Author Archives: Anita Stenholm

Week 7: Improving as an artist
A lot of focus on anatomy is what this current week of 3D computer graphics is all about. Anatomy is still highly applicable to 3D graphics just like for 2D graphics, or maybe even more. In 3D we use our anatomic knowledge for when creating believable human/animal- like models and most importantly, for animation. When creating your organic model you should be mindful of what the anatomy will convey to the viewer as far as muscles , proportions and bone […]

Week 7: Improving as an artist
A lot of focus on anatomy is what this current week of 3D computer graphics is all about. Anatomy is still highly applicable to 3D graphics just like for 2D graphics, or maybe even more. In 3D we use our anatomic knowledge for when creating believable human/animal- like models and most importantly, for animation. When creating your organic model you should be mindful of what the anatomy will convey to the viewer as far as muscles , proportions and bone […]

Week 7: Improving as an artist
A lot of focus on anatomy is what this current week of 3D computer graphics is all about. Anatomy is still highly applicable to 3D graphics just like for 2D graphics, or maybe even more. In 3D we use our anatomic knowledge for when creating believable human/animal- like models and most importantly, for animation. When creating your organic model you should be mindful of what the anatomy will convey to the viewer as far as muscles , proportions and bone […]

Week 7: Improving as an artist
A lot of focus on anatomy is what this current week of 3D computer graphics is all about. Anatomy is still highly applicable to 3D graphics just like for 2D graphics, or maybe even more. In 3D we use our anatomic knowledge for when creating believable human/animal- like models and most importantly, for animation. When creating your organic model you should be mindful of what the anatomy will convey to the viewer as far as muscles , proportions and bone […]

Mapping sci-fi crate
So the final step for my sci-fi crate was to create a specular map as well as a normal/bump map to go along with the diffuse map I talked about in my latest blog post. For those of you not familiar with the concepts of diffuse, specular and normal/bump maps when creating materials in 3D modeling I will explain this further on in the bullet points below.
Diffuse – The diffuse map is arguably the most important map when creating a […]

Mapping sci-fi crate
So the final step for my sci-fi crate was to create a specular map as well as a normal/bump map to go along with the diffuse map I talked about in my latest blog post. For those of you not familiar with the concepts of diffuse, specular and normal/bump maps when creating materials in 3D modeling I will explain this further on in the bullet points below.
Diffuse – The diffuse map is arguably the most important map when creating a […]

Texturing sci-fi crate
After having my three crates optimized, the next step was to pick one of them to later texturize. I originally had planned to texturize my cartoony crate, which I’ve actually done a whole new version of, but because it came out fairly complex I decided that for starters try to texturize my sci-fi crate instead. Below is my sci-fi crate with a UV checker on.
Since I mentioned in one of my earlier blogposts that I wanted to take inspiration […]

Texturing sci-fi crate
After having my three crates optimized, the next step was to pick one of them to later texturize. I originally had planned to texturize my cartoony crate, which I’ve actually done a whole new version of, but because it came out fairly complex I decided that for starters try to texturize my sci-fi crate instead. Below is my sci-fi crate with a UV checker on.
Since I mentioned in one of my earlier blogposts that I wanted to take inspiration […]

Board Game Analysis: Super Dungeon Explore
This will be my second board game analysis for the Advanced Game Design course and this time I will be analyzing Super dungeon explore. In order to get a better understanding of what this board game does well and what could have been done better I will be breaking it down and analyzing it’s systems as well as components.
Super dungeon explore is a turn-based table-top dungeon crawler game for up to 6 players were you either play as a […]

Board Game Analysis: Super Dungeon Explore
This will be my second board game analysis for the Advanced Game Design course and this time I will be analyzing Super dungeon explore. In order to get a better understanding of what this board game does well and what could have been done better I will be breaking it down and analyzing it’s systems as well as components.
Super dungeon explore is a turn-based table-top dungeon crawler game for up to 6 players were you either play as a […]

Prepping for 3D modeling of silver dagger
Last week all the students of the 3D computer graphics course were sent to look for interesting objects at the historical museum of Gotland (Fornsalen) that we are later going to do 3D models of as a hand in assignment later in the course. In order to do 3D models of real life objects a lot of good references photos have to be taken from different angles and some good close ups for texture reference. In this post I will […]

Prepping for 3D modeling of silver dagger
Last week all the students of the 3D computer graphics course were sent to look for interesting objects at the historical museum of Gotland (Fornsalen) that we are later going to do 3D models of as a hand in assignment later in the course. In order to do 3D models of real life objects a lot of good references photos have to be taken from different angles and some good close ups for texture reference. In this post I will […]

Optimizing 3D crates
During the third week of our 3D computer graphics course the task given to the students was to optimize and look for errors on the 3D crates created the week before. We were assigned to first optimize one crate from two other students during class and later optimize our third crate at home. The two students who worked on one of my crates each were Rebecka Nyström ( and Camilla von Paykull (
The student working on my cartoony […]

Optimizing 3D crates
During the third week of our 3D computer graphics course the task given to the students was to optimize and look for errors on the 3D crates created the week before. We were assigned to first optimize one crate from two other students during class and later optimize our third crate at home. The two students who worked on one of my crates each were Rebecka Nyström ( and Camilla von Paykull (
The student working on my cartoony […]

Creating 3D crates
Further into our 3D computer graphics course we students were assigned to create 3 different crates using the 3D studio max software. The 3 crates had to each present 3 different game styles of our choosing. While creating the crates we had to keep in mind what we learned during our first few lectures about the 7 elements of art and apply that to our work. The game styles I chose to create my crates in were sci-fi, cartoon and […]

Creating 3D crates
Further into our 3D computer graphics course we students were assigned to create 3 different crates using the 3D studio max software. The 3 crates had to each present 3 different game styles of our choosing. While creating the crates we had to keep in mind what we learned during our first few lectures about the 7 elements of art and apply that to our work. The game styles I chose to create my crates in were sci-fi, cartoon and […]

Board Game Analysis: Battlestar Galactica
As an assignment for our advanced game design course we students were divided into groups of 6-7 people to play a board game of our choosing and analyze it as group and later write an individual analysis of that game. My group chose Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game for our analysis.
Battlestar Galactica is a semi-cooperate game for up to 3-6 players. The game is set in an ongoing space battle were you as a human player has the goal […]

Board Game Analysis: Battlestar Galactica
As an assignment for our advanced game design course we students were divided into groups of 6-7 people to play a board game of our choosing and analyze it as group and later write an individual analysis of that game. My group chose Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game for our analysis.
Battlestar Galactica is a semi-cooperate game for up to 3-6 players. The game is set in an ongoing space battle were you as a human player has the goal […]

First week of 3D computer graphics!
Analyzing screenshots
During my class’ first week of the 3D course we were assigned to analyze 4 different screenshots taken from different games using the 7 elements of Art that we practiced during last terms’ 2D course. One interesting thing to note is how by just looking closely at still pictures from games you’ve never played you can still tell pretty much how the action sequences, the characters, the world and how game itself is going to be played out.
For […]

First week of 3D computer graphics!
Analyzing screenshots
During my class’ first week of the 3D course we were assigned to analyze 4 different screenshots taken from different games using the 7 elements of Art that we practiced during last terms’ 2D course. One interesting thing to note is how by just looking closely at still pictures from games you’ve never played you can still tell pretty much how the action sequences, the characters, the world and how game itself is going to be played out.
For […]

Storyboarding exercise!
Last week’s assignment for my 2d-graphics course was to create a storyboard for a game. I chose to do a Mirror’s edge inspired sequence where the player character receives a valuable bag from a fellow runner. The cops later invade the rooftop where both runners are and the chasing begins.
This was a segment of a scene I have had in my head for quite some time now ever since I first played Mirror’s edge back in 2009. I was […]

Storyboarding exercise!
Last week’s assignment for my 2d-graphics course was to create a storyboard for a game. I chose to do a Mirror’s edge inspired sequence where the player character receives a valuable bag from a fellow runner. The cops later invade the rooftop where both runners are and the chasing begins.
This was a segment of a scene I have had in my head for quite some time now ever since I first played Mirror’s edge back in 2009. I was […]

Project “Haunted Light” 2014-03-13 Beta presentation script & Intro sequence
Week 7 of our game development project “Haunted light” is coming to an end and I have to say this week has been the one of the most turbulent ones since we started with this project. We in group 5 had to make the devastating decision to cut our regenerating levels because one member was sick for two whole weeks. Not much progress was done on the AI-front for our monsters which this member was in charge of during that […]

Project “Haunted Light” 2014-03-13 Beta presentation script & Intro sequence
Week 7 of our game development project “Haunted light” is coming to an end and I have to say this week has been the one of the most turbulent ones since we started with this project. We in group 5 had to make the devastating decision to cut our regenerating levels because one member was sick for two whole weeks. Not much progress was done on the AI-front for our monsters which this member was in charge of during that […]