Author Archives: Andrée Henriksson

Nemesis – Level Generating
So, I have been doing some initial work on my dungeon generation this week. It is not quite as I want it yet, but it is getting there.
As it is now, it tries to spawning a random number of rooms between 20 and 39. The world is 100 times 100 tiles and each room is between 5×5 and 9×9. Each room gets 10 tries to find a suitable. A suitable spot is somewhere where it will not put any of […]

Nemesis – Level Generating
So, I have been doing some initial work on my dungeon generation this week. It is not quite as I want it yet, but it is getting there.
As it is now, it tries to spawning a random number of rooms between 20 and 39. The world is 100 times 100 tiles and each room is between 5×5 and 9×9. Each room gets 10 tries to find a suitable. A suitable spot is somewhere where it will not put any of […]
Summer Project – Nemesis
It was a long time since I wrote here last time. A bit over 2 month I think it was, but I will try to remedy that during summer. I should be able to do at least one blog update per week.
During the coming 8 weeks I will be working on a new project which I have named Nemesis. The title is not set in stone, so if I come up with a better one, it will probably change.
The game […]
Summer Project – Nemesis
It was a long time since I wrote here last time. A bit over 2 month I think it was, but I will try to remedy that during summer. I should be able to do at least one blog update per week.
During the coming 8 weeks I will be working on a new project which I have named Nemesis. The title is not set in stone, so if I come up with a better one, it will probably change.
The game […]
Summer Project – Nemesis
It was a long time since I wrote here last time. A bit over 2 month I think it was, but I will try to remedy that during summer. I should be able to do at least one blog update per week.
During the coming 8 weeks I will be working on a new project which I have named Nemesis. The title is not set in stone, so if I come up with a better one, it will probably change.
The game […]
Summer Project – Nemesis
It was a long time since I wrote here last time. A bit over 2 month I think it was, but I will try to remedy that during summer. I should be able to do at least one blog update per week.
During the coming 8 weeks I will be working on a new project which I have named Nemesis. The title is not set in stone, so if I come up with a better one, it will probably change.
The game […]

Sixth Artifact: Level-changing
I have been working hard on bug fixing everything this week. A lot of progress has been made. For example, the guards no longer plays lighthouse when the player is nearby, was a minus instead of a plus when calculating the distance that was the reason for that. Anyway, let’s get to this week’s artifact.
So, we are going to have four levels in our game, and we do not want to load all four at the same time. I have […]

Sixth Artifact: Level-changing
I have been working hard on bug fixing everything this week. A lot of progress has been made. For example, the guards no longer plays lighthouse when the player is nearby, was a minus instead of a plus when calculating the distance that was the reason for that. Anyway, let’s get to this week’s artifact.
So, we are going to have four levels in our game, and we do not want to load all four at the same time. I have […]

Sixth Artifact: Level-changing
I have been working hard on bug fixing everything this week. A lot of progress has been made. For example, the guards no longer plays lighthouse when the player is nearby, was a minus instead of a plus when calculating the distance that was the reason for that. Anyway, let’s get to this week’s artifact.
So, we are going to have four levels in our game, and we do not want to load all four at the same time. I have […]

Sixth Artifact: Level-changing
I have been working hard on bug fixing everything this week. A lot of progress has been made. For example, the guards no longer plays lighthouse when the player is nearby, was a minus instead of a plus when calculating the distance that was the reason for that. Anyway, let’s get to this week’s artifact.
So, we are going to have four levels in our game, and we do not want to load all four at the same time. I have […]

Fifth Artifact (maybe not really an Artifact): Get it ready for beta presentation
The last week I have gone through the code, implementing and bug fixing the last things that needs to be done before we are ready for our beta presentation.
So, what needed to be done the last week? Well, a lot of things. The weeks between alpha and beta we have been working hard on getting things done. Pathfinding, furnitures, collision with things, guards AI, etc.
We had a play testing session the last Monday, and early Sunday we did not have […]

Fifth Artifact (maybe not really an Artifact): Get it ready for beta presentation
The last week I have gone through the code, implementing and bug fixing the last things that needs to be done before we are ready for our beta presentation.
So, what needed to be done the last week? Well, a lot of things. The weeks between alpha and beta we have been working hard on getting things done. Pathfinding, furnitures, collision with things, guards AI, etc.
We had a play testing session the last Monday, and early Sunday we did not have […]

Fifth Artifact (maybe not really an Artifact): Get it ready for beta presentation
The last week I have gone through the code, implementing and bug fixing the last things that needs to be done before we are ready for our beta presentation.
So, what needed to be done the last week? Well, a lot of things. The weeks between alpha and beta we have been working hard on getting things done. Pathfinding, furnitures, collision with things, guards AI, etc.
We had a play testing session the last Monday, and early Sunday we did not have […]

Fifth Artifact (maybe not really an Artifact): Get it ready for beta presentation
The last week I have gone through the code, implementing and bug fixing the last things that needs to be done before we are ready for our beta presentation.
So, what needed to be done the last week? Well, a lot of things. The weeks between alpha and beta we have been working hard on getting things done. Pathfinding, furnitures, collision with things, guards AI, etc.
We had a play testing session the last Monday, and early Sunday we did not have […]

This week’s artifact: Sprite Manager and a quick look at Animated Sprites
Even though it was long time ago they were made (like 5 weeks), I think it is time to talk some about them.
Both the guards and the player have a lot of different animations.
For example, the player has:
And the guards have:
Draw weapon
And instead of asking the Sprite Manager for a new animation each time it needs to change it, each Animated Sprite holds pointers to each animation instead. So, all that is needed to change from one […]

This week’s artifact: Sprite Manager and a quick look at Animated Sprites
Even though it was long time ago they were made (like 5 weeks), I think it is time to talk some about them.
Both the guards and the player have a lot of different animations.
For example, the player has:
And the guards have:
Draw weapon
And instead of asking the Sprite Manager for a new animation each time it needs to change it, each Animated Sprite holds pointers to each animation instead. So, all that is needed to change from one […]
This week’s artifact: Sprite Manager and a quick look at Animated Sprites
Even though it was long time ago they were made (like 5 weeks), I think it is time to talk some about them.
Both the guards and the player have a lot of different animations.
For example, the player has:
And the guards have:
Draw weapon
And instead of asking the Sprite Manager for a new animation each time it needs to change it, each Animated Sprite holds pointers to each animation instead. So, all that is needed to change from one […]
This week’s artifact: Sprite Manager and a quick look at Animated Sprites
Even though it was long time ago they were made (like 5 weeks), I think it is time to talk some about them.
Both the guards and the player have a lot of different animations.
For example, the player has:
And the guards have:
Draw weapon
And instead of asking the Sprite Manager for a new animation each time it needs to change it, each Animated Sprite holds pointers to each animation instead. So, all that is needed to change from one […]

Third Artifact: Pathfinding and Grid building
This week I will talk a bit about our pathfinding. (Warning: Confusing)
There are a couple of different pathfinding algorithms out there, on the internet. There are Breath-first, Best-first, Dijkstra, A*(A-star), etc. Almost everyone, on different forums, suggest A* as pathfinding algorithm for most games. It is reasonable fast in most instances, even though some of the others were quicker in some scenarios.
A*, like most other algorithms, needs a tile based system to search through.
Each Tile, or Cell, is given […]

Third Artifact: Pathfinding and Grid building
This week I will talk a bit about our pathfinding. (Warning: Confusing)
There are a couple of different pathfinding algorithms out there, on the internet. There are Breath-first, Best-first, Dijkstra, A*(A-star), etc. Almost everyone, on different forums, suggest A* as pathfinding algorithm for most games. It is reasonable fast in most instances, even though some of the others were quicker in some scenarios.
A*, like most other algorithms, needs a tile based system to search through.
Each Tile, or Cell, is given […]

Third Artifact: Pathfinding and Grid building
This week I will talk a bit about our pathfinding. (Warning: Confusing)
There are a couple of different pathfinding algorithms out there, on the internet. There are Breath-first, Best-first, Dijkstra, A*(A-star), etc. Almost everyone, on different forums, suggest A* as pathfinding algorithm for most games. It is reasonable fast in most instances, even though some of the others were quicker in some scenarios.
A*, like most other algorithms, needs a tile based system to search through.
Each Tile, or Cell, is given […]

Third Artifact: Pathfinding and Grid building
This week I will talk a bit about our pathfinding. (Warning: Confusing)
There are a couple of different pathfinding algorithms out there, on the internet. There are Breath-first, Best-first, Dijkstra, A*(A-star), etc. Almost everyone, on different forums, suggest A* as pathfinding algorithm for most games. It is reasonable fast in most instances, even though some of the others were quicker in some scenarios.
A*, like most other algorithms, needs a tile based system to search through.
Each Tile, or Cell, is given […]

Second Artifact – Level Editor (kind of)
Another week, another Artifact. This time it will not be from the game itself, but a tool to make it easier to create the level.
So, I have been working on a Level Editor for our game, With Intent. The reason for having it is so that it will be easier and faster to build the level with all the walls, furniture’s, doors, guards and their waypoints, start- and end-positions. Without an editor we would probably have to input all […]

Second Artifact – Level Editor (kind of)
Another week, another Artifact. This time it will not be from the game itself, but a tool to make it easier to create the level.
So, I have been working on a Level Editor for our game, With Intent. The reason for having it is so that it will be easier and faster to build the level with all the walls, furniture’s, doors, guards and their waypoints, start- and end-positions. Without an editor we would probably have to input all […]