
However, the most interesting thing I’ve done this week is probably the diffrent arrays of each entity, so i […]

Blog week 2 – Alot
So this last week has been really busy with programming, especially this thursday. Everything that should have been done for the alpha has been done, and not only that. All the code has been improved, I myself has learned the SFML library better, and now its a bit more object oriented in the code so its not just a big cluster of code.
However, the most interesting thing I’ve done this week is probably the diffrent arrays of each entity, so i […]

Blog week 1 – Projectile shooting
The whole prototyping has been rough, not becuase it was hard but more lack of time. And by lack of time i do not mean that we had little time but our group prioritised the wrong thig, since writing everything in main seemed wrong so we started to build an engine.
However we started prototyping and I’ve done so the character can shoot and aim with the mouse, however its a bit strange right now since its flying all over where i […]

Blog week 1 – Projectile shooting
The whole prototyping has been rough, not becuase it was hard but more lack of time. And by lack of time i do not mean that we had little time but our group prioritised the wrong thig, since writing everything in main seemed wrong so we started to build an engine.
However we started prototyping and I’ve done so the character can shoot and aim with the mouse, however its a bit strange right now since its flying all over where i […]