Author Archives: Anton Berglund
Comment #6
In response to Michaels post mortem, that can be found here.
Hi Michael, I want to start of by congratulating you on completing your project! I did get a chance to play the game and while I was one of the testers that did not agree with the difficulty of the game, the controls certainly made it feel like operating a strange machine, a good thing in your case.
Your postmortem blog post is clearly structured and nicely summarized how your […]
Comment #6
In response to Michaels post mortem, that can be found here.
Hi Michael, I want to start of by congratulating you on completing your project! I did get a chance to play the game and while I was one of the testers that did not agree with the difficulty of the game, the controls certainly made it feel like operating a strange machine, a good thing in your case.
Your postmortem blog post is clearly structured and nicely summarized how your […]

Blog #6 – Postmortem of our first digital game: Aetherial
What We Made
Archon, the group I was a part of for the past 6 months, recently wrapped up our production of a small 2D side-scrolling shooter game. This game was based on a design produced bu another team during the previous semester. The game was produced as part of the course Game Design 2: Game Production here at Uppsala University, Campus Gotland and the production of our game has been this semester’s most extensive assignment. The game was delivered on […]

Blog #6 – Postmortem of our first digital game: Aetherial
What We Made
Archon, the group I was a part of for the past 6 months, recently wrapped up our production of a small 2D side-scrolling shooter game. This game was based on a design produced bu another team during the previous semester. The game was produced as part of the course Game Design 2: Game Production here at Uppsala University, Campus Gotland and the production of our game has been this semester’s most extensive assignment. The game was delivered on […]
Comment #5
Regarding: Mija’s blog post
Hi Mija,
You aptly describe what playtesting has given to your team and how it has effected your development. It is nice to see that you are also honest about being inspired by the other groups developing similar games in how you eventually solved the issue of implementing fog into your game successfully. Why reinvent the wheel when you can look at other wheels and hopefully see how to improve upon existing design?
I also enjoyed reading about the […]
Comment #5
Regarding: Mija’s blog post
Hi Mija,
You aptly describe what playtesting has given to your team and how it has effected your development. It is nice to see that you are also honest about being inspired by the other groups developing similar games in how you eventually solved the issue of implementing fog into your game successfully. Why reinvent the wheel when you can look at other wheels and hopefully see how to improve upon existing design?
I also enjoyed reading about the […]
Week #5 – Using playtesting during development
Iterative testing is a fundamental part of Agile methodology. When Agile is applied to games we end up with playtesting our games constantly, both internally within our teams, and externally in organized playtesting sessions with other students or dedicated testers. The main reasoning for testing early and often when developing games is to see if planned mechanics work as intended and deliver the intended reaction from the Player. Added benefits include detecting bugs, thematic issues, and seeing whether art assets […]
Week #5 – Using playtesting during development
Iterative testing is a fundamental part of Agile methodology. When Agile is applied to games we end up with playtesting our games constantly, both internally within our teams, and externally in organized playtesting sessions with other students or dedicated testers. The main reasoning for testing early and often when developing games is to see if planned mechanics work as intended and deliver the intended reaction from the Player. Added benefits include detecting bugs, thematic issues, and seeing whether art assets […]
Comment #4
Regarding: Edvin Broberg’s blog post
Very interesting question indeed.
You explain the thought process of how the question surfaced very well, in addition to the previous events and actions that you’ve experienced and done. I think that many of the producers in the team struggle with similar questions regarding how to approach this typ of situation. The question being brought up can prove to be valuable if you manage to find an answer to it or further develop your observations in […]
Comment #4
Regarding: Edvin Broberg’s blog post
Very interesting question indeed.
You explain the thought process of how the question surfaced very well, in addition to the previous events and actions that you’ve experienced and done. I think that many of the producers in the team struggle with similar questions regarding how to approach this typ of situation. The question being brought up can prove to be valuable if you manage to find an answer to it or further develop your observations in […]

Week #4 – Cross-border Management
This week I have had the misfortune of having to leave Gotland and head to London on personal business for a number of days. The timing could have been better, to put it mildly. We are currently in the final sprint before the Beta milestone, an important week for the entire group. Leading up to my departure I have been worried that losing the Producer in this stage of the project is quite risky for the team’s communication, and thus […]

Week #4 – Cross-border Management
This week I have had the misfortune of having to leave Gotland and head to London on personal business for a number of days. The timing could have been better, to put it mildly. We are currently in the final sprint before the Beta milestone, an important week for the entire group. Leading up to my departure I have been worried that losing the Producer in this stage of the project is quite risky for the team’s communication, and thus […]
Comment, week #3
Blog I commented on:
“Hello Magdalena! I am pleased that Scrum seems to be working out well for you and the rest of team Devourer!
Your blog post provides a good introduction to what Scrum is, and I can imagine that a reader with limited understanding or experience of Scrum would be able to read this post without feeling too lost in the subject matter.
Whilst your post is sufficient in explaining some reasoning behind the decision to not use User Stories, I […]
Comment, week #3
Blog I commented on:
“Hello Magdalena! I am pleased that Scrum seems to be working out well for you and the rest of team Devourer!
Your blog post provides a good introduction to what Scrum is, and I can imagine that a reader with limited understanding or experience of Scrum would be able to read this post without feeling too lost in the subject matter.
Whilst your post is sufficient in explaining some reasoning behind the decision to not use User Stories, I […]
Comment, week #2
Commented on this blog:
“Hello Siri,
I liked reading your post on sound design and can relate to it as I am also currently working on producing sound assets to our game. Your blog post is very informative and provides an easy to understand overview of how you produced this sound effect. I especially enjoyed reading the section on how you used Audacity and multiple sound layers to create a final sound asset. The goal (fitting the sound with the monster’s design) […]
Comment, week #2
Commented on this blog:
“Hello Siri,
I liked reading your post on sound design and can relate to it as I am also currently working on producing sound assets to our game. Your blog post is very informative and provides an easy to understand overview of how you produced this sound effect. I especially enjoyed reading the section on how you used Audacity and multiple sound layers to create a final sound asset. The goal (fitting the sound with the monster’s design) […]
Comment, week #1
Commented on
“First off, I enjoy your blog post not being about a subject that I expected from a year 1 Game Design & Project Management student. The undervalued issue of creating a positive workspace is interesting to read about. Especially in our environment where the Project Manager is required to find creative solutions to this as available funds and spaces are limited to say the least.
You have clearly communicated the actions taken to create a work environment within you limitations […]
Comment, week #1
Commented on
“First off, I enjoy your blog post not being about a subject that I expected from a year 1 Game Design & Project Management student. The undervalued issue of creating a positive workspace is interesting to read about. Especially in our environment where the Project Manager is required to find creative solutions to this as available funds and spaces are limited to say the least.
You have clearly communicated the actions taken to create a work environment within you limitations […]
Week #3 – Working in SCRUM
This week I want to write about how the agile methodology Scrum. As a short introduction, Scrum is an agile framework mostly used in software development. Unlike more “traditional” project methodologies like the common “Waterfall” method in which the whole project is planned out, executed and closed. In Scrum focus lies on working iteratively in “sprints” (usually 2-4 week long periods of work) and staying flexible to changing requirements in the project over time. A big part of this is […]
Week #3 – Working in SCRUM
This week I want to write about how the agile methodology Scrum. As a short introduction, Scrum is an agile framework mostly used in software development. Unlike more “traditional” project methodologies like the common “Waterfall” method in which the whole project is planned out, executed and closed. In Scrum focus lies on working iteratively in “sprints” (usually 2-4 week long periods of work) and staying flexible to changing requirements in the project over time. A big part of this is […]

Week #2 – Setting up Git with Unity
What is Git(hub)?
I spent a lot of time this week on our game’s Version Control System (VCS). In short, the VCS keeps track of versions of files in the game, including scripts, animations, sprite sheets, scenes etc. In collaboration with my lead programmer, Oskar Karlsson, we set up a basic Github server and provided all group members with access so that they could upload what they were working on without using a more cumbersome tool like Google Drive or […]

Week #2 – Setting up Git with Unity
What is Git(hub)?
I spent a lot of time this week on our game’s Version Control System (VCS). In short, the VCS keeps track of versions of files in the game, including scripts, animations, sprite sheets, scenes etc. In collaboration with my lead programmer, Oskar Karlsson, we set up a basic Github server and provided all group members with access so that they could upload what they were working on without using a more cumbersome tool like Google Drive or […]

Week #1 – Player Projectile Sound Effect
Who – Anton Berglund
I am a 1st year student, enrolled at the Game Design and Project Management program in Uppsala University, Campus Gotland.
I have a long-standing love for games and dabble in a bit of everything related to the game development process. I am born and raised in Sweden (mostly) and currently working on getting my feet into the doors of game development. In the game development team I function as lead sound designer as well as producer.
What – Projectile […]

Week #1 – Player Projectile Sound Effect
Who – Anton Berglund
I am a 1st year student, enrolled at the Game Design and Project Management program in Uppsala University, Campus Gotland.
I have a long-standing love for games and dabble in a bit of everything related to the game development process. I am born and raised in Sweden (mostly) and currently working on getting my feet into the doors of game development. In the game development team I function as lead sound designer as well as producer.
What – Projectile […]