Author Archives: Anthon Fredriksson

Draw Manager
Today I have polished the state machine and added a DrawManager wich for now, clears the screen with a nice yellow color and presents it.A simple Entity class is made wich will hold all game objects.
Tomorrow I will be adding a sprite class that will load a file and get it to draw on the screen.

Draw Manager
Today I have polished the state machine and added a DrawManager wich for now, clears the screen with a nice yellow color and presents it.A simple Entity class is made wich will hold all game objects.
Tomorrow I will be adding a sprite class that will load a file and get it to draw on the screen.
Project Plan
Project plan
Name: ArkanoidTeam members: Anthon Fredriksson and Laban melanderDeadline: 2014 January 19thGame genre: Arkanoid, Arcade
A simple arkanoid game that has one paddle, multiple balls and multiple bricks with different levels. You start with one ball and you have to destroy all of the blocks to reach to the next level. Sometimes when you destroy a block, a drop will spawn and you get some advantages when you pick it up.
Blocks:9 different. the lowest has 1 level(destroys on one hit) and […]
Project Plan
Project plan
Name: ArkanoidTeam members: Anthon Fredriksson and Laban melanderDeadline: 2014 January 19thGame genre: Arkanoid, Arcade
A simple arkanoid game that has one paddle, multiple balls and multiple bricks with different levels. You start with one ball and you have to destroy all of the blocks to reach to the next level. Sometimes when you destroy a block, a drop will spawn and you get some advantages when you pick it up.
Blocks:9 different. the lowest has 1 level(destroys on one hit) and […]

State engine
So far, I have finished the state engine.
Right now it only loads one state, the menu state but you will be able to switch states from anywhere, making it as flexible as I can.
I think I will work on the Input Manager right now. Im waiting for Laban to wake up so that we can make up our project plan. That is why I will create core functions that will be independent of what type of game to make.
So far, I have finished the state engine. I think I will work on the Input Manager right now. Im waiting for Laban to wake up so that we can make up our project plan. That is why I will create core functions that will be independent of what type of game to make.
State engine
Right now it only loads one state, the menu state but you will be able to switch states from anywhere, making it as flexible as I can.

Working on a level editor
I´m working on a level editor to use in future games. The level editor is made in JavaScript and I will soon release it in public.
TODO:Set custom dimension for gameAdding support for multiple layersAdding support for custom tiles – I have to make this very flexible. I have some thoughts in autoloading img from url.Adding auto generated map ready to be edited
Here is a picture of how it looks right now.
I drew this myself, […]

Working on a level editor
I´m working on a level editor to use in future games. The level editor is made in JavaScript and I will soon release it in public.
TODO:Set custom dimension for gameAdding support for multiple layersAdding support for custom tiles – I have to make this very flexible. I have some thoughts in autoloading img from url.Adding auto generated map ready to be edited
Here is a picture of how it looks right now.
I drew this myself, […]
Is point within a rectangle
I came up with this neat function to check if a point [x,y] is within a rectangle [x, y, width, height].
It´s made in Javascript but can be applied to ALL languages.
// CommentUtils.pointWithinRect = function(point, rect) { var px = point[0]; var py = point[1]; var top = rect.y; var left = rect.x; var bottom = rect.y + rect.height; var right […]
Is point within a rectangle
I came up with this neat function to check if a point [x,y] is within a rectangle [x, y, width, height].
It´s made in Javascript but can be applied to ALL languages.
// CommentUtils.pointWithinRect = function(point, rect) { var px = point[0]; var py = point[1]; var top = rect.y; var left = rect.x; var bottom = rect.y + rect.height; var right […]
Post Alpha
Efter mycket om och men har man nu en blogg. Jag visste in att Google tillhandahöll bloggar så det var ju perfekt för en Google-älskare som jag.
Jag blev just färdig med min map generator i Javascript. Nu ska jag bara optimisera terräng generation.
Sedan fick vi en uppgift i C++ att skapa ett spel, 2 och 2 i grupper. Hand in någonstans i början av Januari.
Hoppas du som läser har en riktigt god jul!
Post Alpha
Efter mycket om och men har man nu en blogg. Jag visste in att Google tillhandahöll bloggar så det var ju perfekt för en Google-älskare som jag.
Jag blev just färdig med min map generator i Javascript. Nu ska jag bara optimisera terräng generation.
Sedan fick vi en uppgift i C++ att skapa ett spel, 2 och 2 i grupper. Hand in någonstans i början av Januari.
Hoppas du som läser har en riktigt god jul!