Author Archives: Andreas Lundmark

Plocka upp vasen!
Det här är mitt första blogginlägg för det aktuella grupparbetet. Vi har valt att göra ett spel på spelkonceptet ”Fancy Mansion” som grupp 15 skrev.
Den här veckan vill jag skriva om föremålet som jag implementerade i spelet, för tillfället är spelet i pre-alpha och det finns fortfarande buggar kvar att fixa innan alphan. Vasen är ett objekt i spelet som spelaren ska plocka upp och placera på en ”dropzon” för att erhålla poäng/pengar som är målet med spelet.
När jag kodade […]

Plocka upp vasen!
Det här är mitt första blogginlägg för det aktuella grupparbetet. Vi har valt att göra ett spel på spelkonceptet ”Fancy Mansion” som grupp 15 skrev.
Den här veckan vill jag skriva om föremålet som jag implementerade i spelet, för tillfället är spelet i pre-alpha och det finns fortfarande buggar kvar att fixa innan alphan. Vasen är ett objekt i spelet som spelaren ska plocka upp och placera på en ”dropzon” för att erhålla poäng/pengar som är målet med spelet.
När jag kodade […]
Januari 2015
The project is going forward and i´m proud of myself for finally learning some code, how to structure it and read code.
The advancements in the project is that i have implemented a background. Moving player and a wall object that the player can´t move past it.
Januari 2015
The project is going forward and i´m proud of myself for finally learning some code, how to structure it and read code.
The advancements in the project is that i have implemented a background. Moving player and a wall object that the player can´t move past it.
December 19 and 26
December 19
Late post, only explanation is that i simply forgot.
The project is going forward but slowly. I have my game window and my Player class but I have not yet created or rendered my sprite in the window.
December 26
The project is going a little bit better now and i have my Sprite rendered on the screen but it is only 16×15 pixles and that is way too small. I tried to make it bigger with a function but after some […]
December 19 and 26
December 19
Late post, only explanation is that i simply forgot.
The project is going forward but slowly. I have my game window and my Player class but I have not yet created or rendered my sprite in the window.
December 26
The project is going a little bit better now and i have my Sprite rendered on the screen but it is only 16×15 pixles and that is way too small. I tried to make it bigger with a function but after some […]
Project. Zelda. 5SD022 . Andreas Ludnmark
This is a little late blog about my project.
I have started coding the window and will soon implement a player that can move.
My project game that i will clone is Zelda1 and I will use Visualstudio C++ to do it.
More information will be presented at the next post.
Thanks for reading.
Project. Zelda. 5SD022 . Andreas Ludnmark
This is a little late blog about my project.
I have started coding the window and will soon implement a player that can move.
My project game that i will clone is Zelda1 and I will use Visualstudio C++ to do it.
More information will be presented at the next post.
Thanks for reading.
Week 2 gameprogramming I
The second week of the course and I am starting to understand the C++ programming structure. I have a long way to go but this week I got one step closer to creating a game!
The focus on my side is to learn “for” loops and how to get functions outside main to work and in what order i should code the functions. I have also learned how to get random values and sort them, how to make a small random […]
Week 2 gameprogramming I
The second week of the course and I am starting to understand the C++ programming structure. I have a long way to go but this week I got one step closer to creating a game!
The focus on my side is to learn “for” loops and how to get functions outside main to work and in what order i should code the functions. I have also learned how to get random values and sort them, how to make a small random […]
Week 1 gameprogramming I
Starting a new course that i think will be fun.
I am programming C++ in Visual studios and started to learn the coding language that resembles flash actionscript and Csharp. It was some years ago i coded so a introduction to coding in C++ is good for my learning process. This week we tested to build simpler programs to get started, some of them was challenging for me.
One of the programs that was challenging for me was this program that I […]
Week 1 gameprogramming I
Starting a new course that i think will be fun.
I am programming C++ in Visual studios and started to learn the coding language that resembles flash actionscript and Csharp. It was some years ago i coded so a introduction to coding in C++ is good for my learning process. This week we tested to build simpler programs to get started, some of them was challenging for me.
One of the programs that was challenging for me was this program that I […]
Impending doom 2014-09-24
This is my Impending doom document.
Impending doom – The forest
TheImpending Doom scenario is about holding the wolves at bay. The game starts withyoustanding in the middle of the forest and you cansee wolves closing in from every direction. The tool you use to keep them away is one torch made of a piece of wood and you shirt. Beside you is a campfire where you can relight the torch.
Every wolf comes closer at different speed and your campfire beside […]
Impending doom 2014-09-24
This is my Impending doom document.
Impending doom – The forest
TheImpending Doom scenario is about holding the wolves at bay. The game starts withyoustanding in the middle of the forest and you cansee wolves closing in from every direction. The tool you use to keep them away is one torch made of a piece of wood and you shirt. Beside you is a campfire where you can relight the torch.
Every wolf comes closer at different speed and your campfire beside […]
Starting the blog!
Hi and welcome to my blog!
My name is Andreas Lundmark and I am a freshman student at Uppsala university – Campus Gotland. Game design and programming is what i will study and I am eager to learn it. My earlier experiences with the game designing is mainly 3d modelling in 3dsmax, Zbrush and I also had a few sessions of coding games.
I was born in Boden ,1992, now i live in Visby. I moved here to study because I have […]
Starting the blog!
Hi and welcome to my blog!
My name is Andreas Lundmark and I am a freshman student at Uppsala university – Campus Gotland. Game design and programming is what i will study and I am eager to learn it. My earlier experiences with the game designing is mainly 3d modelling in 3dsmax, Zbrush and I also had a few sessions of coding games.
I was born in Boden ,1992, now i live in Visby. I moved here to study because I have […]