Author Archives: Anton Classon

Last Signal – Room system
When coding for the Last Signal, I wanted to create an easier and faster way to create levels in the game rather than having to code each level individually. This would also allow our level designer to design the levels and test them without having to wait for us programmers generating the level and send the results back. This lead me to write what I call the Room System.
It reads in a .txt file that contains the relevant data for the […]

Last Signal – Room system
When coding for the Last Signal, I wanted to create an easier and faster way to create levels in the game rather than having to code each level individually. This would also allow our level designer to design the levels and test them without having to wait for us programmers generating the level and send the results back. This lead me to write what I call the Room System.
It reads in a .txt file that contains the relevant data for the […]

Last Signal – Room system
When coding for the Last Signal, I wanted to create an easier and faster way to create levels in the game rather than having to code each level individually. This would also allow our level designer to design the levels and test them without having to wait for us programmers generating the level and send the results back. This lead me to write what I call the Room System.
It reads in a .txt file that contains the relevant data for the […]

Last Signal – Room system
When coding for the Last Signal, I wanted to create an easier and faster way to create levels in the game rather than having to code each level individually. This would also allow our level designer to design the levels and test them without having to wait for us programmers generating the level and send the results back. This lead me to write what I call the Room System.
It reads in a .txt file that contains the relevant data for the […]

Last Signal – Player Movement
One of the gameplay elements that I have worked on for The Last Signal is the players movement.
The player moves around the game’s map by engaging the characters thrusters by pressing the A- and D-keys. The A-key engages the left thruster and the D-key engages the right one. This means that the player will turn right when pressing the A-key and vice versa. If both keys are pressed down the character will start accelerating in the direction they are […]

Last Signal – Player Movement
One of the gameplay elements that I have worked on for The Last Signal is the players movement.
The player moves around the game’s map by engaging the characters thrusters by pressing the A- and D-keys. The A-key engages the left thruster and the D-key engages the right one. This means that the player will turn right when pressing the A-key and vice versa. If both keys are pressed down the character will start accelerating in the direction they are […]

Last Signal – Player Movement
One of the gameplay elements that I have worked on for The Last Signal is the players movement.
The player moves around the game’s map by engaging the characters thrusters by pressing the A- and D-keys. The A-key engages the left thruster and the D-key engages the right one. This means that the player will turn right when pressing the A-key and vice versa. If both keys are pressed down the character will start accelerating in the direction they are […]

Last Signal – Player Movement
One of the gameplay elements that I have worked on for The Last Signal is the players movement.
The player moves around the game’s map by engaging the characters thrusters by pressing the A- and D-keys. The A-key engages the left thruster and the D-key engages the right one. This means that the player will turn right when pressing the A-key and vice versa. If both keys are pressed down the character will start accelerating in the direction they are […]

Last Signal – Week 1 + 2
New course and a new project to work on. Due to various students dropping off, there was an unbalace with the groups and team 14, the team I was part of, was divided up into other teams. Me and two others from team 14 were placed in team 5, where we luckily fit in nicely.
The project started by choosing a concept that another team had developed during the previous design course and develop it into a fully funtional game. We […]

Last Signal – Week 1 + 2
New course and a new project to work on. Due to various students dropping off, there was an unbalace with the groups and team 14, the team I was part of, was divided up into other teams. Me and two others from team 14 were placed in team 5, where we luckily fit in nicely.
The project started by choosing a concept that another team had developed during the previous design course and develop it into a fully funtional game. We […]

Last Signal – Week 1 + 2
New course and a new project to work on. Due to various students dropping off, there was an unbalace with the groups and team 14, the team I was part of, was divided up into other teams. Me and two others from team 14 were placed in team 5, where we luckily fit in nicely.
The project started by choosing a concept that another team had developed during the previous design course and develop it into a fully funtional game. We […]

Last Signal – Week 1 + 2
New course and a new project to work on. Due to various students dropping off, there was an unbalace with the groups and team 14, the team I was part of, was divided up into other teams. Me and two others from team 14 were placed in team 5, where we luckily fit in nicely.
The project started by choosing a concept that another team had developed during the previous design course and develop it into a fully funtional game. We […]

So I havn’t been quite so active here as I should have been, mainy due to the fact that during the holidays I was home visiting family. However since I last wrote here I have finished the Legend of Zelda clone that I started on on week four.
The game is fully functional and although not perfect it is something that I am glad to have worked on. The assets used in the game are taken from various sites on […]

So I havn’t been quite so active here as I should have been, mainy due to the fact that during the holidays I was home visiting family. However since I last wrote here I have finished the Legend of Zelda clone that I started on on week four.
The game is fully functional and although not perfect it is something that I am glad to have worked on. The assets used in the game are taken from various sites on […]

So I havn’t been quite so active here as I should have been, mainy due to the fact that during the holidays I was home visiting family. However since I last wrote here I have finished the Legend of Zelda clone that I started on on week four.
The game is fully functional and although not perfect it is something that I am glad to have worked on. The assets used in the game are taken from various sites on […]

So I havn’t been quite so active here as I should have been, mainy due to the fact that during the holidays I was home visiting family. However since I last wrote here I have finished the Legend of Zelda clone that I started on on week four.
The game is fully functional and although not perfect it is something that I am glad to have worked on. The assets used in the game are taken from various sites on […]

This week I have continued working on the Legend of Zelda clone that I started last week.
I have started to plan on paper out more of how the rooms will work and how the transition from two different rooms will work.
I have also found a spritesheet online that I will be using for the sprites in the game. This is a link to the website that I will be taking the sprites from:
This means that I will not have to […]

This week I have continued working on the Legend of Zelda clone that I started last week.
I have started to plan on paper out more of how the rooms will work and how the transition from two different rooms will work.
I have also found a spritesheet online that I will be using for the sprites in the game. This is a link to the website that I will be taking the sprites from:
This means that I will not have to […]

This week we have finished up the work on the Arkanoid project and I have continued the work on my Legend of Zelda clone.
I have drawn out a basic layout of the in game map and a simple representation of how it will be implemented in the games code, including how the rooms will be interlinked.
I have broken down some of the enemies and items from the game that I will be using:
Note that not all of […]

This week we have finished up the work on the Arkanoid project and I have continued the work on my Legend of Zelda clone.
I have drawn out a basic layout of the in game map and a simple representation of how it will be implemented in the games code, including how the rooms will be interlinked.
I have broken down some of the enemies and items from the game that I will be using:
Note that not all of […]
This week we have been working on a version of Arkanoid, a game where the objective is to destroy blocks with a ball while controlling a paddle.
We have also started our course project where we are to create a clone of a classic game. I have selected to create a clone of The Legend Of Zelda.
To start I have to break down the game to find out what objects are in the game, what properties and behaviours the objects have, […]
This week we have been working on a version of Arkanoid, a game where the objective is to destroy blocks with a ball while controlling a paddle.
We have also started our course project where we are to create a clone of a classic game. I have selected to create a clone of The Legend Of Zelda.
To start I have to break down the game to find out what objects are in the game, what properties and behaviours the objects have, […]
This week we started using classes and inheritance. Again subjects that I know from earlier courses, but again nice with a refresher. We did touch on structs last week which are similar but are less usefull than classes.
Classes are a collection of data, that could either be methods(function that belongs to a class) or variables. If a class inherits from a base class, it receives the methods and variables from the base class.
When using classes we create objects, a defining feature of […]
This week we started using classes and inheritance. Again subjects that I know from earlier courses, but again nice with a refresher. We did touch on structs last week which are similar but are less usefull than classes.
Classes are a collection of data, that could either be methods(function that belongs to a class) or variables. If a class inherits from a base class, it receives the methods and variables from the base class.
When using classes we create objects, a defining feature of […]