Author Archives: Anton Olin

Leon is split into pieces!!
So we made a really ballsy decision last week, considering it’s very close to GGC. We made the decision to split Olivias plushie, Leon, into different pieces that the player could then find throughout the game. The reason we did this, was that we did not really feel like we gave the player any motivation to continue to move through the game.
Anyway, so Leon now gets ripped in pieces at the beginning of the game, and your quest is to […]

Leon is split into pieces!!
So we made a really ballsy decision last week, considering it’s very close to GGC. We made the decision to split Olivias plushie, Leon, into different pieces that the player could then find throughout the game. The reason we did this, was that we did not really feel like we gave the player any motivation to continue to move through the game.
Anyway, so Leon now gets ripped in pieces at the beginning of the game, and your quest is to […]
Music and sound effects
Music and sound effects are a big part of Somnium, that is really important to convey our aesthetic goal to the audience. For example, in order to create the specific music and ambient sound, we have had the great opportunity to be in contact with a student from the nearby “Tonsättarskolan” and had him develop the ambient sound and music for us. This way the music is tailored for the game, and the events of occurring in our game.
Since we […]
Music and sound effects
Music and sound effects are a big part of Somnium, that is really important to convey our aesthetic goal to the audience. For example, in order to create the specific music and ambient sound, we have had the great opportunity to be in contact with a student from the nearby “Tonsättarskolan” and had him develop the ambient sound and music for us. This way the music is tailored for the game, and the events of occurring in our game.
Since we […]

So I made a pause menu
Hi again,
We desperately needed a pause menu, so I decided to make a simple one. Its only functionality is to have some settings in it, restart game, and resume game. The settings in the menu are there to switch between inverted and non inverted camera in the vertical and horizontal axis. The simple functionality is the reason the menu was coded rather quick, and not very dynamic.
Screenshot of the pause menu, design is not final
The screen is divided into two […]

So I made a pause menu
Hi again,
We desperately needed a pause menu, so I decided to make a simple one. Its only functionality is to have some settings in it, restart game, and resume game. The settings in the menu are there to switch between inverted and non inverted camera in the vertical and horizontal axis. The simple functionality is the reason the menu was coded rather quick, and not very dynamic.
Screenshot of the pause menu, design is not final
The screen is divided into two […]

AI.. or a very simplified version of it
Hiya all!
So we decided that we needed some sort of critters running around in our game looking dumb, and they needed some sort of AI. This meant creating something that runs around randomly but always looks at Olivia. But we also wanted them to stay somewhat together, so some form of flocking is needed to create this.
At first I made two classes, one called Critters which all the critters would inherit from. Then I made the crittermanager, which would initialize […]

AI.. or a very simplified version of it
Hiya all!
So we decided that we needed some sort of critters running around in our game looking dumb, and they needed some sort of AI. This meant creating something that runs around randomly but always looks at Olivia. But we also wanted them to stay somewhat together, so some form of flocking is needed to create this.
At first I made two classes, one called Critters which all the critters would inherit from. Then I made the crittermanager, which would initialize […]
Camera design and programming
Hello everyone!
The last few weeks have been a lot about the camera design of our game, and programming it, so this post will explain why the camera is the way it is, and how it was programmed.
Camera design
At first we wanted to have a different camera angle for every event, and also that the camera should be static in its position, and straight up just use a look at function to follow the player. We quickly realized after a playtest that […]
Camera design and programming
Hello everyone!
The last few weeks have been a lot about the camera design of our game, and programming it, so this post will explain why the camera is the way it is, and how it was programmed.
Camera design
At first we wanted to have a different camera angle for every event, and also that the camera should be static in its position, and straight up just use a look at function to follow the player. We quickly realized after a playtest that […]
First production week, first post
Hi ya’ll!
First blog post of the Big Game Project course, and the first production week!
During this course I will try to make 3 posts focused on artifacts from more of a game design perspective,
and 3 posts focused more on how the artifacts has been programmed or created.
It has been a while since this blog was used, however new year and new game requires for some posts here.
So what has been done since the “Big Game Project” course started? Well, the […]
First production week, first post
Hi ya’ll!
First blog post of the Big Game Project course, and the first production week!
During this course I will try to make 3 posts focused on artifacts from more of a game design perspective,
and 3 posts focused more on how the artifacts has been programmed or created.
It has been a while since this blog was used, however new year and new game requires for some posts here.
So what has been done since the “Big Game Project” course started? Well, the […]

Hi Everybody! (Hi Dr.Nick!)
As the switch to English last week seemed to be a popular change, I am sticking to it this week as well. This week has been a lot about doing different smaller changes and polishing everything to make the game feel a lot more tight. Since we are pre loading all the assets, this meant making a loading screen, but also polishing the high score menu, and adding buttons to the lose and win state.
The most interesting thing […]

Hi Everybody! (Hi Dr.Nick!)
As the switch to English last week seemed to be a popular change, I am sticking to it this week as well. This week has been a lot about doing different smaller changes and polishing everything to make the game feel a lot more tight. Since we are pre loading all the assets, this meant making a loading screen, but also polishing the high score menu, and adding buttons to the lose and win state.
The most interesting thing […]

This week I’m trying to make the switch to English, since I’ve been been informed it gives the blog a more professional look. I’ve worked on a lot of different things this week, for example I started with improving the menu system early in the week, and then realizing we have not planned for a High Score system. So, ultimately the mission landed on my desk and therefore the rest of the week has been about that.
At first I started […]

This week I’m trying to make the switch to English, since I’ve been been informed it gives the blog a more professional look. I’ve worked on a lot of different things this week, for example I started with improving the menu system early in the week, and then realizing we have not planned for a High Score system. So, ultimately the mission landed on my desk and therefore the rest of the week has been about that.
At first I started […]
Code Review of team 5 Player class
The player class does not have any couplings except for the fact that it’s a child class of the IENTITY class, which contains only pure virutal functions. Therefore it’s hard to give any certain advice to reduce couplings. However the most of the code seems to be written in the main.cpp which has its pros and cons. The pros being it’s easier because classes could sometimes be confusing and difficult to understand. The cons being it could be very confusing […]
Code Review of team 5 Player class
The player class does not have any couplings except for the fact that it’s a child class of the IENTITY class, which contains only pure virutal functions. Therefore it’s hard to give any certain advice to reduce couplings. However the most of the code seems to be written in the main.cpp which has its pros and cons. The pros being it’s easier because classes could sometimes be confusing and difficult to understand. The cons being it could be very confusing […]

GoldenProjectile powerup
Denna vecka har handlat om att lägga in det absolut sista som ska in. Det vill säga, dom två sista power upsen och allt ljud ska vara klart. Därför har min vecka handlat om att göra en golden projectile och en massa olika ljud. Men eftersom att ljud inte är direkt intressant att göra en blog post om, (ur programmeringssynpunkt) kommer denna post i det stora hela handla om power upen “Golden Projectile”.
Idén med golden projectile är att den ska […]

GoldenProjectile powerup
Denna vecka har handlat om att lägga in det absolut sista som ska in. Det vill säga, dom två sista power upsen och allt ljud ska vara klart. Därför har min vecka handlat om att göra en golden projectile och en massa olika ljud. Men eftersom att ljud inte är direkt intressant att göra en blog post om, (ur programmeringssynpunkt) kommer denna post i det stora hela handla om power upen “Golden Projectile”.
Idén med golden projectile är att den ska […]

Jellyroger och hans projektil
Veckans arbete har varit effektivt, men tyvärr har jag lagt på tok mycket mer tid på att skapa vår manetfiende Jellyroger och hans projektil än förväntat. Till att börja med hade jag endast planerat in 5 timmars programmering för att implementera maneten och dess projektil. När jag under måndagen spenderade ca 4 timmar på att endast implementera Jellyroger, insåg jag att denna vecka inte riktigt skulle gå som planerat.
Att få Jellyroger att ritas ut korrekt var inga större problem, men […]

Jellyroger och hans projektil
Veckans arbete har varit effektivt, men tyvärr har jag lagt på tok mycket mer tid på att skapa vår manetfiende Jellyroger och hans projektil än förväntat. Till att börja med hade jag endast planerat in 5 timmars programmering för att implementera maneten och dess projektil. När jag under måndagen spenderade ca 4 timmar på att endast implementera Jellyroger, insåg jag att denna vecka inte riktigt skulle gå som planerat.
Att få Jellyroger att ritas ut korrekt var inga större problem, men […]

HealthBar, meltbar, meltdown -.-‘
Denna vecka har jag inte hunnit arbeta speciellt mycket pga att jag varit tvungen att komplettera en tidigare kurs där inlämningen var igår(onsdag). Därför har all fokus idag legat på att göra spelet godkänt för Alphan som ska visas upp. Det innebär för min del skapandet av ett GUI, eller för att vara mer exakt, endast en health bar för tillfället.
Vår tanke är att huvudkaraktären i spelet inte ska ha något direkt liv, utan det ska baseras på hur mycket […]

HealthBar, meltbar, meltdown -.-‘
Denna vecka har jag inte hunnit arbeta speciellt mycket pga att jag varit tvungen att komplettera en tidigare kurs där inlämningen var igår(onsdag). Därför har all fokus idag legat på att göra spelet godkänt för Alphan som ska visas upp. Det innebär för min del skapandet av ett GUI, eller för att vara mer exakt, endast en health bar för tillfället.
Vår tanke är att huvudkaraktären i spelet inte ska ha något direkt liv, utan det ska baseras på hur mycket […]