Author Archives: August Demirsson
During this course, me and my group made a swamp version of the game Umibozu. The finished product turned out well but could be better if some major bugs were fixed.
As mentioned before the end result of the game turned out well. We had a working product, but it did have some bugs. The main mechanics of the game was to move around in the environment while killing enemies in your path. The main goal of the game was to […]
During this course, me and my group made a swamp version of the game Umibozu. The finished product turned out well but could be better if some major bugs were fixed.
As mentioned before the end result of the game turned out well. We had a working product, but it did have some bugs. The main mechanics of the game was to move around in the environment while killing enemies in your path. The main goal of the game was to […]
Comments on blogs – August Demirsson
Blog comment #1:
Hello Teddy!
I think you did a really good job designing the level of your game, and how you are slowly introducing the mechanics to the player instead of brute forcing him/her into combat right away.
The way you introduce the player with how the light works and how it makes things visible with the pole for example is really creative. Then you carry on by forcing the player to move out of the starting area to immediately fight the […]
Comments on blogs – August Demirsson
Blog comment #1:
Hello Teddy!
I think you did a really good job designing the level of your game, and how you are slowly introducing the mechanics to the player instead of brute forcing him/her into combat right away.
The way you introduce the player with how the light works and how it makes things visible with the pole for example is really creative. Then you carry on by forcing the player to move out of the starting area to immediately fight the […]
Playtesting – how did it affect our development?
The game me and my group decided to make was Umibozu. We tweaked the theme of the game and put the sailor into a swamp. You might remember us as the Umibozu game with a swarm of alligators heading your way.
For the first playtest, we didn’t really have much to ask in the questionnaire people answered after each playtest, as we were barely done with everything needed for the alpha. We basically only had a moving boat, one power-up and […]
Playtesting – how did it affect our development?
The game me and my group decided to make was Umibozu. We tweaked the theme of the game and put the sailor into a swamp. You might remember us as the Umibozu game with a swarm of alligators heading your way.
For the first playtest, we didn’t really have much to ask in the questionnaire people answered after each playtest, as we were barely done with everything needed for the alpha. We basically only had a moving boat, one power-up and […]

Level Designing the start of our game – August Demirsson
As mentioned before the game me and my group chose was Umibozu. The main mechanics in our game is to follow a terrain and kill enemies that’s in the players’ way of making it to the finish.
In order to present these mechanics to the player the start of our game is designed as an introduction to all the mechanics in a simple way. If you somehow would fail the trail you would only lose a maximum of 20 seconds progress […]

Level Designing the start of our game – August Demirsson
As mentioned before the game me and my group chose was Umibozu. The main mechanics in our game is to follow a terrain and kill enemies that’s in the players’ way of making it to the finish.
In order to present these mechanics to the player the start of our game is designed as an introduction to all the mechanics in a simple way. If you somehow would fail the trail you would only lose a maximum of 20 seconds progress […]
How has scrum affected our development? – August Demirsson
In this blog, I am going to discuss how Scrum has affected my groups development for our game.
In my opinion scrum has definitely helped to clarify each and everyone’s role and what each person should work on, on a given day. It makes the progress a lot clearer and everyone knows what they are supposed to do. It basically makes the entire game development a lot more structured with scrum than it would be without it.
Weekly planning: This might be […]
How has scrum affected our development? – August Demirsson
In this blog, I am going to discuss how Scrum has affected my groups development for our game.
In my opinion scrum has definitely helped to clarify each and everyone’s role and what each person should work on, on a given day. It makes the progress a lot clearer and everyone knows what they are supposed to do. It basically makes the entire game development a lot more structured with scrum than it would be without it.
Weekly planning: This might be […]
Scrapping the light and adjusting boat movement. – August Demirsson
As mentioned in my other blog the game we chose to make was Umibozu. In the game, you are a fisherman in search of a mystic creature in this mystical water that is surrounded by thick fog. In order to see creatures in the original game concept you had to use a light stationed on the boat and aim at the creatures to fully see them instead of blurry moving objects.
During this week design process, me and my group decided upon […]
Scrapping the light and adjusting boat movement. – August Demirsson
As mentioned in my other blog the game we chose to make was Umibozu. In the game, you are a fisherman in search of a mystic creature in this mystical water that is surrounded by thick fog. In order to see creatures in the original game concept you had to use a light stationed on the boat and aim at the creatures to fully see them instead of blurry moving objects.
During this week design process, me and my group decided upon […]
Power-up design. – August Demirsson
The game me and my group picked was Umibozu. In the last couple of days, we have made some great progress with the game. We finished some core mechanics, such as player/enemy movement, shooting, death conditions for both the enemies as well as the player, and one power-up. In this text, I will go through the thought-process behind designing one of the power-ups in this game.
The power-up that we designed for the alpha build was a rapid-fire power-up, a power […]
Power-up design. – August Demirsson
The game me and my group picked was Umibozu. In the last couple of days, we have made some great progress with the game. We finished some core mechanics, such as player/enemy movement, shooting, death conditions for both the enemies as well as the player, and one power-up. In this text, I will go through the thought-process behind designing one of the power-ups in this game.
The power-up that we designed for the alpha build was a rapid-fire power-up, a power […]