Author Archives: Adam Salonen

Croquis with a model
Hello friends!
The first week of my new course has passed! I am so pleased with how everything went so far. Our teacher Pernilla really knows how to handle beginners (like myself), and I already feel more confident in my drawings, after only one week!
We started with Croquis with a nude model, which basically means that a male or female poses nude in front of the class, giving us 1 or 2 or 5 or even 8-10 minutes to draw the pose […]

Croquis with a model
Hello friends!
The first week of my new course has passed! I am so pleased with how everything went so far. Our teacher Pernilla really knows how to handle beginners (like myself), and I already feel more confident in my drawings, after only one week!
We started with Croquis with a nude model, which basically means that a male or female poses nude in front of the class, giving us 1 or 2 or 5 or even 8-10 minutes to draw the pose […]

The final assignment
Hello people!
So the final assignment is almost over. This has been an intense five weeks for me and my group.
This course has been highly educational, because today, I know how to design a game.
This assignment is about designing a game, using a couple of tools. These tools are:
Concept Document
Paper Prototype
Individual project report
One Page Design
The Concept Document:
This is where you compile everything you have done when designing the game. The Concept Document is for the group only, the group who is […]

The final assignment
Hello people!
So the final assignment is almost over. This has been an intense five weeks for me and my group.
This course has been highly educational, because today, I know how to design a game.
This assignment is about designing a game, using a couple of tools. These tools are:
Concept Document
Paper Prototype
Individual project report
One Page Design
The Concept Document:
This is where you compile everything you have done when designing the game. The Concept Document is for the group only, the group who is […]
Things are coming to an end.
Well not really, but at least for my pending course, Game Analysis & Game Design. The final assignment we were handed is a five week Concept project. We were divided into groups by six and were handed two random words that we were supposed to follow when we designed our game. Right now we are two weeks in, and we still have three weeks to go. This is such a big project that I felt that an update about halfway […]
Things are coming to an end.
Well not really, but at least for my pending course, Game Analysis & Game Design. The final assignment we were handed is a five week Concept project. We were divided into groups by six and were handed two random words that we were supposed to follow when we designed our game. Right now we are two weeks in, and we still have three weeks to go. This is such a big project that I felt that an update about halfway […]

My First Jam – Mayes Runner!
Hello fellow readers! 🙂
Late post again, and I have to apologize for that. I promise I will be better at this, but for this time, and the last time, you will get a double post.
My First Jam is a tradition at UU, Campus Gotland where first, second and third year students join up in teams to make a fully playable game in a couple of hours. The time you get to spend on the game varies from Jam to Jam, […]

My First Jam – Mayes Runner!
Hello fellow readers! 🙂
Late post again, and I have to apologize for that. I promise I will be better at this, but for this time, and the last time, you will get a double post.
My First Jam is a tradition at UU, Campus Gotland where first, second and third year students join up in teams to make a fully playable game in a couple of hours. The time you get to spend on the game varies from Jam to Jam, […]

Undigitize a digital game!
Hello again!
How in the world do you undigitize a digital game? It is actually simple. You pick a digital game, for example Counter Strike. And then you break it down into pieces, the core experience and rebuild it into a board game. Counter Strike has different core experiences, for example:
Teamwork to win
Shoot enemies to win
Accomplish missions to win (Defuse/Plant bomb)
What I just did was to break down the game into it basic core experiences. This is a couple of core […]

Undigitize a digital game!
Hello again!
How in the world do you undigitize a digital game? It is actually simple. You pick a digital game, for example Counter Strike. And then you break it down into pieces, the core experience and rebuild it into a board game. Counter Strike has different core experiences, for example:
Teamwork to win
Shoot enemies to win
Accomplish missions to win (Defuse/Plant bomb)
What I just did was to break down the game into it basic core experiences. This is a couple of core […]

Working with Workshops!
Working with Workshops!
Hello fellow readers!
The past week has been crazy and I never found the time to update the blog, thats why I am going to make a double post today. This post will be about the workshop I had with my group.
Ernest Adams, who wrote Fundamentals of Game Design, gave us a lecture about workshops. A workshop is a number of people joining together in, lets say designing a game. We were assigned into groups by five and all […]

Working with Workshops!
Working with Workshops!
Hello fellow readers!
The past week has been crazy and I never found the time to update the blog, thats why I am going to make a double post today. This post will be about the workshop I had with my group.
Ernest Adams, who wrote Fundamentals of Game Design, gave us a lecture about workshops. A workshop is a number of people joining together in, lets say designing a game. We were assigned into groups by five and all […]

Sissyfight, Mechanics, Dynamics and last but not least, Aesthetics.
Good evening world!
I must apologize for the lack of updating, but the last week has been crazy at school. To summarize, we got an assignment, to play the game Sissyfight. When we learned the game, we were supposed to change the game into our own version, by changing the mechanics we changed the dynamics. But first let me explain the term ”MDA”
Mechanics: The particular components of the game, at the level of data representation and algorithms. So, mechanics are the rules and […]

Sissyfight, Mechanics, Dynamics and last but not least, Aesthetics.
Good evening world!
I must apologize for the lack of updating, but the last week has been crazy at school. To summarize, we got an assignment, to play the game Sissyfight. When we learned the game, we were supposed to change the game into our own version, by changing the mechanics we changed the dynamics. But first let me explain the term ”MDA”
Mechanics: The particular components of the game, at the level of data representation and algorithms. So, mechanics are the rules and […]

Relationships and character making!
Good evening readers!
Tonight I finally finished my assignment about the game Space Invaders. What I did was to divide different concrete objects into three ”subcategories” which were:
Objects, properties and behaviors.
For an example, the player craft in the game is an object. The speed which the player craft possesses is a property. Finally, a behavior to this is movement. This is roughly what I did in my assignment, but with all the objects in the entire game. (Of course it is […]

Relationships and character making!
Good evening readers!
Tonight I finally finished my assignment about the game Space Invaders. What I did was to divide different concrete objects into three ”subcategories” which were:
Objects, properties and behaviors.
For an example, the player craft in the game is an object. The speed which the player craft possesses is a property. Finally, a behavior to this is movement. This is roughly what I did in my assignment, but with all the objects in the entire game. (Of course it is […]
Welcome to my blog!
Greetings followers!
My name is Adam Salonen and I am currently a freshman at Uppsala Universitet, Campus Gotland. I am specializing in Game Design and Graphics. Here you will be able to follow my progress and studies and of course I will try to update my blog as frequently as possible.
If you would like to read more about me, please visit:
Happy reading!
Yours sincerely,
Welcome to my blog!
Greetings followers!
My name is Adam Salonen and I am currently a freshman at Uppsala Universitet, Campus Gotland. I am specializing in Game Design and Graphics. Here you will be able to follow my progress and studies and of course I will try to update my blog as frequently as possible.
If you would like to read more about me, please visit:
Happy reading!
Yours sincerely,