Author Archives: Axel Räntilä

GAMEX 2013 Report – Campus Gotland
The 2013 edition of the Swedish gaming expo Gamex is now over. I was attending the expo during it’s first three days, and in the following posts, I’ll write about some thoughts about the expo and such. The first will be about Campus Gotland’s Presence at the expo. More posts in the coming days
The games that Campus Gotland was showing on the floor this year was CoBots, Fly or Die, King of the Thrill, Little Warlock, […]

GAMEX 2013 Report – Campus Gotland
The 2013 edition of the Swedish gaming expo Gamex is now over. I was attending the expo during it’s first three days, and in the following posts, I’ll write about some thoughts about the expo and such. The first will be about Campus Gotland’s Presence at the expo. More posts in the coming days
The games that Campus Gotland was showing on the floor this year was CoBots, Fly or Die, King of the Thrill, Little Warlock, […]

Board Game Progress Report (Advanced Game Design) – 20131029
Today, we had our teacher for the course (Adam Mayes) play our game and give feedback on it in it’s current state.
Initially, he was skeptical to as of how the monster’s hidden movement was going to work in practice. However, after playing the game, he liked the game as it was. He got to play as the monster and the game was very tight overall to the very last. Although he thought that we could keep iterate on what we […]

Board Game Progress Report (Advanced Game Design) – 20131029
Today, we had our teacher for the course (Adam Mayes) play our game and give feedback on it in it’s current state.
Initially, he was skeptical to as of how the monster’s hidden movement was going to work in practice. However, after playing the game, he liked the game as it was. He got to play as the monster and the game was very tight overall to the very last. Although he thought that we could keep iterate on what we […]
Board Game Progress Report (Serious Games) – 20131027
We are now nearing the end of the final assignment in the Serious Games course; on monday we are going to handle the game in as well as the rules and a individual report.
This week, our group sat down and polished the numbers that we had in our game, as the game’s mechanics were finished but the numbers for everything could use some polish. We also made it so that the player in the game can now discard two tool […]
Board Game Progress Report (Serious Games) – 20131027
We are now nearing the end of the final assignment in the Serious Games course; on monday we are going to handle the game in as well as the rules and a individual report.
This week, our group sat down and polished the numbers that we had in our game, as the game’s mechanics were finished but the numbers for everything could use some polish. We also made it so that the player in the game can now discard two tool […]
Board Game Progress Report (Advanced Game Design) – 2013027
(I haven’t made a blog post about some of these things earlier because there has been things that has been coming in the way for me)
This week, the work has been more divided among the different members in the group. One person was looking into a new version of the board for our game, others were looking into wands (what we call items in the game that could be found by searching) and others looked into writing on the game […]
Board Game Progress Report (Advanced Game Design) – 2013027
(I haven’t made a blog post about some of these things earlier because there has been things that has been coming in the way for me)
This week, the work has been more divided among the different members in the group. One person was looking into a new version of the board for our game, others were looking into wands (what we call items in the game that could be found by searching) and others looked into writing on the game […]

Board game progress report (Advanced Game Design) – 20131023
Today, some big progress was made to the development of our board game. Thanks to the work of our group mate Christian Roupé, we now now have a new board that is (hopefully) more balanced than our previous board.
One problem we had with out previous board was that the distance to the search areas were different for each player. But now, the distance should be the same for everyone, meaning that no player has an […]

Board game progress report (Advanced Game Design) – 20131023
Today, some big progress was made to the development of our board game. Thanks to the work of our group mate Christian Roupé, we now now have a new board that is (hopefully) more balanced than our previous board.
One problem we had with out previous board was that the distance to the search areas were different for each player. But now, the distance should be the same for everyone, meaning that no player has an […]
Board game progress report (Advanced Game Desgin) – 20131022
Today, some members in the group where busy with other things, meaning that we couldn’t work together as a group this very day. However today me and my group mate Emanuel Palm sat down and work on the design document of our game, which is available at this project’s Wiki Page. Note that it is still in development as of writing this, so things might change.
A design document is not necessarily a document, it can be a wiki […]
Board game progress report (Advanced Game Desgin) – 20131022
Today, some members in the group where busy with other things, meaning that we couldn’t work together as a group this very day. However today me and my group mate Emanuel Palm sat down and work on the design document of our game, which is available at this project’s Wiki Page. Note that it is still in development as of writing this, so things might change.
A design document is not necessarily a document, it can be a wiki […]
Board game progress report (Advanced Game Design) – 20131021
Today, we had a seminar this morning in Advanced Game Design. Marcus Ingvarsson, the teacher holding it, decided that each group talked to him in private where we demonstrated our game in it’s current state.
Since our group had a late time with him, we decided to do some more polish to our game before showing it to Marcus. Today we tested the wands in the game (previously called items). The purpose of our game is to find a talisman and […]
Board game progress report (Advanced Game Design) – 20131021
Today, we had a seminar this morning in Advanced Game Design. Marcus Ingvarsson, the teacher holding it, decided that each group talked to him in private where we demonstrated our game in it’s current state.
Since our group had a late time with him, we decided to do some more polish to our game before showing it to Marcus. Today we tested the wands in the game (previously called items). The purpose of our game is to find a talisman and […]

Board game progress report (Serious Games) – 20131020
Today my group in Serious Games has a short session where we begin making a more concrete version of the ideas that we had for our game there.
After some brainstorming and discussion, we initially had a plan where we had a board that contained regions, and certain diseases cards and actions cards only had an effect on certain areas, other where omnipresent ones. This concept was scratched however, since we noticed while play-testing it that it […]

Board game progress report (Serious Games) – 20131020
Today my group in Serious Games has a short session where we begin making a more concrete version of the ideas that we had for our game there.
After some brainstorming and discussion, we initially had a plan where we had a board that contained regions, and certain diseases cards and actions cards only had an effect on certain areas, other where omnipresent ones. This concept was scratched however, since we noticed while play-testing it that it […]
Board game progress report (Advanced Game Design) – 201301018
Today my group had a short meeting where we discussed what was done during the week, and talked about what we needed tog get done by the next week. The things that we came up with was that we needed a more polished board (as someone brought up some problems with it during playtesting), item cards implemented into the game, and a way to improve the monster’s movement.
During this upcoming weekend, I’m going to test some ideas of how to […]
Board game progress report (Advanced Game Design) – 201301018
Today my group had a short meeting where we discussed what was done during the week, and talked about what we needed tog get done by the next week. The things that we came up with was that we needed a more polished board (as someone brought up some problems with it during playtesting), item cards implemented into the game, and a way to improve the monster’s movement.
During this upcoming weekend, I’m going to test some ideas of how to […]
My programming journey at Gotland.
Lets write a blog post about programming as a variation to all my writings about game design.
Before I started studying at Gotland University (which was merged into Uppsala University earlier this summer), I had programmed in high-school for two years in Java. Among the things I wrote there was an Asteroids game, a game of the Swedish card game Vändåtta with network code (although you had to know the IP for that, so no MMO game) and a game where […]
My programming journey at Gotland.
Lets write a blog post about programming as a variation to all my writings about game design.
Before I started studying at Gotland University (which was merged into Uppsala University earlier this summer), I had programmed in high-school for two years in Java. Among the things I wrote there was an Asteroids game, a game of the Swedish card game Vändåtta with network code (although you had to know the IP for that, so no MMO game) and a game where […]
Board game progress report (Advanced Game Design) – 20131017
Today was a play-testing day, where the different groups in the course was play-testing each others’ games. We had a total of three groups playing our game in it’s current state. Overall, people seemed to like our movement system and that the monster in the game was only revealed each fourth turn or whenever it lands on the same square as another player. People thought that we had a good base to keep building our game from.
During play-testing some interesting […]
Board game progress report (Advanced Game Design) – 20131017
Today was a play-testing day, where the different groups in the course was play-testing each others’ games. We had a total of three groups playing our game in it’s current state. Overall, people seemed to like our movement system and that the monster in the game was only revealed each fourth turn or whenever it lands on the same square as another player. People thought that we had a good base to keep building our game from.
During play-testing some interesting […]
Board game progress report (Serious Games) – 20131016
Today, my group in serious games sat down and started working on our board game assignment that we got in that course. The main purpose of our game is to inform people about disease transmission. So we began by doing research on the subject, put together what each of us had found and worked our way from there. Note that the design below is the current rough version of what we got, it will most likely changes as we keep […]
Board game progress report (Serious Games) – 20131016
Today, my group in serious games sat down and started working on our board game assignment that we got in that course. The main purpose of our game is to inform people about disease transmission. So we began by doing research on the subject, put together what each of us had found and worked our way from there. Note that the design below is the current rough version of what we got, it will most likely changes as we keep […]