Author Archives: Axel Räntilä

Board game progress report (Advanced Game Design) – 20131015
Today, my group in advanced game design sat down and did some design on our board game assignment. This day we tested the movement system that we was going to use in our game.
The idea of our game is that there is one monster player that is hunting the other players down, who in term has to search buildings to find a item, which they then has to get to a certain location. The first player who achieves this win […]

Board game progress report (Advanced Game Design) – 20131015
Today, my group in advanced game design sat down and did some design on our board game assignment. This day we tested the movement system that we was going to use in our game.
The idea of our game is that there is one monster player that is hunting the other players down, who in term has to search buildings to find a item, which they then has to get to a certain location. The first player who achieves this win […]
Learning Video Game Design – Making Board Games
Time for a quick post.
Even though I’m reading two courses about video game design right now, I’m currently tasked with making a board game (in a group) in each course. Why is that? In my opinion, the reason for this is because video games and board games has more stuff in common than most people might think when it comes to the design part of the respective kind of game. For example, if you break down a strategy video games […]
Learning Video Game Design – Making Board Games
Time for a quick post.
Even though I’m reading two courses about video game design right now, I’m currently tasked with making a board game (in a group) in each course. Why is that? In my opinion, the reason for this is because video games and board games has more stuff in common than most people might think when it comes to the design part of the respective kind of game. For example, if you break down a strategy video games […]
What are Serious Games?
In addition to my course in Advanced Game Design, I’m currently also reading a course about Serious Games. This post will explain what a Serious Game is and some examples of their usage
Serious Games
The best way to describe a Serious Game is as a game whose main purpose is not entertainment. Ben Sawyer states that “Serious games are solutions to problems. Any meaningful use of computerized games or game industry resources whose chief function is not entertainment are serious games.” […]
What are Serious Games?
In addition to my course in Advanced Game Design, I’m currently also reading a course about Serious Games. This post will explain what a Serious Game is and some examples of their usage
Serious Games
The best way to describe a Serious Game is as a game whose main purpose is not entertainment. Ben Sawyer states that “Serious games are solutions to problems. Any meaningful use of computerized games or game industry resources whose chief function is not entertainment are serious games.” […]
Does games need to be complex in order to be fun?
Last week, we had an assignment in the course Advanced Game Design where we were supposed to play two board games and one role-playing game and write an analysis of them. I will not go into much depth about that, but after some thinking, I wondered if game needs to be “complex” in order to be fun to play. I’m gonna do some reflection over the board games that my group played.
Note that these opinions are my personal ones; not […]
Does games need to be complex in order to be fun?
Last week, we had an assignment in the course Advanced Game Design where we were supposed to play two board games and one role-playing game and write an analysis of them. I will not go into much depth about that, but after some thinking, I wondered if game needs to be “complex” in order to be fun to play. I’m gonna do some reflection over the board games that my group played.
Note that these opinions are my personal ones; not […]