Author Archives: Carl Leong
Blog comment #5
Greetings for the # time today.
Your blogpost is very easy to grasp and provides a lot of general information. My issue with the whole post is that it’s a bit too general with it information.
I liked that you told us about how you did perform the playtest and what you thought of to make sure it wasn’t tampered with, it would have been nice to hear about what questions you asked during the playtest.
That is the […]
Blog comment #5
Greetings for the # time today.
Your blogpost is very easy to grasp and provides a lot of general information. My issue with the whole post is that it’s a bit too general with it information.
I liked that you told us about how you did perform the playtest and what you thought of to make sure it wasn’t tampered with, it would have been nice to hear about what questions you asked during the playtest.
That is the […]
Blog comment #6 Roberto
Good afternoon Roberto. This seems like a good reflection on the development of the game.
The way that it’s set up with a quick overview of the project and what it contained is good and provides context to the rest of the blog post, and also serves as a good reminder. The good and bad parts are well structured and it feels like you’ve gained something from it.
There’s not a lot of things that’s wrong with your […]
Blog comment #6 Roberto
Good afternoon Roberto. This seems like a good reflection on the development of the game.
The way that it’s set up with a quick overview of the project and what it contained is good and provides context to the rest of the blog post, and also serves as a good reminder. The good and bad parts are well structured and it feels like you’ve gained something from it.
There’s not a lot of things that’s wrong with your […]
Time to dissect a fresh corpse: Aetherial Post Mortem
With the 2D shooter game finally done it’s time to dissect it’s still warm corpse and see what I’ve learned during this project. There’s a lot of things I’ve learned so I’m just gonna mention some of the bigger ones and the things that really stand out.
First of all, let’s talk about the outcome of the game. During the final playtest we had a lot of people play our game and the vast majority seemed to be enjoying themselves. […]
Time to dissect a fresh corpse: Aetherial Post Mortem
With the 2D shooter game finally done it’s time to dissect it’s still warm corpse and see what I’ve learned during this project. There’s a lot of things I’ve learned so I’m just gonna mention some of the bigger ones and the things that really stand out.
First of all, let’s talk about the outcome of the game. During the final playtest we had a lot of people play our game and the vast majority seemed to be enjoying themselves. […]

To test or detest? That is the question
Hello everyone, this will probably a slightly shorter blog post since it’s about how my workflow and priorities has been affected by the feedback gained through the playtesting. Throughout the playtesting we got very few comments on the art in general, and most of what we got was that it looked good – there are however two artistic things that have found their way into the game faster because of the feedback we got.
Well technically 3; During the alpha […]

To test or detest? That is the question
Hello everyone, this will probably a slightly shorter blog post since it’s about how my workflow and priorities has been affected by the feedback gained through the playtesting. Throughout the playtesting we got very few comments on the art in general, and most of what we got was that it looked good – there are however two artistic things that have found their way into the game faster because of the feedback we got.
Well technically 3; During the alpha […]
Blog comment #1 Ellen
It’s a very concrete introduction to pixel art.
The reasoning for why you chose to do pixel art is easy to follow and has real thought put into it. The section might be little short, but since it’s clear why you chose to this style, coupled with an evaluation of risk further down the text I don’t think there really needs to be more of an explenation.
A bit more risk assessment could have been nice to see – discussing […]
Blog comment #1 Ellen
It’s a very concrete introduction to pixel art.
The reasoning for why you chose to do pixel art is easy to follow and has real thought put into it. The section might be little short, but since it’s clear why you chose to this style, coupled with an evaluation of risk further down the text I don’t think there really needs to be more of an explenation.
A bit more risk assessment could have been nice to see – discussing […]
Blog comment #4 johan
Greetings Johan.
This blogpost has huge thing going for it – and that is that it’s a really great introduction. I quickly get an overview of what programs you’ve been using, why and how you’ve been using them, without bogging me down with too much details. It is however also those details I’m missing. You mentioned that this week has been your introduction to these programs , have the process of getting used to them gone smoothly? Have […]
Blog comment #4 johan
Greetings Johan.
This blogpost has huge thing going for it – and that is that it’s a really great introduction. I quickly get an overview of what programs you’ve been using, why and how you’ve been using them, without bogging me down with too much details. It is however also those details I’m missing. You mentioned that this week has been your introduction to these programs , have the process of getting used to them gone smoothly? Have […]

Cobbling things like a carpenter – or reusing assets
As we are heading into the final sprints I’m sure we all have noticed the need for polish and just the feelings that we don’t have enough time to finish everything we want to do. Well my team definitely noticed this, and after trimming and cutting some content we were left with a list of things that needed to be done until release. Then we took that list and looked at what could be done with the help of old […]

Cobbling things like a carpenter – or reusing assets
As we are heading into the final sprints I’m sure we all have noticed the need for polish and just the feelings that we don’t have enough time to finish everything we want to do. Well my team definitely noticed this, and after trimming and cutting some content we were left with a list of things that needed to be done until release. Then we took that list and looked at what could be done with the help of old […]
Week 3 feedback
Good afternoon, or whenever Felix. This was quite the intro perspective read. How you described the general work process of your group and your own workflow was all very easy to digest. Your description of the group dynamic gave me a good overview of your relation to one another and the project – without going into too much details.
I think that you like many other (me included) don’t have a real good grasp of how SCRUM works, […]
Week 3 feedback
Good afternoon, or whenever Felix. This was quite the intro perspective read. How you described the general work process of your group and your own workflow was all very easy to digest. Your description of the group dynamic gave me a good overview of your relation to one another and the project – without going into too much details.
I think that you like many other (me included) don’t have a real good grasp of how SCRUM works, […]
Feedback 2: Marie
Right off the bat – It’s very clear what’s been done here. A simple, but effective explanation of what you’ve been doing this sprint. The explanation of the function of the harbor is also really good. It catches me (the reader) up to speed without much excessivnes.
Your description of how you achieved this is also simple, it once again explains what you did and how you achieved that state, but nothing about the process itself. I think that […]
Feedback 2: Marie
Right off the bat – It’s very clear what’s been done here. A simple, but effective explanation of what you’ve been doing this sprint. The explanation of the function of the harbor is also really good. It catches me (the reader) up to speed without much excessivnes.
Your description of how you achieved this is also simple, it once again explains what you did and how you achieved that state, but nothing about the process itself. I think that […]
Feedback week 2: Yinsong
Hello Yinsong. The blogpost was very easy to digest which is nice.
The step-by-step walkthrough of your design decisions and workflow makes everything super clear and it’s actually pretty inspiring to read about. Showing the pictures also really helps me to visualise what you’ve been designing.
Something I would have liked to see more of would have to be reference picture so where you have taken your inspiration from and kind of what you’re aiming for. I also noticed that […]
Feedback week 2: Yinsong
Hello Yinsong. The blogpost was very easy to digest which is nice.
The step-by-step walkthrough of your design decisions and workflow makes everything super clear and it’s actually pretty inspiring to read about. Showing the pictures also really helps me to visualise what you’ve been designing.
Something I would have liked to see more of would have to be reference picture so where you have taken your inspiration from and kind of what you’re aiming for. I also noticed that […]
The Scrumptious parts of Scrum
As you all know, this week we are supposed to write about our life and times with the agile development method, Scrum.
Scrum and me: Even though I’ve worked with scrum in the past 5 weeks, I still can’t really say anything about it at all. Might this because I don’t have anything to compare it to and that the only place I worked at was in the service industry? Probably. I can however say how scrum affects my workflow.
First of […]
The Scrumptious parts of Scrum
As you all know, this week we are supposed to write about our life and times with the agile development method, Scrum.
Scrum and me: Even though I’ve worked with scrum in the past 5 weeks, I still can’t really say anything about it at all. Might this because I don’t have anything to compare it to and that the only place I worked at was in the service industry? Probably. I can however say how scrum affects my workflow.
First of […]

The background as tool for narrative and suspense
When tailoring a game to make the player feel like a champion, you can’t just do it through a finely tuned challenged – you also need to create build-up. In Team Devourer we decided to convey feelings and mood through the use of mainly the background.
I our version we have different scenes that we use to build our narrative. These are: A sunny afternoon – used for the tutorial level.
A twilight dusk – used during the easier of our two […]

The background as tool for narrative and suspense
When tailoring a game to make the player feel like a champion, you can’t just do it through a finely tuned challenged – you also need to create build-up. In Team Devourer we decided to convey feelings and mood through the use of mainly the background.
I our version we have different scenes that we use to build our narrative. These are: A sunny afternoon – used for the tutorial level.
A twilight dusk – used during the easier of our two […]