Author Archives: Björn Berndtsson

Project Report 2014-03-19
This week the only thing of particular note that I’ve been working on has been different iterations of our game’s final room, or level. In pure practical terms it’s gone along like any other level I’ve designed, but its import must not be underestimated. Like a beginning, an experience must have an ending. A bad ending is one feeling just like any other part of the game, making the player not expecting there to be one and feeling unsatisfied when […]

Project Report 2014-03-19
This week the only thing of particular note that I’ve been working on has been different iterations of our game’s final room, or level. In pure practical terms it’s gone along like any other level I’ve designed, but its import must not be underestimated. Like a beginning, an experience must have an ending. A bad ending is one feeling just like any other part of the game, making the player not expecting there to be one and feeling unsatisfied when […]

Project Report 2014-03-13
This week’s been a tough one, despite the deceptively short work list. Not only did I have to make a somewhat coherent Power Point presentation detailing a much smaller period of the project than the one before, but I have also had the Design Document to edit based on our teacher’s feedback. There were lots of smaller things to revise, such as articulating certain points more clearly and thoroughly and moving sections around to fit the titles’ organisation, but there […]

Project Report 2014-03-13
This week’s been a tough one, despite the deceptively short work list. Not only did I have to make a somewhat coherent Power Point presentation detailing a much smaller period of the project than the one before, but I have also had the Design Document to edit based on our teacher’s feedback. There were lots of smaller things to revise, such as articulating certain points more clearly and thoroughly and moving sections around to fit the titles’ organisation, but there […]

Project Report 2014-03-05
Thought I’d delve into the finer details of a specific map I’ve been working on this week which is intended to be the very first room of the game where the player is introduced to the two main enemies of the game. The first level is probably the most important part of almost any game, as it’s how the player is first introduced to its elements and features. It is here that you establish a communication between the player and […]

Project Report 2014-03-05
Thought I’d delve into the finer details of a specific map I’ve been working on this week which is intended to be the very first room of the game where the player is introduced to the two main enemies of the game. The first level is probably the most important part of almost any game, as it’s how the player is first introduced to its elements and features. It is here that you establish a communication between the player and […]

Project Report 2014-02-26
Without a plan you won’t get anywhere, no matter how eager you are to get started. Chances are you’ll just misaim and be forced to revise in an unproductive manner. As you already spent many thoughtless hours on something that turns out didn’t work the way you thought it would. That has been my work these past few days: coming up with a plan of attack.
The coding department is almost done with the various components required to construct a level […]

Project Report 2014-02-26
Without a plan you won’t get anywhere, no matter how eager you are to get started. Chances are you’ll just misaim and be forced to revise in an unproductive manner. As you already spent many thoughtless hours on something that turns out didn’t work the way you thought it would. That has been my work these past few days: coming up with a plan of attack.
The coding department is almost done with the various components required to construct a level […]

Project Report 2014-02-20
This week I’ve been working mainly on the Alpha presentation due Friday. It’ll be a short endeavour with an introduction speech and a subsequent showing of the game in this early phase. The shorter the presentation the more time required to prepare, as you need to figure out a way to cram as much information as simply as possible that can be relayed under the span of a handful of minutes. A most time consuming process as every sentence I […]

Project Report 2014-02-20
This week I’ve been working mainly on the Alpha presentation due Friday. It’ll be a short endeavour with an introduction speech and a subsequent showing of the game in this early phase. The shorter the presentation the more time required to prepare, as you need to figure out a way to cram as much information as simply as possible that can be relayed under the span of a handful of minutes. A most time consuming process as every sentence I […]

Project Report 2014-02-12
This week I primarily focused on the Game Design Document for our project based on the concept document of “Suit Em Up”. Once a rough draft of the layout had been made focus shifted to defining the various aspects and components of the game while making sure the articulation remained consistent throughout the text. Many revisions were made to ensure consistency was maintained both on my own and with the help of the rest of the group. Their aid was […]

Project Report 2014-02-12
This week I primarily focused on the Game Design Document for our project based on the concept document of “Suit Em Up”. Once a rough draft of the layout had been made focus shifted to defining the various aspects and components of the game while making sure the articulation remained consistent throughout the text. Many revisions were made to ensure consistency was maintained both on my own and with the help of the rest of the group. Their aid was […]
Weekly Report 2014-02-03
Things really started off this week. The group projected entered its first development week while our individual courses truly began. With schedules and homework assigned accordingly. A fairly simple task was assigned (for those well versed in Photoshop at least) involving the capturing of silhouettes from various images, their fundamental concept and story, and then changing it to something else.
Between the group project and specialised courses it feels like I’m barely given enough time for individual studies and practice, but […]
Weekly Report 2014-02-03
Things really started off this week. The group projected entered its first development week while our individual courses truly began. With schedules and homework assigned accordingly. A fairly simple task was assigned (for those well versed in Photoshop at least) involving the capturing of silhouettes from various images, their fundamental concept and story, and then changing it to something else.
Between the group project and specialised courses it feels like I’m barely given enough time for individual studies and practice, but […]
Weekly Report – 2014-01-27
Hello! It’s been a while, so I might as well start again before I lose all motivation. The reason why I haven’t posted in a while is because there hasn’t been much to report on. We have just spent our time on wrapping up loose ends from the previous semester before starting on the continuation courses which began at the start of last week.
Much of the focus has once again shifted to design as my group from the design project […]
Weekly Report – 2014-01-27
Hello! It’s been a while, so I might as well start again before I lose all motivation. The reason why I haven’t posted in a while is because there hasn’t been much to report on. We have just spent our time on wrapping up loose ends from the previous semester before starting on the continuation courses which began at the start of last week.
Much of the focus has once again shifted to design as my group from the design project […]

My First Character
Just putting up the process for making my first character during the previous course. Something to look back on in the future. I think i did well for a newbie!
Björn Erik Berndtsson. Graphics and Game Design.

My First Character
Just putting up the process for making my first character during the previous course. Something to look back on in the future. I think i did well for a newbie!
Björn Erik Berndtsson. Graphics and Game Design.
Weekly Report – 2013-12-17
This came a bit late. Sorry about that! Not that there is much to tell frankly. The previous week was mainly about line drawing and making a clean image.
Put simply, I now understand why the teachers insisted on us practicing circles and lines. I regret not spending more time on it now. Though I’m fairly confident in my coordination, the problem I faced was more of a technical one. Being a complete newcomer to the workings of Photoshop, I had […]
Weekly Report – 2013-12-17
This came a bit late. Sorry about that! Not that there is much to tell frankly. The previous week was mainly about line drawing and making a clean image.
Put simply, I now understand why the teachers insisted on us practicing circles and lines. I regret not spending more time on it now. Though I’m fairly confident in my coordination, the problem I faced was more of a technical one. Being a complete newcomer to the workings of Photoshop, I had […]

Hand Practice
Been practicing hand drawings these past few days. Thought I’d share a few samples.
Björn Erik Berndtsson. Graphics and Game Design.

Hand Practice
Been practicing hand drawings these past few days. Thought I’d share a few samples.
Björn Erik Berndtsson. Graphics and Game Design.
Weekly Report 2013-12-09
To make a single image of a character in a certain pose and angle is one thing. To create the same character more than one time in a consistent manner is quite another. Even if you do not have to think about making him seem alive, every detail that is not made sure to fit with the other positions at the start come to haunt you later on. Much like the grid, Chinese Whispers tend to appear if you’re not […]
Weekly Report 2013-12-09
To make a single image of a character in a certain pose and angle is one thing. To create the same character more than one time in a consistent manner is quite another. Even if you do not have to think about making him seem alive, every detail that is not made sure to fit with the other positions at the start come to haunt you later on. Much like the grid, Chinese Whispers tend to appear if you’re not […]