Author Archives: Alexandra Hytönen
Summer work and studies
Today the strangest thing happened when I was driving home from the grocery store.. I already had a workplace for the summer and plans to study life drawing aside, then suddenly my phone rang and I got an offer to work on a app this summer. We’re going to have a lunch meeting on Wednesday to talk about it more, I don’t want to spoil more details until things are decided but I’m really looking forward to it!
When […]
Summer work and studies
Today the strangest thing happened when I was driving home from the grocery store.. I already had a workplace for the summer and plans to study life drawing aside, then suddenly my phone rang and I got an offer to work on a app this summer. We’re going to have a lunch meeting on Wednesday to talk about it more, I don’t want to spoil more details until things are decided but I’m really looking forward to it!
When […]

Teaching the player through graphics
Here is the 2D essay as promised, hope you guys enjoy it!
This is a reflective report about how to guide the player through game moments in the most distinct and appealing way possible.
3D Games
Player movement
Graphic communication
To get a deeper understanding of some of the new information received from the course and fill the thirst of history and future of game graphics this report will take on an observatory approach to analyze the design choices made to tutorialize and […]

Teaching the player through graphics
Here is the 2D essay as promised, hope you guys enjoy it!
This is a reflective report about how to guide the player through game moments in the most distinct and appealing way possible.
3D Games
Player movement
Graphic communication
To get a deeper understanding of some of the new information received from the course and fill the thirst of history and future of game graphics this report will take on an observatory approach to analyze the design choices made to tutorialize and […]

Write all the things!
To be completely frank I forgot that this blog even existed for a while because there have been so much things going on in my life, both in school and personal life. Therefor I’ve put together a summary of what I’ve been doing these past months.
To begin with I’ve ended all the courses that I’ve mentioned on the latest post, 3D2-character modelling and animation, conceptual sketching for 2D production 2 and Graphical Design for Web. The course I’ve put most […]

Write all the things!
To be completely frank I forgot that this blog even existed for a while because there have been so much things going on in my life, both in school and personal life. Therefor I’ve put together a summary of what I’ve been doing these past months.
To begin with I’ve ended all the courses that I’ve mentioned on the latest post, 3D2-character modelling and animation, conceptual sketching for 2D production 2 and Graphical Design for Web. The course I’ve put most […]

Graphical design for web
These past weeks have been a mess. I’m studying 150% which includes the courses 3D2 – character modeling and animation, Concept sketch for 2D graphical production and graphical design for web. On top of that I got one rest assignment from the previous course ‘’Advanced game design’’, two months after I submitted my work on board game analysis and only time until 22dec to hand it in again.
So this week has been really hectic, but finally I have re-analyzed the […]

Graphical design for web
These past weeks have been a mess. I’m studying 150% which includes the courses 3D2 – character modeling and animation, Concept sketch for 2D graphical production and graphical design for web. On top of that I got one rest assignment from the previous course ‘’Advanced game design’’, two months after I submitted my work on board game analysis and only time until 22dec to hand it in again.
So this week has been really hectic, but finally I have re-analyzed the […]

Character modelling and animation
After much struggling I’ve managed to create a character in 3DS Max and animate it in Motion builder. The process has been long and painful but fun at the same time. It was an excellent warm-up after last year’s course and I’m exited making a more advanced character and animate it together with two other class members. So far we have only completed the base mesh but my assignment until next week is to model the characters head properly and […]

Character modelling and animation
After much struggling I’ve managed to create a character in 3DS Max and animate it in Motion builder. The process has been long and painful but fun at the same time. It was an excellent warm-up after last year’s course and I’m exited making a more advanced character and animate it together with two other class members. So far we have only completed the base mesh but my assignment until next week is to model the characters head properly and […]

Crunch time!
We, or at least I believed that we would have whole this week to work on our board game, but that wasn’t the case. Luckily I managed to finish the wizard tower during the weekend and therefor I had two days to play test our game and focus on drawing the loot cards.
On Monday we play tested our game for the last time, trying out an old method once again. What we did was to […]

Crunch time!
We, or at least I believed that we would have whole this week to work on our board game, but that wasn’t the case. Luckily I managed to finish the wizard tower during the weekend and therefor I had two days to play test our game and focus on drawing the loot cards.
On Monday we play tested our game for the last time, trying out an old method once again. What we did was to […]

Group and individual work
After two days of play-testing we have polished our game some more. My dice rolling went like shit so I died really early on in the game so for me it became fast boring, but it wasn’t only my dice rolling that did it. We noticed that the wizard had become little too powerful with some of the new spells that had been added, so the changes we did to balance it was to make the most powerful spells into […]

Group and individual work
After two days of play-testing we have polished our game some more. My dice rolling went like shit so I died really early on in the game so for me it became fast boring, but it wasn’t only my dice rolling that did it. We noticed that the wizard had become little too powerful with some of the new spells that had been added, so the changes we did to balance it was to make the most powerful spells into […]

Work work.. (peon voice)
During the play-testing session last Thursday only one group had time to test our game, the reason for that is because it takes longer time to play it with un-experienced players, as it always does. Usually it takes about 45min when we are play-testing in our group but this time took about 1h 30min and the game-testing session was only two hours. While another group was playing our game I walked around in the classroom and tested four different games, […]

Work work.. (peon voice)
During the play-testing session last Thursday only one group had time to test our game, the reason for that is because it takes longer time to play it with un-experienced players, as it always does. Usually it takes about 45min when we are play-testing in our group but this time took about 1h 30min and the game-testing session was only two hours. While another group was playing our game I walked around in the classroom and tested four different games, […]

Polishing our playable prototype
Many things were changed yesterday since our last play-testing session. We sat in school from 10:00AM – 08:00PM to brainstorm and play-test our prototype. The first thing we did was to come up with new spells that the dungeon master could use to separate the players because they were usually too powerful while walking together in packs.
The new things we added were the following
Whirlwind – Pushes all the players on the same tile to a separate tile around it and […]

Polishing our playable prototype
Many things were changed yesterday since our last play-testing session. We sat in school from 10:00AM – 08:00PM to brainstorm and play-test our prototype. The first thing we did was to come up with new spells that the dungeon master could use to separate the players because they were usually too powerful while walking together in packs.
The new things we added were the following
Whirlwind – Pushes all the players on the same tile to a separate tile around it and […]

Developing a system through aesthetics
During the latest week we’ve been designing a system and created a playable prototype of that system. Once we decided the aesthetics we wanted which were ”feeling of having to defeat an enemy before he/she/it becomes too powerful” we started to think of what kind of system we wanted for that. To get some inspiration Mariam and I met last weekend to play a Swedish board game called ”Drakborgen”. The reason we chose that game was because the players had […]

Developing a system through aesthetics
During the latest week we’ve been designing a system and created a playable prototype of that system. Once we decided the aesthetics we wanted which were ”feeling of having to defeat an enemy before he/she/it becomes too powerful” we started to think of what kind of system we wanted for that. To get some inspiration Mariam and I met last weekend to play a Swedish board game called ”Drakborgen”. The reason we chose that game was because the players had […]
Everybody is a n00b.. jam
Last week I stood in front of the whole class for the first time and spoke of my teams analyze of the games we had played together (Gloom, Kingdoms & Conspiracy X). I wasn’t alone on the stage, with me I had Mariam and Sebastian which were great support for me. Probably I wouldn’t had gone up on the stage alone because I’ve always thought that its embarrassing and I get extremely nervous and start to shake like an aspen […]
Everybody is a n00b.. jam
Last week I stood in front of the whole class for the first time and spoke of my teams analyze of the games we had played together (Gloom, Kingdoms & Conspiracy X). I wasn’t alone on the stage, with me I had Mariam and Sebastian which were great support for me. Probably I wouldn’t had gone up on the stage alone because I’ve always thought that its embarrassing and I get extremely nervous and start to shake like an aspen […]
Advanced Game Design
During the latest five weeks I’ve been making systems for games and analyzed them. The most interesting and funnies exercise which thought me the most was when my group and I borrowed three different games to play and analyze. The three different games we chose were Gloom, Kingdoms and Conspiracy X, three very different games which were fun and interesting in their own ways. My favorite game among those three is Gloom, which is a card game where you as […]
Advanced Game Design
During the latest five weeks I’ve been making systems for games and analyzed them. The most interesting and funnies exercise which thought me the most was when my group and I borrowed three different games to play and analyze. The three different games we chose were Gloom, Kingdoms and Conspiracy X, three very different games which were fun and interesting in their own ways. My favorite game among those three is Gloom, which is a card game where you as […]