Author Archives: Camilla von Paykull

Getting Back on Track
With most of our team gathered on the island again we have finally started up the production of Tamarrion again. Yesterday we spent the whole day working together, after a very long time. Until now we have only had shorter group meetings to discuss what direction to take the project, but yesterday we actually started doing some proper work and we are getting really excited! 🙂
I am working on some graphics for our website […]

Getting Back on Track
With most of our team gathered on the island again we have finally started up the production of Tamarrion again. Yesterday we spent the whole day working together, after a very long time. Until now we have only had shorter group meetings to discuss what direction to take the project, but yesterday we actually started doing some proper work and we are getting really excited! 🙂
I am working on some graphics for our website […]
Tamarrion Trailer
The trailer for Tamarrion is finally out!

Since the issue of polypaint not being able to be exported resolved I continued painting on the high poly model. Apart from the skin, especially the face that is the most complex part on the model, I have done little more than basic details. I have added light to all edges to make them look worn, and darkened creases.
As we want to create a hand painted look I have basically just blocked out where […]

Since the issue of polypaint not being able to be exported resolved I continued painting on the high poly model. Apart from the skin, especially the face that is the most complex part on the model, I have done little more than basic details. I have added light to all edges to make them look worn, and darkened creases.
As we want to create a hand painted look I have basically just blocked out where […]

What I have probably spent the most time on this week though is probably the logo, I started with some super fast sketches, just to get some ideas to base it on. After conferring with the teachers and my team I decided upon one design to continue working on one of them. I had a font in mind that we have used so far, after not finding anything better I decided to take it into illustrator and made it […]

What I have probably spent the most time on this week though is probably the logo, I started with some super fast sketches, just to get some ideas to base it on. After conferring with the teachers and my team I decided upon one design to continue working on one of them. I had a font in mind that we have used so far, after not finding anything better I decided to take it into illustrator and made it […]

So Happy
In my last post I described how we had been unable to find any solutions to baking diffuse maps from Z-brush since the polycount was too high. It turned out that we had been up all night and wasted most of the morning in vain as the polypaint I had created would not be able to be used.
Being the way I am, I refused to accept this.After two and a half hours of intense googling and experimenting in z-brush I […]

So Happy
In my last post I described how we had been unable to find any solutions to baking diffuse maps from Z-brush since the polycount was too high. It turned out that we had been up all night and wasted most of the morning in vain as the polypaint I had created would not be able to be used.
Being the way I am, I refused to accept this.After two and a half hours of intense googling and experimenting in z-brush I […]

Textures and Screenshots
This week has been busier than any week so far, especially us artists have had an insane amount of work to get done and it is not going to slow down before the end of this project. Today we had deadlines for handing in promotional material containing at least a finished Logo, four screenshots and four concept art/dev images as well as playtesting with the other students.
Screenshot created by my fellow artists
Us artists did […]

Textures and Screenshots
This week has been busier than any week so far, especially us artists have had an insane amount of work to get done and it is not going to slow down before the end of this project. Today we had deadlines for handing in promotional material containing at least a finished Logo, four screenshots and four concept art/dev images as well as playtesting with the other students.
Screenshot created by my fellow artists
Us artists did […]

Five Weeks Down
This week has gone by super fast and I am still feeling a bit stressed, I think that we will need to kick in an even higher gear next week.
I do have a lot of tasks that demand my attention but I will focus on what I have done for the main character this week. Firstly I needed to make even more changes to the braid after getting feedback from our teachers, which meant redoing the high-poly for it as […]

Five Weeks Down
This week has gone by super fast and I am still feeling a bit stressed, I think that we will need to kick in an even higher gear next week.
I do have a lot of tasks that demand my attention but I will focus on what I have done for the main character this week. Firstly I needed to make even more changes to the braid after getting feedback from our teachers, which meant redoing the high-poly for it as […]

Dance Dance!
As I said in my wall of text last time, I skinned and rigged the almost complete lowpoly-model of Tamarrion and sent it into motionbuilder to apply some animations so that we could test in the engine. This morning we managed to get both characters with the animations of the character we created during the last course applied to them sent to the coders to add into the Unity project.
This is what they did.

Dance Dance!
As I said in my wall of text last time, I skinned and rigged the almost complete lowpoly-model of Tamarrion and sent it into motionbuilder to apply some animations so that we could test in the engine. This morning we managed to get both characters with the animations of the character we created during the last course applied to them sent to the coders to add into the Unity project.
This is what they did.

Tamarrion Low-Poly
Yesterday I finished the work on the low-poly mesh of the character that I am working on. There may still need to be some adjustments to do on the main body but it is nearly complete and I added the boots and her face. The only thing left is her hair before moving on to create her armour pieces, I already started a bit with the leather corset that she will be wearing.
As I had already created a base mesh […]

Tamarrion Low-Poly
Yesterday I finished the work on the low-poly mesh of the character that I am working on. There may still need to be some adjustments to do on the main body but it is nearly complete and I added the boots and her face. The only thing left is her hair before moving on to create her armour pieces, I already started a bit with the leather corset that she will be wearing.
As I had already created a base mesh […]

End of Week 3
Now the 3rd week of the project has come to an end, it has gone by really fast and it feels like it should be Wednesday and not Friday. So where are we in the planning? The coders are still doing really well and it looks like we will be able to make our ALPHA-deadline next Friday. On the art side all items needed for the environments have at least base meshes although some still need polishing on the high-polys. […]

End of Week 3
Now the 3rd week of the project has come to an end, it has gone by really fast and it feels like it should be Wednesday and not Friday. So where are we in the planning? The coders are still doing really well and it looks like we will be able to make our ALPHA-deadline next Friday. On the art side all items needed for the environments have at least base meshes although some still need polishing on the high-polys. […]

Week 3
We ended last week with a team meeting where we discussed how the project had gone so far, focusing on last week. It was mostly the leads informing the other sections on the team on what our own section had done and how that correlates to the original planning and scheduling. All team members also had the chance to take up any issues that had occurred during the first two weeks.
One reason for having this meeting was that we had […]

Week 3
We ended last week with a team meeting where we discussed how the project had gone so far, focusing on last week. It was mostly the leads informing the other sections on the team on what our own section had done and how that correlates to the original planning and scheduling. All team members also had the chance to take up any issues that had occurred during the first two weeks.
One reason for having this meeting was that we had […]