Author Archives: Anita Stenholm
Project “Haunted Light” 2014-03-06 Pick-axe hack animation
One more week has flown by so fast and it’s time for yet another blog post. For this week’s sprint I’ve been working on the hacking with a pick-axe animation for the player. We in group 5 decided early on to keep the digging mechanic that the original game concept of “Bloody Badgers” had. Although in “Bloody Badgers” digging was the core mechanic, we decided for it to not play that big of a role in our game. We really […]
Project “Haunted Light” 2014-03-06 Pick-axe hack animation
One more week has flown by so fast and it’s time for yet another blog post. For this week’s sprint I’ve been working on the hacking with a pick-axe animation for the player. We in group 5 decided early on to keep the digging mechanic that the original game concept of “Bloody Badgers” had. Although in “Bloody Badgers” digging was the core mechanic, we decided for it to not play that big of a role in our game. We really […]

Project “Haunted Light” 2014-02-27 Stone Walls
It’s Thursday and yet another blog post! Project “Haunted Light” (former name “Bloody Badgers”) is still going strong and we in group 5 are getting ready for our next milestone, which is the BETA version of the game. One completed artifact of my many other started ones I had for this week’s sprint is the stone wall tile set, which I will talk about on this post. Jonna, our group’s very talented lead artist, is the one behind the game’s […]

Project “Haunted Light” 2014-02-27 Stone Walls
It’s Thursday and yet another blog post! Project “Haunted Light” (former name “Bloody Badgers”) is still going strong and we in group 5 are getting ready for our next milestone, which is the BETA version of the game. One completed artifact of my many other started ones I had for this week’s sprint is the stone wall tile set, which I will talk about on this post. Jonna, our group’s very talented lead artist, is the one behind the game’s […]
Project “Bloody Badgers” 2014-02-20 Running Animation
Time really does fly by. It’s Thursday once again, and Thursdays means new blog post. Since I’ve been having trouble with scheduling all my schoolwork this week there won’t be a whole lot of content for me to blog about. I did finish some, which I will talk about now, but sadly not as much as I had planned during this sprint. I will have to continue working with that during the rest of the week instead.
Amongst the things I had […]
Project “Bloody Badgers” 2014-02-20 Running Animation
Time really does fly by. It’s Thursday once again, and Thursdays means new blog post. Since I’ve been having trouble with scheduling all my schoolwork this week there won’t be a whole lot of content for me to blog about. I did finish some, which I will talk about now, but sadly not as much as I had planned during this sprint. I will have to continue working with that during the rest of the week instead.
Amongst the things I had […]

Project “Bloody Badgers” 2014-02-13
As the big project during our Game development course we are to create a game from a chosen concept out of the 13 made concepts from last term. My group chose a concept called “Bloody Badgers”. It was a game about being chased by a hoard of badgers and you as a player had to dig your way through tunnels to safety.
“Bloody badgers” was all about being chased, and being chased isn’t really a pleasant feeling now is it? So […]

Project “Bloody Badgers” 2014-02-13
As the big project during our Game development course we are to create a game from a chosen concept out of the 13 made concepts from last term. My group chose a concept called “Bloody Badgers”. It was a game about being chased by a hoard of badgers and you as a player had to dig your way through tunnels to safety.
“Bloody badgers” was all about being chased, and being chased isn’t really a pleasant feeling now is it? So […]

Lighting of Character – Redone!
I had to redo my lighting of my character because it just wouldn’t work as an rendition. It would work as an illustration, but that was not what the exercise was about. My initial drawing read flat and didn’t have a clear light sorce. It was until I redid the drawing I could fully see for myself how incredibly flat my first drawing was. I never knew before I would ever be glad I didn’t pass an assignment at first, […]

Lighting of Character – Redone!
I had to redo my lighting of my character because it just wouldn’t work as an rendition. It would work as an illustration, but that was not what the exercise was about. My initial drawing read flat and didn’t have a clear light sorce. It was until I redid the drawing I could fully see for myself how incredibly flat my first drawing was. I never knew before I would ever be glad I didn’t pass an assignment at first, […]

Final Assignment – Construction
One half of the last assignment for our 2D graphics course was to construct a character from an allready drawn loose sketch. I decided to put what I’ve learned about line-weight finally to practise. Using “Kyle T Websters Ultimate Inking Thick n’ Thin” brush which can be bought here: I could really emphasize where thicker lines should be.
To the left is the loose sketch and to the right is what I came up with
Working with thicker lines […]

Final Assignment – Construction
One half of the last assignment for our 2D graphics course was to construct a character from an allready drawn loose sketch. I decided to put what I’ve learned about line-weight finally to practise. Using “Kyle T Websters Ultimate Inking Thick n’ Thin” brush which can be bought here: I could really emphasize where thicker lines should be.
To the left is the loose sketch and to the right is what I came up with
Working with thicker lines […]

Line Weight – How to do it and what diffrence it makes
As I was thinking through the constructive criticsism I got from my teacher on my clean line version of my character this morning, this video surprisingly poped up on my subscription feed on youtube. This was just the tutorial I needed since the cricicsism I got was that I hadn’t put any line weight in my drawing and that’s why it came out kind of flat. After watching this video I realized what a diffrence thick and thin lines do […]

Line Weight – How to do it and what diffrence it makes
As I was thinking through the constructive criticsism I got from my teacher on my clean line version of my character this morning, this video surprisingly poped up on my subscription feed on youtube. This was just the tutorial I needed since the cricicsism I got was that I hadn’t put any line weight in my drawing and that’s why it came out kind of flat. After watching this video I realized what a diffrence thick and thin lines do […]

Lighting of Luyia
So the next step for my character was to create a light sorce, put her in an enviroment and light her accordingly. I had alot going for me since lighting and shading is something that comes natural for me because I do portraits. I thought alot about depth in the drawing, making the dark darker and the light lighter.
Although I had alot going for me doing this assignment I’m still too inexperienced in digital drawing. I struggled in the […]

Lighting of Luyia
So the next step for my character was to create a light sorce, put her in an enviroment and light her accordingly. I had alot going for me since lighting and shading is something that comes natural for me because I do portraits. I thought alot about depth in the drawing, making the dark darker and the light lighter.
Although I had alot going for me doing this assignment I’m still too inexperienced in digital drawing. I struggled in the […]

Luyia with her Umbrella
My clean line version of one of my characters from the thumbnails (concept “Bella and her Umbrella”). Thank God for painttool SAI and for it’s stabalizing tool (which I btw had on max setting), without it I wouldn’t be able to do this assignment.
Can you tell which one this is out of my thumbnails?

Luyia with her Umbrella
My clean line version of one of my characters from the thumbnails (concept “Bella and her Umbrella”). Thank God for painttool SAI and for it’s stabalizing tool (which I btw had on max setting), without it I wouldn’t be able to do this assignment.
Can you tell which one this is out of my thumbnails?
Positive thinking
I started thinking today about what Walt Stanchfield wrote in his book “Drawn to life : 20 golden years of Disney master classes” about a thing called “Osmosis”. It means that you can kind of manipulate yourself into a sort of way of thinking with subliminal messages;
“The conscious mind must be selective of the things that vie for one’s attention because it can only process one thing at a time. You could liken it to a telephone line where the […]
Positive thinking
I started thinking today about what Walt Stanchfield wrote in his book “Drawn to life : 20 golden years of Disney master classes” about a thing called “Osmosis”. It means that you can kind of manipulate yourself into a sort of way of thinking with subliminal messages;
“The conscious mind must be selective of the things that vie for one’s attention because it can only process one thing at a time. You could liken it to a telephone line where the […]

First step in digital drawing!
Last weeks assignment was about drawing 20 diffrent thumbnails to a allready decided concept. Either the concept “Bella and her umbrella” (the characters had to be a princess with an umbrella) or “Clash of heavens” (the characters had to be able to look like they can fight gods in another reality). I chose “Bella and her umbrella” and this is what I came up with.
I chose to have the mood and feel of Tim Burton’s artstyle with adding some […]

First step in digital drawing!
Last weeks assignment was about drawing 20 diffrent thumbnails to a allready decided concept. Either the concept “Bella and her umbrella” (the characters had to be a princess with an umbrella) or “Clash of heavens” (the characters had to be able to look like they can fight gods in another reality). I chose “Bella and her umbrella” and this is what I came up with.
I chose to have the mood and feel of Tim Burton’s artstyle with adding some […]
Yesterdays lecture by our teacher Adam Meyes was unbeliably inspiring to me. Amongst all the difficult terms, charts and diffrent ways to go about writing a game design document there was one thing he said that really stuck.
When I was younger, comming up with ideas to books and drawings was second nature for me. I would listen to music before bed every night and think about characters, stories and just let my mind go to places it longed to discover. […]
Yesterdays lecture by our teacher Adam Meyes was unbeliably inspiring to me. Amongst all the difficult terms, charts and diffrent ways to go about writing a game design document there was one thing he said that really stuck.
When I was younger, comming up with ideas to books and drawings was second nature for me. I would listen to music before bed every night and think about characters, stories and just let my mind go to places it longed to discover. […]