Author Archives: Andrée Henriksson

Second Artifact – Level Editor (kind of)
Another week, another Artifact. This time it will not be from the game itself, but a tool to make it easier to create the level.
So, I have been working on a Level Editor for our game, With Intent. The reason for having it is so that it will be easier and faster to build the level with all the walls, furniture’s, doors, guards and their waypoints, start- and end-positions. Without an editor we would probably have to input all […]

Second Artifact – Level Editor (kind of)
Another week, another Artifact. This time it will not be from the game itself, but a tool to make it easier to create the level.
So, I have been working on a Level Editor for our game, With Intent. The reason for having it is so that it will be easier and faster to build the level with all the walls, furniture’s, doors, guards and their waypoints, start- and end-positions. Without an editor we would probably have to input all […]

Blog-post nr.1 5SD033: Game Development – Introduction
For soon four weeks, I and my group, have been developing a game we call With Intent (working title) which originates from the idea of Escape, which was a concept created by another group, about 3 month ago.
Each week I will pick an Artifact (piece of the game) and try to explain why we did as we did, how it went and if I would do it any other way next time.
The Artifact I have chosen to write about this […]

Blog-post nr.1 5SD033: Game Development – Introduction
For soon four weeks, I and my group, have been developing a game we call With Intent (working title) which originates from the idea of Escape, which was a concept created by another group, about 3 month ago.
Each week I will pick an Artifact (piece of the game) and try to explain why we did as we did, how it went and if I would do it any other way next time.
The Artifact I have chosen to write about this […]

SoundRipples, Guard Patrolling and Light-prototype
I have been working on two things today. I continued with our guard’s detection of sounds around them and got our PatrolState working.
I’m having a SoundRippleManager to hold a vector of SoundRipples, which is basically an object with position, volume and time alive. The SoundRipple will stay alive for about 1 second and during this time it will draw an expanding circle from its origin to represent our visual respond to the sound.
When a new SoundRipple is created it checks […]

SoundRipples, Guard Patrolling and Light-prototype
I have been working on two things today. I continued with our guard’s detection of sounds around them and got our PatrolState working.
I’m having a SoundRippleManager to hold a vector of SoundRipples, which is basically an object with position, volume and time alive. The SoundRipple will stay alive for about 1 second and during this time it will draw an expanding circle from its origin to represent our visual respond to the sound.
When a new SoundRipple is created it checks […]
One week before first playable version
One week before we need a playable version of our core mechanics for the class the try, but I have set the deadline to this Thursday instead. That way we will have another half week to fix everything we will not get done until Thursday, (wow, that sounds really confusing, hopefully someone will understand me, maybe).
We had Scrum-meeting today. Scrum is a work method where EVERYTHING that is to be done is written down, like milestones, and each week every […]
One week before first playable version
One week before we need a playable version of our core mechanics for the class the try, but I have set the deadline to this Thursday instead. That way we will have another half week to fix everything we will not get done until Thursday, (wow, that sounds really confusing, hopefully someone will understand me, maybe).
We had Scrum-meeting today. Scrum is a work method where EVERYTHING that is to be done is written down, like milestones, and each week every […]

Guards and their different states
What will the guards be doing?
The guards will be idling, patrolling, investigating, searching, chasing and shooting.
Shooting they will be doing if the player are in their line-of-sight for too long.
They are chasing when they have seen the player but he/she is no longer in their line-of-sight.
They are searching if they know that the player is around, but not where.
They are investigating if they hear a sound but do not know about the player.
Patrolling and idling will be their standard behavior […]

Guards and their different states
What will the guards be doing?
The guards will be idling, patrolling, investigating, searching, chasing and shooting.
Shooting they will be doing if the player are in their line-of-sight for too long.
They are chasing when they have seen the player but he/she is no longer in their line-of-sight.
They are searching if they know that the player is around, but not where.
They are investigating if they hear a sound but do not know about the player.
Patrolling and idling will be their standard behavior […]
Sprites, Animations and the Manager for them
So, what have I been doing since last update?
Well, I have been pretty sick for a while now so have not had the strength to code much but I have been working on our Sprite Manager and Animated Sprite. It think I got it working as I want J
The Sprite Manager loads and stores Textures. It also creates pointers to Sprites and Animated Sprites which other managers need. When an object asks for a Sprite or Animated Sprite the Sprite […]
Sprites, Animations and the Manager for them
So, what have I been doing since last update?
Well, I have been pretty sick for a while now so have not had the strength to code much but I have been working on our Sprite Manager and Animated Sprite. It think I got it working as I want J
The Sprite Manager loads and stores Textures. It also creates pointers to Sprites and Animated Sprites which other managers need. When an object asks for a Sprite or Animated Sprite the Sprite […]
Level Editor in C#
Yet another long day.
I have been working on a level editor in C# for our game ”Escape”.
Why a level editor? Because creating a level would be pretty hard without it. Because we will not use tiles, the level designer would have to manually type coordinates for each item on the map. Tables, chairs, guards, waypoints, exit, entrance, keys, etc. The editor will allow the designer to build the level by choosing an Entity (guard, furniture, etc.) and rotate and place […]
Level Editor in C#
Yet another long day.
I have been working on a level editor in C# for our game ”Escape”.
Why a level editor? Because creating a level would be pretty hard without it. Because we will not use tiles, the level designer would have to manually type coordinates for each item on the map. Tables, chairs, guards, waypoints, exit, entrance, keys, etc. The editor will allow the designer to build the level by choosing an Entity (guard, furniture, etc.) and rotate and place […]

Next game started – Concept “Escape”
After a couple of weeks silent I’m now back for more regular updates. After a couple of weeks silent I’m now back for more regular updates.
In our new course Game Development – Introduction (I think it is called) we are to choose another groups concept and develop it to a working game. It is the same group as in Game Design – Introduction except that we got another member, a graphic artist, and we chose to take the concept “Escape”.
You are an agent and have to escape a building without getting caught.
Next game started – Concept “Escape”
In our new course Game Development – Introduction (I think it is called) we are to choose another groups concept and develop it to a working game. It is the same group as in Game Design – Introduction except that we got another member, a graphic artist, and we chose to take the concept “Escape”.
You are an agent and have to escape a building without getting caught.
Just sent in the game!
I think I have averaged about 10 hours each day this week. That is what happens when you get a late start and make most of the work the last 1.5 weeks. We counted the points we are going after, and if everything is accepted, we will score 105 points. Pass (G) are 65 points and Pass with Distinction (VG) are 90 points, if I remember correctly. So I’m really satisfied with the game. Even if […]
Just sent in the game!
I think I have averaged about 10 hours each day this week. That is what happens when you get a late start and make most of the work the last 1.5 weeks. We counted the points we are going after, and if everything is accepted, we will score 105 points. Pass (G) are 65 points and Pass with Distinction (VG) are 90 points, if I remember correctly. So I’m really satisfied with the game. Even if […]

TD – Credits with some bouncing balls
Done some work with the credits. I added two bouncing balls so we have circle vs. circle and circle vs. box collision for the extra 10 points. Tomorrow it is just the finishing touch left and then we are going to turn it in and hope for the best.

TD – Credits with some bouncing balls
Done some work with the credits. I added two bouncing balls so we have circle vs. circle and circle vs. box collision for the extra 10 points. Tomorrow it is just the finishing touch left and then we are going to turn it in and hope for the best.

TD – deadline on Sunday
I finished with towers and most of the highscore stuff today. So the two kind of big things I have left to do is the configure file, which might be a bit tricky, and make it possible to write your name after a game to save together with the highscore.
Other than those things it is only finishing up the codes. Go through it all and look for memory leaks, comment and take away all unused functions. Let’s see […]

TD – deadline on Sunday
I finished with towers and most of the highscore stuff today. So the two kind of big things I have left to do is the configure file, which might be a bit tricky, and make it possible to write your name after a game to save together with the highscore.
Other than those things it is only finishing up the codes. Go through it all and look for memory leaks, comment and take away all unused functions. Let’s see […]
TD – not so much left now
Severe memory leak detected and fixed. Life, cash and points working. The three different towers works.
Need work: High score save and print. Tower cost. Win and lose conditions. Configure file. And probably something more that I can’t remember.
I found out that I had a pretty severe memory leak, about 10 MB per second. Creating new textures each update without freeing their memories after is bad.
TD – not so much left now
Severe memory leak detected and fixed. Life, cash and points working. The three different towers works.
Need work: High score save and print. Tower cost. Win and lose conditions. Configure file. And probably something more that I can’t remember.
I found out that I had a pretty severe memory leak, about 10 MB per second. Creating new textures each update without freeing their memories after is bad.